
The Hebrews in Egypt (1:1-12:36)
The tribes of Israel identified (1:1-7)
Pharaoh (King of Egypt) who knew not Joseph
Growth of Hebrew population (1:9-10)
Harsh treatment of Hebrew slaves in Egypt (1:1114)
Plan to destroy the Hebrews (1:15-22)
• Preparation for deliverance of Hebrew
slaves (2:1-4:31)
• Acts 7:20-50 Account in Stephen’s
preaching showing again the importance
of preaching the Old Testament!
• Moses born and saved from destruction
Moses In Egypt
• Born at a difficult time. All the newborn
males were to be killed by casting them into
the river.
• Spared by his mother. Placed him in a
basket and he is found by the daughter of
• She gets his mother to nurse him and care
for him. He grows up learning all the ways of
the Egyptians as well as learning the ways of
the Israelites.
Moses In Egypt
• He sees an Egyptian mistreating an
Israelites and kills him.
• Later he finds two Hebrews fighting and
intervenes and they ask him if he would kill
them as he killed the Egyptian. He
realizes that his treatment of the Egyptian
is known and he leaves Egypt.
Moses And Egypt
• He is trained as a prince in the ways of the
Egyptians. As the son of the daughter of
Pharaoh it is likely he would have royal
Moses And Egypt
• Heb 11:23-27- By faith Moses, when he was born,
was hid three months of his parents, because they
saw he was a proper child; and they were not
afraid of the king's commandment. By faith
Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be
called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing
rather to suffer affliction with the people of God,
than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches
than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect
unto the recompence of the reward. By faith he
forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for
he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. Acts
Pharaoh's Of The
The Date of the Exodus: 1440 BC
Pharaoh who killed Hebrew children: Amuntotep
I: 1526-1505 BC
Pharaoh's Daughter who adopted Moses:
Hatshepsut: 1520 BC
Pharaoh of Moses' flight to Midian: Thutmoses
II/Hatshepsut: 1492-1479 BC
Pharaoh's Of The
Pharaoh of the Exodus: Thutmoses III: 1479/1458 - 1425 BC
Thutmoses III was Pharaoh in 1440 BC for a total of 54 years.
(1479-1425). But there were three distinct phases to his rule.
Thutmoses III: (1479-1425) (1479-1458) First was when he
was a baby and his step-mother Hatshepsut ruled as coregent for 21 years . (1458-1440) Second, after Hatshepsut
died he ruled as Pharaoh for 18 years until the exodus .
(1440-1425) Third, he ruled another 15 years after the
exodus. "Ok, I'll let em go now..."
Thutmoses III
Benchmark Passage On Date
Of Exodus
• 1 Kings 6:1
• "And it came to pass in the four hundred
and eightieth year after the children of
Israel were come out of the land of Egypt,
in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over
Israel, in the month Zif, which is the
second month, that he began to build the
house of the LORD."
Benchmark Passage On Date
Of Exodus
• The 4th year of Solomon's reign is known to be
480 years after the Israelites came out of Egypt!
This gives us a benchmark. Let's do the math. If
the 4th year of Solomon's reign is estimated by
historians to be 968 b.c., give or take a year, then
we can add 480 years to 968 b.c. and it brings us
to the year 1448 b.c. And, amazingly, this is the
year of the Exodus according to the International
Standard BibEncyclopedia. (They round it to 1450
b.c.) We know there has to be a dead Pharaoh at
this time and a dead firstborn for it to fit the Bible.
Are there? Yes, Tutmoses IV and Tutenkamule n
Biblical Identification
• If Moses was 80 years old when he led Israel out
of Egypt, and the Bible says that he was, we can
add 80 to 1450 and it brings Moses birth to around
1530 b.c. This was at the beginning of the reign of
the cruel Thutmose I. This might explain why baby
Aaron, born 3 years earlier at the end of
Amenhotep I was not threatened. Aaron's birth fell
at the end of one Pharaoh and Moses' birth fell at
the beginning of the next Pharaoh who was not so
nice. That makes sense that Thutmose I decreed
the death of the infants. He had a cruel nature.
Biblical Identification
• It is said that He hung the decapitated head of a
Nubian king on the prow of his barge. And, as far
as motivation, he had a great fear that the
Israelites were about to overrun the country. They
were increasing faster than the Egyptians. Exodus
1:8 and 9.
