DNA replication and repair - Lecture 3 Jim Borowiec September 28, 2006 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Overview of DNA replication Telomere Centromere Telomere DNA chromosome Origin of DNA replication Specialized elements termed 'origins of DNA replication’ occur many times on a chromosome Initiation of DNA replication from origin of replication generates structures termed 'DNA replication bubbles' End replication problem 3’ 5’ DNA replication (from internal regions of the chromosome) by leading strand synthesis 3’ 5’ 3’ + 5’ by lagging strand synthesis RNA primer iDNA Processing loss of DNA 3’ DNA 5’ replication 3’ 5’ After multiple rounds of DNA replication, genetic information will be lost Replication of telomeres •Telomeres contain many copies of a specific DNA repeat •Involves special RNA-containing polymerase called telomerase (TTAGGG)nTTAGGGTTAGGG-3’ (AATCCC)nAATCCC-5’ CCAAUCCC Telomerase 5’ RNA template (TTAGGG)nTTAGGGTTAGGGTTAGGG-3’ (AATCCC)nAATCCC CCAAUCCC 5’ •Telomerase adds one or more copies of the TTAGGG repeat, preventing DNA loss Telomerase needed for cell immortalization Most somatic cells do not have telomerase activity Telomere length Germ line cells Somatic cells ‘Hayflick limit’ p53 mutation Telomerase activation Widespread cell death Senescence Telomere stabilization Crisis Cell Divisions Mechanisms to repair damaged DNA or mispaired DNA Usually involves synthesis of portions of only one DNA strand Involves synthesis of 1 to >1000 nt depending on type of repair reaction Types of DNA damage 1. Spontaneous A. Base deamination (ex: cytosine is converted to uracil at a rate of ~100 bases per human cell per day) B. Loss of bases - depurination and depyrimidation (~5000 purines are lost per human cell per day) C. Oxidative damage to bases (life span of an organism is inversely correlated with metabolic rate/DNA oxidation) 2. Environmental damage A. Radiation (ionizing and ultraviolet) B. Chemical agents (e.g., benzo[a]pyrene) Surveillance •For all types of DNA damage •Surveillance factors with different recognition specificities continually scanning the DNA for damage or mispairs •Upon finding a damage or mistakes, surveillance factors recruit other repair factors Signal to recruit additional repair factors Deamination of cytidine to uridine (spontaneous) NH 2 H N O O NH 4 + H HN H N H 2O O H N sugar-phosphate backbone sugar-phosphate backbone Cytidine Uridine Uridine in DNA repaired by Base Excision Repair (BER) NH 2 H N O O NH 4 + H HN H N H 2O O H N sugar-phosphate backbone sugar-phosphate backbone Cytidine Uridine Recognized by DNA glycosylase MANY DNA GLYCOSYLASES EXIST DIFFER IN SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY GENERALLY RECOGNIZE MONO-ADDUCT DAMAGE Uridine in DNA repaired by Base Excision Repair (BER) NH 2 H N O O NH 4 + H HN H N H O H 2O sugar-phosphate backbone N sugar-phosphate backbone Cytidine Uridine H 2O Uracil-DNA glycosylase OH sugar-phosphate backbone AP site O + H HN O H N H Free uracil Thymine Dimer - a common DNA lesion Nucleotide excision repair - Part I (bacteria) Nucleotide excision repair - Part II (bacteria) (uvrD) Human nucleotide excision repair (NER) •Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) - an inherited disease in which patients show an extreme sensitivity to sunlight •XP is a result of mutation of various genes involved in NER Xeroderma Pigmentosum Society, Inc. Camp Sundown for XP children Qu ic kTi me™ a nd a TIFF (U nc omp res se d) de co mpre ss or are n ee de d to se e thi s p i cture . Quic kTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompress ed) dec ompres sor are needed to s ee this pic ture. The program schedule is 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. to maximize night time hours for play and minimize need for protective arrangements. Mismatch repair Primary source of DNA alterations arising during normal DNA metabolism is mispairing of bases during DNA synthesis In eukaryotes, deamination of 5-methyl cytosine generates a thymine (and a T:G base pair) and is corrected by mismatch repair Examples: A C G A T T Question: Bases are not damaged, only incorrectly paired. How does the mismatch repair machinery determine which is the correct base and which is the incorrect base? Determination of new strand (bacteria) A T CH3 CH3 GATC CTAG CH3 CH3 DNA replication New strand A T CH3 + A T CH3 New strand Re-methylation (slow) A T CH3 CH3 + A T CH3 CH3 Mismatch repair (bacteria) A T CH3 DNA G CH3 replication T CH3 Mismatch Recognition mutS G T mutH Binding of mismatch factors mutL G T CH3 CH3 Translocation of mutL and mutH to G hemimethylated site T CH3 Mismatch repair (bacteria) G T CH3 Nick Nicking of G non-methylated (new) strand by mutH T CH3 Exonuclease digestion T CH3 DNA synthesis by DNA Pol, SSB & ligation A T CH3 CH3 Re-methylation A T CH3 Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) •HNPCC is a hereditary cancer syndrome with individuals having increased incidence of colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial tumors •Caused by defects in human mismatch repair genes that are homologous to bacterial mismatch repair genes - Defects in hMSH2 (human mutS homolog) account for ~60% of HNPCC cases - Defects in hMLH1 (human mutL homolog) account for ~30% of HNPCC cases •Cells from HNPCC patients are 100-fold more mutable than normal patients Reduction in error rate Base pairing can lead to error frequency of ~10-1 -10-2 (i.e., errors per nucleotide incorporated) DNA polymerase actions (polymerase specificity and 3’ --> 5’ proofreading) can lead to error frequency of ~10-5-10-6 Accessory proteins (e.g., SSBs) can lead to error frequency of ~10-7 Post replicative mismatch repair can lead to error frequency of ~10-10 Involvement of ATM and p53 in the cellular checkpoint response G2/M (ATM, p53) Ionizing radiation M G2 G1 S S phaseSevere damage (ATM, ATR, ...) Apoptosis G1/S (ATM, p53) Ataxia Telangiectasia (AT) AT is a genetic disorder with a incidence of 1 per 40,000 births Approx. 10% of individuals with AT develop neoplasms, such as Hodgkin’s disease, with most of these occurring with people less than 20 years of age The overall cancer incidence in homozygotes is ~100-fold increased. AT individuals have defects in gene encoding the checkpoint kinase ATM The tumor suppressor p53 •The 'guardian of the genome’ •The most frequently mutated gene in cancer •Functions as a sequence-specific transcription factor regulating a large number of genes •Responsive to a wide array of signals that stress the cell including: DNA damage hypoxia hyperproliferative signals emanating from oncogenes p53-dependent apoptosis suppresses tumor growth Choroid plexus epithelium Van Dyke, 1994 p53 status is a determinant of tumor response to therapy + adriamycin p53 -/- + adriamycin ) tumor volume (cm3) p53 +/+ Lowe, Science 266:807, 1994 Pathway of Carcinogenesis DNA replication Non-repaired mismatch Cancer Non-critical gene or non-coding sequence Little or no effect on cell viability Essential region of essential gene Cell death through apoptosis Gene involved in growth stimulation or tumor suppression Potential for unregulated cell growth Additional mutations (genomic instability) Pathway of Carcinogenesis (colorectal cells) (tumor suppressor) (protooncogene) APC PTGS2 Mutation of: Normal cell Early Adenoma (protooncogene) Ras (tumor suppressor) (tumor suppressor) p53 18q LOH Late Adenoma Carcinoma