facts about states

Which state is the home of
George Washington Carver,
who discovered more than
300 uses for Peanuts?
Which state has the longest
coastline in the U.S., 6,640
miles, greater than that of
all other states combined?
Which state has the most
telescopes in the world, in
Which state has the only
active diamond mine in the
Which state has
“General Sherman”, a 3,500
year old tree, and a stand of
bristlecone pines 4,000
years old- which are the
world’s oldest living things?
Which state has the world’s
largest silver nugget
(1,800 pounds) found in
1894 near Aspen?
In which state was the first
American cookbook
in Hartford, 1796:
American Cookery
Where are the first log
cabins in North America
located, built in 1683 by
Swedish immigrants?
In which state are the U.S.
spacecrafts launched- from
Cape Canaveral?
The Girl Scouts were
founded in Savannah in
1912. Which state was this?
Where is the only royal
palace in the U.S. located?
Where is the longest main
street in America, 33 miles,
in Island Park, located?
Where is the tallest building
in the world,
the Sears Tower
in Chicago, located?
Where is the famous car
race, the Indy 500, held?
Where is the shortest and
steepest railroad in the U.S.,
the Dubuque:60 degree
incline, 296 feet, located?
Where was helium
discovered, in 1905?
Where is the largest
underground cave in the
world located? It is 300 mi.
long, and known as the
Mammoth-Flint Cave
Which state harvests 98%
of the world’s crawfish?
Where is
West Quoddy Head,
the most easterly point in
the U.S., located?
Where was the first
umbrella factory, built in
Baltimore in 1928, located?
Where was the first World
Series, Boston Pilgrims vs.
the Pittsburgh Pirates,
in 1903, held?
Where is the Cereal Bowl of
America, in Battle Creek,
located? It produces the
most cereal in the U.S.
Where is the oldest rock in
the world located? It is 3.8
billion years old and found
in the
Minnesota River Valley.
Where was Coca-Cola first
bottled in 1894, in
Where did Mark Twain’s
characters, Tom Sawyer and
Huckleberry Finn hang out?
Where is
Grasshopper Glacier, named
for the grasshoppers that
can still be seen in the
frozen ice, located?
Where is the only roller
skating museum in the
world, in Lincoln, located?
Which is the driest state?
Rare Devils Hole pup fish
can be found in its
prehistoric lakes.
Where was the first artificial
rain used to fight a forest
fire, in Concord, in 1947?
Where was the first drive-in
movie theater built, in 1933,
near Camden?
In 1976, where was Smokey
the Bear, a cub orphaned by
fire in 1950, buried?
Where was George
Washington’s inauguration
held in 1789?
Where was Virginia Dare,
the first English child in
America, born? (1587)
Where is the geographic
center of North America, in
Pierce County, located?
Where were the first electric
lights, in Cleveland,1914,
Where was the first parking
meter, in Oklahoma City,
1935, installed?
Where can the world’s
smallest park, 452 inches,
be found? It was created in
Portland, on St. Patrick’s
Day, for leprechauns and
snail races.
Where was the first
magazine in America, the
American Magazine, 1741,in
Philadelphia, published?
Where was the start of
poultry as a major American
industry located?
Where can the first tea farm
in the U.S., near
Summerville, be found?
Where is Evans’ Plunge, in
Hot Springs, located? It is
the world’s largest, natural,
indoor warm water pool.
Where is Graceland, the
home and gravesite of
Elvis Presley, located?
Where is NASA, in Houston,
located? It is the
headquarters for all piloted
U.S. space projects.
Where is Rainbow Bridge,
the largest natural stone
bridge in the world, located?
(290 ft. high,
275 ft. across)
Where is the largest
production of maple syrup in
the U.S. located?
Where can the only
full-length statue of George
Washington be found?
Where can the Lunar Rover,
the vehicle used on the
moon be found? Spacecraft
and aircraft are made in
Where are most of the
country’s glass marbles,
near Parkersburg, made?
Where was the first
typewriter, in Milwaukee in
1867, invented?
Where can the Register of
the Desert be found? It is a
huge granite boulder that
has early pioneer names
carved on it.