• Moses mother (Hatshepsut- Nerfure)- Co-Pharaoh
of Egypt.
• Moses’ Egyptian name (Senmut).
• Thutmoses III (Napoleon of Egypt) Pharaoh at
time of Moses fleeing Egypt.
• Thutmoses IV Pharaoh at time of Plagues.
God Calls Moses
• Ex 3:1-3-Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro
his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he
led the flock to the backside of the desert,
and came to the mountain of God, even to
Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared
unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of
a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush
burned with fire, and the bush was not
consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn
aside, and see this great sight, why the bush
is not burnt.
God Calls Moses
• Ex 3:4-6- And when the Lord saw that he
turned aside to see, God called unto him out
of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses,
Moses. And he said, Here am I. And he said,
Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from
off thy feet, for the place whereon thou
standest is holy ground. Moreover he said, I
am the God of thy father, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was
afraid to look upon God.
• Ex 3:7-11- And the Lord said, I have surely
seen the affliction of my people which are in
Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of
their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
And I am come down to deliver them out of
the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them
up out of that land unto a good land and a
large, unto a land flowing with milk and
honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and
the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the
Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
• Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children
of Israel is come unto me: and I have also
seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians
oppress them. Come now therefore, and I will
send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest
bring forth my people the children of Israel
out of Egypt. And Moses said unto God,
Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and
that I should bring forth the children of Israel
out of Egypt?
• Ex 3:12-16- And he said, Certainly I will be with
thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I
have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the
people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this
mountain. And Moses said unto God, Behold,
when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall
say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent
me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his
name? what shall I say unto them? And God said
unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus
shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath
sent me unto you.
• And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus
shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The
Lord God of your fathers, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my
name for ever, and this is my memorial unto
all generations. Go, and gather the elders of
Israel together, and say unto them, The Lord
God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of
Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me,
saying, I have surely visited you, and seen
that which is done to you in Egypt:
• Ex 3:17-22- And I have said, I will bring you up
out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the
Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites,
and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the
Jebusites, unto a land flowing with milk and honey.
And they shall hearken to thy voice: and thou shalt
come, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king
of Egypt, and ye shall say unto him, The Lord God
of the Hebrews hath met with us: and now let us
go, we beseech thee, three days' journey into the
wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our
• And I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you
go, no, not by a mighty hand. And I will stretch
out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders
which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that
he will let you go. And I will give this people
favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall
come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go
empty: But every woman shall borrow of her
neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her house,
jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:
and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon
your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.
Moses Makes Excuses
• Ex 4:1-9- And Moses answered and said, But, behold,
they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice:
for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto
thee. And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine
hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the
ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a
serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the Lord
said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by
the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it
became a rod in his hand: That they may believe that
the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared
unto thee. And the Lord said furthermore unto him,
Put now thine hand into thy bosom.
Moses Makes Excuses
• And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took
it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. And he
said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put
his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of
his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his
other flesh. And it shall come to pass, if they will not
believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first
sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also
these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that
thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it
upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest out
of the river shall become blood upon the dry land.
More Excuses
• Ex 4:10-16- And Moses said unto the Lord,
O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither
heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto
thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a
slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him,
Who hath made man's mouth? or who
maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or
the blind? have not I the Lord? Now
therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and
teach thee what thou shalt say. And he said,
O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of
him whom thou wilt send.
More Excuses
• And the anger of the Lord was kindled against
Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy
brother? I know that he can speak well. And also,
behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when
he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart. And
thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his
mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his
mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do. And
he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and
he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a
mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God.
Moses Sent
• Ex 4:17-21 And thou shalt take this rod in
thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs.
• 18 And Moses went and returned to Jethro
his father in law, and said unto him, Let me
go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren
which are in Egypt, and see whether they be
yet alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in
• 19 And the Lord said unto Moses in Midian,
Go, return into Egypt: for all the men are
dead which sought thy life.
Moses Sent
• 20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and
set them upon an ass, and he returned to the
land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God
in his hand.
• 21 And the Lord said unto Moses, When thou
goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all
those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have
put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart,
that he shall not let the people go.
