Six Nutrients -

Six Nutrients
Words to Know!
NUTRITION - is the science that
studies how body makes use of food.
DIET - is everything you eat and drink.
NUTRIENTS - are the substances in
What Food Does for You
It provides energy for daily activity
It gives you raw material
Eating is an enjoyable activity
 Calorie
What is a calorie?
 unit of measure
 energy supplied by
 energy used by the
 physical activity
 normal body
Six Nutrients
 Basic Nutrients Groups For Energy:
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats
 Basic Nutrients Groups For Metabolism:
Vitamins, Minerals, Water
Nutrients Activity
 I DO- I have provided you with important notes and
notes per group
 WE DO- You will work in your groups and take the
needed notes, the presenter will give the main facts
to the entire class
 YOU DO ( NEXT CLASS )- We will come back together
and YOU will then take your personal notes from the
presenters and from the remaining PowerPoint
Each group must have their notebooks out and ONE sheet of paper. On that
paper write your names , your category and who has the following jobs
In groups students assign jobs.
 Reader (reads the information provided),
 Writer (writes the responses to questions),
What is the name of our nutrient?
What does it provide our body with?
Examples of food that have this nutrient
Any important facts to share with class
 Presenter (presents the information),
 Leader (keeps the group on task)
 and Timekeeper (keeps track of allotted time).
January 17,18
What are the basic
Nutrients Groups For
Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy.
40-50% of our daily food energy intake (in
calories) should be carbohydrates, but not just
any carbohydrates.
Sources of Carbohydrates:
- Whole wheat breads
- Rice
- Pasta
- Potatoes
 4 calories per gram
 The body’s main source of energy
 2 types of carbohydrates
 Simple sugars
 Enter blood stream quickly
 Quick source of energy
 Complex starches, fiber, and plant foods
 Enter bloodstream slowly
 Long-lasting energy
Protein is essential for body growth, build and repair cells,
fight infection, and make blood strong.
They provide slow, sustained energy, proteins provide
necessary amino acids that help regulate body function
and structure.
20-30% of our daily food energy intake should be from
Sources of Protein:
- Meats
- Eggs
- Fish
- Nuts
- Beans
4 Calories per gram
20 -30% of daily caloric intake
rebuild, repair, and maintain body
forms muscle, bone, blood, cell
membranes, and hormones.
Fats are another source of energy. Fats may be the least understood
of the nutrient groups.
Monounsaturated fats (from nuts, seeds, olives) and Polyunsaturated
fats (from sunflower, corn, fish and shellfish) are fats that are good
for us. Omega 3 fats (cold water ocean fish, salmon) actually have
been shown to reduce cholesterol. Our fat intake should be about 2030% of our diet.
Sources of Fat:
- Butter
- Cheese
- Eggs
- - Meat
Vitamins help regulate body functions. Your body cannot
produce vitamins; you must obtain them through foods.
Vitamins help the body use food and work properly.
It only takes a tiny amount of these nutrients, but, if missing
from the diet, they can cause giant health problems.
Sources of Vitamins:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole grain breads
Vitamins work in many reactions that regulate body
 All of the B vitamins help us get energy from the foods we
 Vitamin C, vitamin E, act as antioxidants. They prevent
cells from being damaged by oxygen.
 Vitamin A is important for normal vision
 Vitamin D is needed for bone health.
 Vitamin K is important for blood clotting.
Minerals help your body work properly. Like Vitamins, it
only takes a tiny amount of each mineral to avoid
serious health.Minerals build bones, teeth, blood, and
helps the body use energy. Minerals combine in
important ways in the body, like Calcium in our bones.
They also regulate body processes. For example, the
Iron in red blood cells transports oxygen.
Sources of Minerals:
- Milk
- Meats
- Whole grain cereal
Main minerals : Iron and Calcium
 IRON -Involved in transporting oxygen around the
body in the red blood cells. The best source is red
meat e.g. beef and lamb.
 CALCIUM- Bones are composed of several
minerals, the most important being calcium. Vitamin D
works with calcium. Calcium requirements are higher
during teenage years. In milk, cheese and yogurt, (low
fat varieties have the same amount). Smaller amounts
are found in white bread, nuts, green leafy vegetables
and tinned fish.
Water is essential to our body because it
carries nutrients. Nothing else works
like water to clean your system, control
your weight, digestion, energy,
alertness. Nothing on this PowerPoint
can work if you're not getting enough
pure water.
Recommendation 6 – 8 oz. glasses per day
 Water transports other nutrients to cells, carries
wastes away, aids digestion and more. It makes up
more than half your weight.
 The human body is made up of over 70% water. Our
blood is more than 80%‚ our brain... over 75%‚ and the
human liver is an amazing 96% water!
 Works to keep muscles and skin toned
 Aids in weight loss
 Transports oxygen & nutrients to cells
 Eliminates toxins & waste from the body
 Regulates body temperature
How Much Should You Eat?
It depends on three factors:
- Gender
- Activity level
- Age
Fill out your Nutrition
When finished turn in by the printer,
study your nutrition notes
Exit Slip
 How many calories are in 1 gram of carb, protein, and
 How much water is recommended daily?
 What is the function of vitamins and minerals?
 Which type is better?
 Simple or complex carbohydrates
1. Carbohydrates 1 gm = 4 Cal
 Proteins1 gm = 4 Cal
 Fat1 gm = 9 Cal
2. 6 – 8 oz. glasses per day
3.Both assist in working on body reactions, body
processes and metabolism.
 - Carbohydrates (nutrient that gives us high amounts
of quick energy)
 - Fats (nutrient that gives us stored energy)
 - Proteins (nutrient that builds muscle and bones)
 - Vitamins (nutrient that helps regulate body processes)
 - Minerals (nutrient essential to growth and
 - Water (essential for digestion, respiration, carrying
nutrients and oxygen)