Name___________________________________ Period_______

STAAR REVIEW Part 5: Jackson and Western Expansion
The Nullification Crisis
1) During Andrew Jackson’s presidency, Vice President John C. Calhoun spoke out
against the tariff of 1828. He said that if a state thought a federal law was
unconstitutional, the state had a right to ________________________ (cancel) the law.
2) Jackson responded by saying “Our federal ______________________, it must be
3) What state threatened to secede (leave the union) if the Federal Government
tried to enforce the tariff?
Manifest Destiny
1) Many Americans believed the US should
expand to what ocean?
2) This painting to the left represents the
belief in American expansion, what new
technologies do you see? (list 3)
3) Americans believed that they were on a
God-given mission to spread Hint: what is
the Angel holding
The Mexican War
Causes of the Mexican-American War
1) The Annexation of _________________ to
the United States is one of the main
causes of the Mexican War.
2) What river did the United States claim
as the southern border of Texas?
Effects of the Mexican-American War
1) What treaty ended the Mexican
2) The United States paid $15 million
dollars for California, Nevada, Utah,
Arizona, and parts of Colorado and New
Mexico. This land purchase became
known as the _________________
Label the map below of the United States growth.
Watch the following Brainpop video on your iPad: Andrew Jackson and Western
-After watching the video take the QUIZ
-Once you get an 80 or above raise you hand and show your teacher your score.
-The teachers will initial it here ____________JACKSON ___________________ EXPANSION
-If you didn’t get an 80 or above retake the quiz!