Moses Told What Would
• Ex 4:22-31- And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus
saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:
And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve
me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay
thy son, even thy firstborn. And it came to pass by the
way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill
him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off
the foreskin of her son ( Eliazer who would have been
about 10 days old), and cast it at his feet, and said,
Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let
him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art,
because of the circumcision. And the Lord said to
Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses.
Moses Told What Would
• And he went, and met him in the mount of God,
and kissed him. And Moses told Aaron all the
words of the Lord who had sent him, and all the
signs which he had commanded him. And Moses
and Aaron went and gathered together all the
elders of the children of Israel: And Aaron spake
all the words which the Lord had spoken unto
Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the
people. And the people believed: and when they
heard that the Lord had visited the children of
Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction,
then they bowed their heads and worshipped.
Moses & Aaron Confront
• Ex 5:1-4- And afterward Moses and Aaron went in,
and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel,
Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me
in the wilderness. And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord,
that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not
the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. And they said, The
God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, we
pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and
sacrifice unto the Lord our God; lest he fall upon us
with pestilence, or with the sword. And the king of
Egypt said unto them, Wherefore do ye, Moses and
Aaron, let the people from their works? get you unto
your burdens.
God & Pharaoh
In the case of Pharaoh, “God hardened Pharaoh’s
heart” in the sense that God provided the
circumstances and the occasion for Pharaoh to be
forced to make a decision. God sent Moses to place
His demands before Pharaoh. Moses merely
announced God’s instructions. God even accompanied
His Word with miracles—to confirm the divine origin of
the message (cf. Mark 16:20). Pharaoh made up his
own mind to resist God’s demands. Of his own accord,
he stubbornly refused to comply. Of course, God
provided the occasion for Pharaoh to demonstrate his
unyielding attitude. If God had not sent Moses, Pharaoh
would not have been faced with the dilemma of whether
to release the Israelites. So God was certainly the
instigator and initiator. But He was not the author of
Pharaoh’s defiance.
All 4 Statements Are True
• Notice that in a very real sense, all four of the following
statements are true: (1) God hardened Pharaoh’s
heart; (2) Moses hardened Pharaoh’s heart; (3) the
words that Moses spoke hardened Pharaoh’s heart;
(4) Pharaoh hardened his own heart. All four of these
observations are accurate, depicting the same truth
from different perspectives
• Nathan accused king David: “You have killed Uriah the
Hittite with the sword” (2 Samuel 12:9). In reality,
David told his general to so arrange battle positions
where Uriah would be more vulnerable to enemy fire.
On the basis of metonymy of the subject, David, the
subject, is said to have done something that, in
actuality, he simply arranged for others to do.
• God is responsible for everything in the Universe,
i.e., He has provided the occasion, the
circumstances, and the environment in which all
things (including people) operate. But He is not
guilty of wrong in so doing. From a quick look at a
simple Hebrew idiom, it is clear that God did not
unjustly or directly harden Pharaoh’s heart. God is
no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), He does not
act unjustly (Psalms 33:5), and He has always
allowed humans to exercise their free moral
agency (Deuteronomy 30:19). God, however, does
use the wrong, stubborn decisions committed by
rebellious sinners to further His causes (Isaiah
10:5-11). In the case of Pharaoh’s hardened heart,
God can be charged with no injustice, and the
Bible can be charged with no contradiction.
Humans were created with free moral agency and
are culpable for their own actions.
Ten Plagues- Ten ChancesGod Is Not Willing That Any Should
• The number ten is a significant number in
biblical numerology. It represents a
fullness of quantity. Ten Egyptian Plagues
Means Completely Plagued. This
symbolized to them the case is settled and
God is triumphant- no question.
These Egyptian Plagues were harsh and
varied to correspond to the ancient Egyptian
gods and goddesses that were prevalent
during Moses time in Egypt.
Ten Plagues- Ten ChancesGod Is Not Willing That Any Should
Just as the Ten Commandments become
symbolic of the fullness of the moral law of God,
the ten ancient plagues of Egypt represent the
fullness of God's expression of justice and
judgments, upon those who refuse to repent ( 2
Peter 3:9- God is not slack concerning His
promise ..longsuffering not willing that any
perish but that all come to repentance).
