The Cold War

Unit 9: The
Cold War
Origins of the Cold War
• The Cold War lasted from the end of WWII
(1945) until the collapse of the Soviet Union
• The United States and the Soviet Union
represented different fundamental values.
– The U.S. represented democracy and a free
market system.
– The Soviet Union was a totalitarian government
with a communist (socialist) economic system.
• The Truman Doctrine of “containment of
communism” was a principle of foreign policy
throughout the Cold War.
• Its goal was to keep communism from
spreading and into other countries.
• The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
was formed as a defensive alliance among the
United States and western European
• Soviet Allies in Eastern Europe formed the
Warsaw Pact .
• The threat of nuclear war was
ever present throughout the
Cold War
• America, under President
Eisenhower, adopted a policy
of “massive retaliation” to
deter any nuclear strike by the
From Actual War to Cold War
Butter Battle Book
• How did this story end?
– Yooks (blue) v Zooks (red)
– Illustration and explanation.
Do Now: 4/10
• 1. What was the major reason for the Cold
• 2. What was the purpose of the Truman
• 3. All of the following Presidents were in office
during the Cold War EXCEPT:
– A. Harry Truman
– B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
– C. Ronald Reagan
– D. Franklin Roosevelt
Hot Spots in a Cold War
The Korean War
• Goal was containment of communism.
• After communist North Korea invaded South
Korea, American military forces led a
• Communist Chinese forces came into the war
on the side of North Korea and the war
eventually ended in a stalemate.
Korean War
The Vietnam War
• Again,
containment of communism.
• The communist government of
North Vietnam attempted to
force a communist government
in South Vietnam.
• The United States help South
Vietnam resist.
• The American military buildup in Vietnam
began under President John Kennedy
• After Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, the
buildup was intensified under President
Lyndon Johnson.
• America became bitterly divided over the
issue. While there was support for the
American military others opposed the war,
especially on college campuses.
• Then, President Nixon was
elected on a pledge to
bring the war to an
honorable end.
• He instituted a policy of
troops and replacing them
with South Vietnamese
• Ultimately “Vietnamization”
• President Nixon was forced
out of office by the
Watergate Scandal.
• In 1975, North and South
Vietnam were merged
under communist control.
• Unlike veterans of WWII, Vietnam veterans
returned to face indifference or outright
hostility from society.
• It was not until several years after that
Vietnam veterans were recognized.
Vietnam Clip
• Forrest Gump! 
• Cuba was also a site of Cold
War confrontation.
• Many Cubans fled to Florida
and later attempted to invade
Cuba and overthrow Castro.
This “Bay of Pigs” invasion
• In 1962, the Soviet Union stationed missiles in
Cuba, instigating the Cuban Missile Crisis.
President Kennedy ordered the Soviets to
remove their missiles, and for 13 days the
world was on the brink of nuclear war.
• Eventually, the Soviet leadership removed
their missiles.
Cuban Missile Crisis
• Create a Three flap foldable detailing the
Three Hot Spots in The Cold War
• Also, Complete the Matching Sheet. Glue to
the back of your foldable.
Do Now: 4-12
• 1. What are the three hot spots during the
Cold War?
• 2. How did the Korean and Vietnam war end?
Where in the world are they located?
• 3. Why didn’t Vietnamization work?
• 4. Put these in order:
– A. Vietnamization began B. Nixon elected
– C. South Vietnam fell
D. Students protest war
Impact of the Cold War at Home
• During this time, American schools regularly
held drills to train children what to do in case
of a nuclear attack (duck and cover)
• American citizens were urged by the
government to build bomb shelters in their
own basements.
• The convictions of
Alger Hiss and Julius
and Ethel Rosenberg
for spying for the
increased domestic
fears of communism.
• Senator Joseph McCarthy played on fears of
communism by accusing many Americans of
being communists.
• This led to the coining of the term
McCarthyism – the making of false
accusations based on rumor or guilt by
• The heavy military spending led to a huge
military presence in VA; especially in
Hampton Roads and N. VA.
• Duck and Cover!
• Create your own Fall Out shelter. See
worksheet for details.