Spanish Change Over Time (short version) – Strategic Activity in Reading Levels A-C/1–3 (C = patterned) EMERGENT Early behaviors (point to words with 1:1 match w crisp pointing, left to right, return sweep, recognize a few HFWs) ‘Sit like a reader’ & other routines Use meaning (pictures) & oral language patterns to read Monitor for meaning-“escucharte a ti Levels C–D/3-6 (C = not patterned) UPPER EMERGENT mismo”; “asegúrate de que lo que dices tiene sentido” Use known words as ‘anchors;’ di las palabras que sabes; la palabra a que se apunta el dedo es la palabra que se dice (“Cuando tu dedo toca me, la boca tiene que decir me.”) Monitor, cross-check, & SC with some visual information -- 1:1, known words, & 1st letter toward the end of lev 2 Initiate attempts – try something Keep eyes on text or picture (not teacher, ceiling, other children) Get the gist of what is read & retell Give opinions & reactions to comments of others Stop at end punctuation -- . ? ! Di la palabra despacito (DD) estrechado [Say it Slowly (SS)] Revisa la palabra despacito (D√) a ver si se ve bien [Slow check (S√)] Di la palabra despacito mientras escribes (DDME) [Say it Slowly While you Write (SSWW)] 25 HFWs by end of lev 3– read & write Learning to match voice with text and make sense Caution: Don’t stay too low for too long Maintain 1:1 match without pointing; use known words as anchors Monitor for meaning always & reread when meaning is lost Integrate & cross check meaning & structure with some visual information always -- known words, 1st letter, 1st syllable (ga, chi), endings (verb, gender agreement, plurals) Look carefully before speaking Reread after ‘tolds’ to regain meaning Start blending syllables – ca-rro (STOP segmenting syllables) Glance at picture while turning page; then keep eyes on text (start at lev 5) Read punctuation . ¡! ¿? – cambia la voz Initiate attempts consistently Use syllables to solve simple CVCV words Retell the basics Read tags as a phrase –dijo Osito Marcos Compare books by the same author or on the same theme Give opinions & reactions to comments of others Di la palabra despacito (DD) escuchar los sonidos/silabas para escribir (consistently w/o prompting) [Say it Slowly (SS)] Revisa la palabra despacito (D√) para confirmar [Slow check (S√)] Di la palabra despacito mientras escribes (DDME) (consistently without prompting) [Say it Slowly While you Write (SSWW)] 40 HFWs by end of lev 6 – read & write Recognizing something known within a word Caution: Don’t teach too much, too soon DPS Early Language and Literacy Certificate Program, July 2014 Levels E-G/8-12 EARLY Monitor for meaning always & reread when meaning is lost Reread to problem-solve or confirm meaning Reread after ‘tolds’ or hard work on a word to regain meaning Glance at picture while turning page; then keep eyes on text Notice & use syllables/parts in words while attending to meaning & structure Confirm a word by ‘slow checking’ (Revisa la palabra despacito (D√)) if unsure of attempt Begin to read short passages silently (at lev 12) Self-correction attempts increase Make inferences Make connections/comparisons between authors, characters, themes, plots Sound somewhat more fluent on 1st reading (don’t push too hard) Read all punctuation . , ¿? ¡! -bold print, italics Give opinions & reactions to comments of others 75 HFWs/exemplar words by end meaning, structure & visual searching Chunk longer multisyllabic words (mari-posa) Increase stamina with longer texts Become fluent with tricky syllables – (ce/ci, ge/gi, que/qui, gue/gui, güe, güi) embedded in longer words “Trata otra sonido (para la c, g).” Less rereading needed after word solving Make multiple attempts at difficulty Use prefixes, suffixes & word families for solving & meaning Use context clues to get meaning of new words Read silently much of the time Interpret illustrations in informational text Sound somewhat fluent & phrased on 1st reading Summarize, synthesize, analyze, compare & contrast 100+ HFWs/exemplar words by end of lev 28 of lev 12 –read & write Searching for some syllables/parts while attending to meaning -- partial solving Caution: Don’t overtax the system with too much work; delicate phase Levels H-M/14 – 28 TRANSITIONAL Routine integration of Taking ownership for solving new & longer words; hold meaning while word-solving Spanish Change Over Time (short version) – Strategic Activity in Writing about