Ten Plagues- Ten Chances- God Is Not
Willing That Any Should Perish
Ten times God, through Moses, allows
Pharaoh to change his mind, repent, and turn
to the one true God, each time increasing the
severity of the consequence of the plagues
suffered for disobedience to His request. Ten
times Pharaoh, because of pride ( Pr. 16:18pride goes before destruction and an
arrogant sprit before a fall), refuses to be
taught by the Lord, and receives "judgments"
through the plagues, pronounced upon his
head from Moses, the deliverer.
Water To Blood
• Plague of Blood – Exodus 7:14-25
• Aaron, at the command of Moses, raised
his staff over the Nile River. The water
turned to blood causing the fish to die and
fill the land with an awful odor. To prove
his own power, Pharaoh had his sorcerers
turn more water into blood. They
eventually had to dig wells to get fresh
water. The plague lasted a week.
Plagues and Egyptian gods
• Egyptian Plague- Water Turned to Blood- Egyptian
God- Hapi- god of the Nile
• The first plague that was given to the Egyptians from
God was that of turning the water to blood. As Aaron,
the spokesman for Moses, touched the "rod" of the
Lord to the Nile River it immediately turned to blood,
all the fish died, and the river stank. Partially able to
duplicate this miracle, the magicians of Pharaoh also
turn water into blood, leaving Pharaoh unimpressed
with this great wonder from God.
• Seven days the water throughout all the land of Egypt
remained in this state, unsuitable for drinking, the
perfect length of time to demonstrate that the Lord was
superior to all the other Gods of Egypt.
• Plague of Frogs – Exodus 8:1-15
• Aaron raised his staff again over the streams and
rivers causing frogs to come out of the river. The
frogs overran the country. The Bible says that
frogs were in their bedrooms, beds and kitchens.
The Egyptian sorcerers also made more frogs
appear. Pharaoh consented to letting the Israelites
go. Moses allowed Pharaoh to choose when he
wanted the frogs to disappear. Pharaoh choose
the following day. The frogs were gathered and
piled up making the land of Egypt stink once
Egyptian god & Frogs
• Egyptian Plague- Frogs coming from the Nile River
• Still, Pharaoh refused to let the children of Israel go
from the presence of Egypt.
• The second plague that was extended upon Egypt,
from the "rod" by Aaron, was that of frogs. The frogs
came up from the river and were in their houses, in
their food, in their clothing, in every place possible.
From the greatest to the least, no one in Egypt
escaped the plague of frogs. Pharaoh's magicians
were able to bring more frogs in their attempt to imitate
the power of God, but only Moses was able to make
the frogs go away. This was another attack on a
famous Egyptian goddess, Heket (goddess of fertility,
water and renewal).
• Plague of Lice – Exodus 8:16-19
• The next plague was brought on by Aaron
striking the dust with his staff. This caused
the plague of lice. The Egyptian sorcerers
were not able to reproduce this one. It
caused them to finally declare that the
plagues were brought on by God.
Egyptian gods & Plagues
• Egyptian Plague- Lice from the dust of the
earth• Geb, god of the earth
• Still Pharaoh would not concede, even
after this display of power from the Lord,
or magnificent plague, he would not let
them go.
Egyptian gods & Plagues
• At the command of the Lord to Moses,
Aaron was told to stretch forth his rod and
smite the dust of the earth. When he did
the dust became lice throughout all the
land, on both people and beasts. The very
dust that was referred to in the creation
process of man is now used to plague
men, as a reminder of his mortality and sin
which both lead to death.
Egyptian gods & Plagues
• Finally, the magicians of Pharaoh are
humiliated, being unable to compete with
this power that was so much greater than
themselves and the powers that they had
from their Egyptian gods and goddesses,
and they profess, "this is the finger of
God." This was the last plague that
required Aaron's involvement, as the next
set of three plagues are issued by the
word of Moses himself.
• Plague of Flies – Exodus 8:20-32
• The Bible says that this plague only
effected the land of the Egyptians and not
the land of Goshen where the Israelites
lived (Exodus 8:22). Pharaoh again
offered to let the people of Israel free if the
plague was removed. However, when the
plague was gone, Pharaoh refused to let
them go.
Egyptians Only Affected
• Egyptian Plague- Swarms of Flies- against Khepri,
Egyptian god of creation, movement of the Sun
and rebirth.
