Course Information and Class Policy Agreement Academic Year: 2013 - 2014 World Languages Department Sr. Pazo – Phone: (703)352 09 25 extension 540 Spanish 3 Please read the information below, sign and detach the bottom portion of paper, and return it signed to me. A.- Required Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. One ( 1 ) composition book One ( 1 ) ring binder for handouts One ( 1 ) pencil and one ( 1 ) pen Textbook and Workbook “Realidades 3”. Prentice Hall. Pearson B.- Course Goals: . To develop proficiency in the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish. . To gain knowledge about geographic, history, culture, and daily activities of different Hispanic countries. . To increase vocabulary in Spanish using discussion, videos, and lectures. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Your success in this course will depend upon several things: 1. Attendance: It is extremely important in a foreign language course that students are in class on time every day. We spend much of the class time using the language, so absences always affect the performance and, consequently, the grades of students. In case of extended absences, I will make every effort to help you catch-up 2.- Organization: Please purchase one composition notebook. Organization is a key element of success. I return quizzes and chapter test promptly, for corrections and review. Bring your notebook, folder, textbook, and workbook to class daily. You will use most, if not all, of these every day so you need to have them always available. I will not allow you to go to your locker to get your things, so come to class prepared every day. 3.- Risk taking and class participation: It is important that you begin to take risks using Spanish. You need to overcome your natural bashfulness and use the vocabulary you have learned without worrying about making mistakes, especially in speaking. This is how you will achieve better fluency. Also, each student must be prepared for class daily in order to master lesson of the day. Adequate time should be spent on homework for reinforcement of that day’s lesson. It is imperative that the student be prepared every day as each day’s lesson builds upon what was learned the day before. C.- Grading Policy: I believe that everyone can be successful and I will help you succeed. The grade you will receive each quarter is composed of four categories: class participation ( including attendance ), quizzes, chapter test and homework. 1.- Participation and use of the language (15% ): If you actively participate, raise your hand, take risks, ask questions, participate fully in group activities, and use the Spanish language to communicate your ideas, you will receive the highest grade in this field. Also oral presentations are an essential part of this rubric. 2.- Quizzes ( 35% ): There will be at least one quiz weekly, sometimes more. Quizzes may be unannounced. Missed quizzes should be made up the next day. 3.- Tests ( 35% ): There will be at least three test each quarter. These tests will be announced with plenty of time, so that students can be prepared. 4.- Homework ( 15% ): You will receive a daily homework assignment. Spot-checking of homework will occur each day. Complete homework will receive a grade of 93%. If a student prefers to attempt to achieve a 100%, the teacher will grade the homework, based on the answers, but the student must accept whatever grade he/she receives, even if the result is less than a 93%. No partial credit for incomplete or late homework will be given. Missed homework due to illness is due the day immediately after the student returns. * NOTE: 1.- For all absences, the student is responsible for obtaining their missed assignments, test, quizzes, etc. in order to receive credit. Mitigating circumstances as illness or death in the family will receive special consideration at the department discretion. 2.- Make-Up Test/ Quizzes: If you miss a test or quiz on account of an excused absence, you will have three (3) days upon return to school to make up the missed test or quiz. It is your responsibility to inquire about missed work and to set up an appointment with the teacher (right before or after school hours) to make up the missed test or quiz. The above mentioned areas of evaluation (1, 2, 3 and 4) will be averaged to arrive at a percentage. The percentage will then equate into a letter grade corresponding to the Paul VI Catholic High School grading scale. This grade will be the quarter grade. The semester grade will be computed as outlined in the Student Handbook. __________________________________________________________________________________ Course Information and Class Policy Agreement Academic Year: 2013 - 2014 Sr. Pazo – Phone: (703)352 09 25 extension 540 Spanish 3 We have read the class information and policies and agree to these terms. Parent’s name: ___________________________________________ Parent’s signature: ___________________________________________ Date: Student’s name: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Student’s signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________