Reading for GRP Levels A-C/1–3 (C = patterned) EMERGENT Monitor for meaning – “Lee de nuevo para pensar en la siguiente palabra y asegurarse que tiene sentido el mensaje.” Leave space between words Incorporate vocabulary & language structures from text – compose simple sentences with nouns and verbs, adding prepositional phrases along the way Rehearse messages before writing & ‘hold’ a brief, child-designed independent message in memory with assistance Use personal ABC chart Use practice page (PP) -- for practicing letter formation, learning & practicing HFWs, working with sound boxes, making attempts to see if a word looks right Clap to learn to hear syllables Di la palabra despacito (DD) estrechado [Say it Slowly (SS)] Revisa la palabra despacito (D√) a ver si se ve bien [Slow check (S√)] Di la palabra despacito mientras escribes (DDME) matching voice to Levels C–D/3-6 (C = not patterned) UPPER EMERGENT Slowly While you Write (SSWW)] Edit for capital letters and basic punctuation after writing with prompting Monitor for meaning “Lee de nuevo para pensar en la siguiente palabra y asegurarse que tiene sentido el mensaje.” (beginning to initiate w/o prompting) Leave space between words Incorporate vocabulary & language structures from text into writing about the text – sentences with nouns, verbs, prepositions, & conjunctions Understand concept of writing to a prompt Rehearse responses & practice holding independent messages in memory Use personal ABC chart Use practice page (PP) -- for practicing letters, learning & practicing HFWs, working with sound or letter boxes (not both), making several attempts to see which way looks right [Move to letter boxes when all vowels are able to be recorded correctly & sequentially, & many consonants are recorded correctly. Once moving to letter boxes, don’t return to sound boxes –very confusing for children] Clap syllables to help hear them Di la palabra despacito (DD) – escuchar los sonidos/silabas para escribir consistently w/o prompting, smooth & blended [Say it Slowly (SS)] Di la palabra despacito mientras escribes (DDME) matching voice to letters as they write consistently without prompting [Say it Slowly While the letters as they are written [Say it Levels E-G/8-12 EARLY you Write (SSWW)] Revisa la palabra despacito (D√) para confirmar [Slow check (S√)] Edit (for caps . ¿? ¡! ) after writing with prompting DPS Early Language and Literacy Certificate Program, July 2014 Monitor for meaning by initiating rereading consistently Leave space between words w/o prompting & w/o a spacer Incorporate vocabulary & language structures from text Compose 2-3 sentences in response to a prompt (after thorough discussion) DD (SS) & listen for syllables you can hear Learn that words have to LOOK right as well as sound right [moving from only sounding out (ase for hace) to thinking how words LOOK] Hold the general message in memory while writing Use practice page (PP) -- learning & practicing HFWs, working with letter boxes to hear & record syllables, making several attempts to see which way looks right, using known parts (ce, qui, ge, gui, etc.) Begin to initiate the use of analogies to problem-solve words [ex. child wants to write mariquita – “Di mariquita despacito. ¿Sabes una palabra que tiene la parte ‘qui’ que escuchas? Sí, sabes aquí (an exemplar word). Usa una parte de aquí para ayudarte con mariquita. ¿Se ve bien?” Edit after writing with minimal prompting (caps . , ? ! “ ”) Levels H-M/14 – 28 TRANSITIONAL Monitor for meaning, language structure & visual information (correct spelling) consistently – continually rereading the piece ‘so far’ Incorporate vocab & language structures from text Compose a rich, appropriate response to a prompt (after thorough discussion) Knows that words have to look right & takes responsibility Initiate attempts on practice page (PP) to solve tricky words w/o prompting: ~ DD y escribe la palabra en silabas (partes); revisa a ver si se ve bien ~DD y escribe la palabra de diferentes maneras a ver cuál se ve bien ~ usa ‘analogía con una palabra ejemplar’-i.e. thinks of a known word with a part that sounds like the tricky part to help make it look right (ex. wants to write inundación so thinks of the exemplar word nación to help with the -ción part) [Can check word in text AFTER trying several ways to help self] Edit for punctuation, spelling, & structures after writing (w/o prompting)