• With the fourth Egyptian plague, which consisted
of flies, begins the great miracle of separation or
differentiation. Moses met Pharaoh at the Nile
River in the morning and made the demand,
speaking on behalf of the Lord, "Let My people go,
that they may serve Me." Again, Pharaoh
hardened his heart and disregarded the request,
resulting in a pronouncement of swarms of flies.
Egyptians Only Affected
• This time, however, only the Egyptians are
affected by the judgment, or plague, and
the children of Israel remain unscathed.
This wonder also moves the Egyptian
plagues to a different level, adding
destruction as well as discomfort to the
consequence of their decisions.
Temporary Submission
• Plagued by flies, Pharaoh tried a new tactic
and begins bargaining with the Lord, showing
his desire to maintain power and authority
over God. He tries to dictate the terms and
conditions of the offer, telling them they may
sacrifice but only "in the land" clearly not
complying with the requested "three days
journey" that the Lord required. Moses
wouldn't budge, and Pharaoh relented
allowing them to leave, but telling them not to
"go very far."
Temporary Submission
• This temporary allowance is made solely
to have Moses "intreat the Lord that the
swarms of flies may depart", at this point
Pharaoh has learned in part who the Lord
is and asks for His assistance over the
Egyptian gods and goddesses. As soon as
the request is granted by the Lord,
Pharaoh reneges on his promise and will
not let them go, and continues to worship
his Egyptian gods.
Murrain of Cattle
• Plague of Murrain or Pestilence – Exodus
• This plague only effected the Egyptian’s
cattle. Exodus 9:3 says, “Behold, the hand of
the LORD is upon thy cattle which is in the
field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon
the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the
sheep: there shall be a very grievous
murrain.” Verse 6 says that “all” the cattle of
the Egyptians died. But, again, none of the
Israelites’ cattle were harmed (verse 7).
Advanced Warning
• Egyptian Plague- Death of Cattle and
Livestock-Hathor, goddess of love and
• Moses once again demanded of Pharaoh,
"Let my people go, that they may serve me",
revealing also the next Egyptian plague to
occur on the condition of continued
disobedience to the request. This plague was
given with an advanced warning, allowing a
period of repentance to occur, which goes
Advanced Warning
• "Tomorrow" the hand of the Lord would be felt
upon all the cattle and livestock, of only the
Egyptians, as "grievous murrain." This means that
disease and pestilence would fall upon their
livestock with so severe a consequence as to
cause them to die. This plague affected the
Egyptian by creating a huge economic disaster, in
areas of food, transportation, military supplies,
farming, and economic goods that were produced
by these livestock. Still Pharaohs heart remained
hard and he would not listen to the Lord but
remained faithful to the Egyptian gods and
• Plague of Boils – Exodus 9:8-12
• This was a skin disease that was brought
about when Moses and Aaron spread the
ashes from a furnace into the air. Not even
the Pharaoh’s magicians could come before
him because of the boils upon their skin. The
Bible says that it was not limited to only the
people, but the beasts of Egypt as well (these
would be animals other than the cattle—
which were already dead)
Egyptians Brought Low
• Egyptian Plague- Ashes turned to Boils and
Sores- Isis, goddess of medicine and peace.
• Unannounced the sixth Egyptian plague is
given, for the first time, directly attacking the
Egyptian people themselves. Being instructed
by the Lord, Moses took ashes from the
furnace of affliction, and threw them into the
air. As the dust from the ashes blew all over
Egypt, it settled on man and beast alike in the
form of boils and sores.
Egyptians Brought Low
• As with the previous two, throughout the remaining
Egyptian plagues the division is drawn between the
Egyptians and the children of Israel, as God gives
protection to his covenant people. The severity of the
judgment of God has now become personal, as it is
actually felt by the people themselves.
• Cleanliness being paramount in the Egyptian society,
this plague pronounces the people "unclean." The
magicians who have been seen throughout the
previous plagues, are seen in the scriptural account no
more. It is great to notice the contrast shown as Moses
and Aaron are the only ones left standing in front of
Pharaoh, with the "One True God" as their support.
• Plague of Hail – Exodus 9:13-35
• Moses stretched his hands toward the sky and
brought on hail. The hail was unlike any they had
experienced before. The hail was mixed with fire.
