


These rulers believed in holding all power. They also believed in divine right.

Absolute Rulers

The Divine Right theory holds that leaders receive the right to rule from


This queen of England sponsored explorations and increased trade with other nations. When Spain threatened to invade and establish England as a Catholic nation once and for all, she defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, thereby securing

Britain as the world ’ s greatest naval power.

Elizabeth I

He became a powerful ruler, who had total control of France. He was determined to never let nobles challenge him.

Louis XIV

What is the nickname for Louis


The Sun King

What was the name of the palace of the Sun King?

The Palace of Versailles

This Czar began an intense program of trying to Westernize


Peter the Great

How tall was Peter the Great?

6 ’ 8 ”

#129 During his “ Bad

Period ” he used secret police (Oprichnina) to hunt down enemy nobles

(Boyars) and kill them

. a) Frederick the Great b) Peter the Great c) Oliver Cromwell d) Ivan the terrible

Between 1642 and 1649, a civil war broke out in this country between the supporters of king Charles I and the supporters of Parliament


Those who were loyal to the king were known as

Royalists (Cavaliers)

Those who were in favor of

Parliament were known as


Who was the leader of the

Roundheads during the English

Civil War?

Oliver Cromwell

The English Civil War was a religious war as well. What were the two faiths involved?

Catholicism vs. Protestantism

Who won the English Civil War?

Parliament and the Roundheads

What happened to Charles I after the war?

He was tried for treason, found guilty and given a death sentence

(he was beheaded).

Cromwell soon took control of

England and ruled as a


Oliver Cromwell ruled with an iron fist. As he got older he decided that he wanted his son to take over.

However, not long after his death, the people removed his son from power and asked Charles I brother to come and rule. This was known as the


Charles I brother would be known as

Charles II

What was the faith of Charles



Charles II did not have any children.

When he died, his brother James took over as king. The majority of people in England were protestant and were tired of being ruled by

Catholics. Who did they invite to come in and take over?

William and Mary

Parliament made William and Mary agree to be a limited monarchy before they became king and queen. They had to cede considerable power to the

Parliament and provide increased rights for the

English citizens. A document was signed by the new monarchy and Parliament in 1689, it would serve as a basis for the United States Bill of Rights and the wave of constitutional limitations on power that has swept the world ever since. What was it known as?

The English Bill of Rights

What was this whole event known as?

The Glorious Revolution

The Glorious Revolution was one revolution in which no blood was shed.

Therefore, it also became known as this

The Bloodless Revolution

After the signing of the English

Bill of Rights, England became a

Constitutional Monarchy

#131. The

English Civil War was fought between… a) Loyalists and

Patriots b) Peasants and

Nobles c) Royalists and

Roundheads d) Protestants and


138. What is the name of the theory that was used to justify absolute rule in Europe?

a) Pragmatic Sanction b) Balance of Power c) Divine Right d) Regiment of Giants

#132. Who was the leader of the

Roundheads during the English Civil


a) Charles I b) Henry VIII c) Parliament d) Oliver Cromwell

#133. William and Mary were required to accept the _____________ before taking the throne.

a) Levelers b) English Bill of Rights c) Glorious Revolution d) Long Parliament

______ 134. The bloodless overthrow of the English


a) The Glorious Revolution b) The French Revolution c) The English Civil War d) The Tennis Court Oath

135. After the signing of the English Bill of

Rights, England became a… a) Democracy.

b) Constitutional monarchy.

c) Absolute monarchy.

d) Republic.