The people were not doomed to suffer this plague.
It was made clear that anyone outside during the
storm would be punished, but if they would go
inside and take any animals in with them, then
they would be spared the harshness of the storm.
The storm destroyed many crops as well as
people and animals in the fields. The land of
Goshen was again spared the punishment.
God Warns And
Calls For Repentance
• Egyptian Plague- Hail rained down in the form of fireNut, goddess of the sky.
• Again warning is given before the enactment of the
plague takes place. Pharaoh is warned of the
impending doom that will be faced if he does not listen
to the Lord, and forget his own Egyptian gods and
• Hail of unspeakable size and ability to destroy, would
rain down from the sky and turn to fire as it hit the
ground. The Lord, in showing Pharaoh that "there is
none like Him in the Earth", allows those who are
willing to hear His word, and do as He commands, to
be saved.
Hail & Time For All Who Will To
• A division is now felt between the
Egyptians in the form of those "converted"
to the Lord, as shown by their obedience
and willingness to escape to the protection
of their "houses." Similarly we are warned
to make our houses a place of refuge from
the world today, we have been warned.
Hail & Time For All Who Will To
• Interestingly enough, the crops that were
destroyed by the hail consisted of flax and barley,
which were ripening in the fields. These two
particular crops were not the mainstay of their diet,
but were used more specifically for their clothing
and libations. This destruction would make their
life uncomfortable, but as far as effecting their food
supply , the wheat still survived. This gave the
Egyptians still another chance to turn to "the One
True God", and forsake their own Egyptian gods
and goddesses, thus showing His mercy and
grace even yet.
• Plague of Locusts – Exodus 10:1-20
• Moses came to Pharaoh once again, but he
refused to let the children of Israel free, not even
at the request of his servants who were ready to
be done with the plagues (Exodus 10:7). Pharaoh
did consent to let the men of Israel go, but not the
women and children. Moses raised his rod over
Egypt and brought on a strong east wind for a day.
After the wind came the plague of locusts. These
are what we call grasshoppers today which came
in and ate the rest of the crops and trees which
were not destroyed by the hail in the previous
Locusts Bring Devastation To
• Egyptian Plague- Locusts sent from the sky- Seth,
god of storms and disorder.
• Still Pharaoh would not listen to the message of
the Lord, still he relies on his own Egyptian gods
and goddesses.
• The eighth plague issued by the Lord had an even
greater purpose than all the others, it was to be
felt so that Pharaoh would tell even "his sons and
son's sons" the mighty things of the Lord, thus
teaching even future generations of the power of
the "strong hand of God" over all the other
Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Food Source Affected
• Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh with the
same request, "Let my people go so that they may
serve me", and pronounced the judgment of
locusts if not heeded. This is the second wave of
destruction to follow the hail, and whatever crops
were left intact after that display, were now
completely consumed by the swarms of locusts
that were unleashed from the sky. This wonder
definitely affected their life source. By hitting them
in their food supply, the Lord displayed the
possibility of eminent death if a change of heart
did not occur. Yet still, Pharaoh would not listen.
Deep Darkness
• Plague of Darkness – Exodus 10:21-29
• The plague of darkness was described as being
so dark that it could be felt (Exodus 10:21). The
darkness lasted three days. However the Israelites
had light in their houses. After a time Pharaoh
requested an end to the plague by offering to let
the Israel go, but they would have to leave their
cattle. Moses refused to accept the offer, but left
saying that by the time the Israelites left Egypt
then Pharaoh would be giving goods to Israel.
God vs. Mightiest god of Egypt
• Egyptian Plague- Three Days of Complete
Darkness- Ra, god of the sun and light
• Darkness now fell upon Egypt, unannounced,
as a prelude to the future fate to be felt by the
Egyptian empire when the message of the
Lord was not heeded, and they still turned to
their own Egyptian gods and goddesses.
Three days of palpable darkness, that was so
immense it could be physically felt, covered
the land of Egypt.
God vs. Mightiest god of Egypt
• The sun, the most worshipped God in Egypt
other than Pharaoh himself, gave no light.
The Lord showed that he had control over the
sun as a witness that the God of Israel had
ultimate power over life and death. The
psychological and religious impact would
have had a profound influence on the
Egyptians at this point. Darkness was a
representation of death, judgment and
hopelessness. Darkness was a complete
absence of light.
Death Of The Firstborn
• Plague of the Death of the Firstborn –
• Exodus 11:1-12:36
• The tenth and final plague was the death of the firstborn of all
the people and animals. This was a plague on the Israelites
and the Egyptians. The plague consisted of the firstborn being
killed on a certain night. To avoid the punishment the people
would kill a sacrificial lamb (sheep or goat) and paint the door
posts of the house with the blood of the lamb. When the Lord
passed through the land, He would not kill the firstborn of the
houses that had shown their trust in His provision of salvation.
• Pharaoh’s son was killed as well as many children of the
Egyptians. They feared themselves to be the next to be killed
and gave all they could to get the Israelites out of their land.
God Vs. Pharaoh Directly
• Egyptian Plague- Death of the Firstborn- Pharaoh, the
ultimate power of Egypt
• Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, was worshipped by the Egyptians
because he was considered to be the greatest Egyptian god
of all. It was believed that he was actually the son of Ra
himself, manifest in the flesh.
• After the plague of darkness felt throughout the land was
lifted, Pharaoh resumed his position of "bargaining with the
Lord" and offered Moses another "deal." Since virtually all of
the Egyptian animals had been consumed by the judgments
of the Lord, Pharaoh now consented to the request made, to
let the people go, but they must leave their animals behind.
Pharaoh Tries To Bargain With
• This was a totally unacceptable offer, as the animals were to
be used as the actual sacrifice to the Lord. The Lord is
uncompromising when He has set the terms.
• Enraged by the refusal, Pharaoh pronounced the last deadly
plague to be unleashed upon the land from his very own lips
as he warns Moses, "Get thee from me, take heed to thyself,
see my face no more; for in that day thou seest my face thou
shalt die."
• And Moses said, "Thus saith the Lord, About midnight will I go
out into the midst of Egypt: And all the firstborn in the land of
Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon
his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is
behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts. And there shall
be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there
was none like it, nor shall be like it any more."
Israel’s Obedience Demanded
• At this point the passive obedience that the
children of Israel have shown is now moved to a
level of active obedience. They are given strict
instructions to follow so that they do not also feel
the judgment of this last plague sent by the Lord.
These instructions are known as "The Feast of
Passover", "The Feast of Unleavened Bread", and
"The Law of the Firstborn." In these rituals are
displayed the necessity of obedience for salvation,
the law of sacrifice and the law of consecration, all
necessary requirements to receive ultimate
salvation from spiritual death.
Purpose Of Letting Israel Go
• Let My people go that they may serve Me"
• As God's children today we have learned through this
great show of power that ultimately it will require
"active obedience" to receive salvation from the "One
True God."
• Looking back over the instructions that were given to
Pharaoh to "let my people go that they may serve me",
this principle is manifest throughout. Service to the
Lord is the requirement of His people, and the blessing
for this show of obedience and sacrifice is the ultimate
salvation not only from physical death but from
spiritual death as well.
Result Of The 10 Plagues
• Results of the Ten Plagues
• The Israelites were not only allowed to leave
the land of Egypt, but were commanded by
Pharaoh to do so (Exodus 12:31). The Bible
says that there were 600,000 men, besides
children, who left that night (Exodus 12:37).
They left enriched by the Egyptians (Exodus
12:33, 36). This ended 430 years of the
Children of Israel living in the land of Egypt
(Exodus 12:40, 41).
Passover Instituted
• This month shall be your beginnings
– 10th day: take a male lamb
– 14th day: kill the lamb
Place blood on door frame
Eat with unleavened bread
Blood: a sign
(God: “I will pass over” your house)
Reference: Exodus 1-15 Passover instituted (Exo. 12)
Passover Instituted
• The Passover
– This day will be a memorial
– Feast of Unleavened Bread (14th – 21st day)
• New calendar began for the Israelites
• 10th plague: Death of the Firstborn (12:2930)
Reference: Exodus 1-15 Passover instituted (Exo. 12)
Crossing the Red Sea
– The exact place of crossing is not known
– God took them via an unusable route
The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire
Moses took Joseph’s bones
Pharaoh pursued the Israelites
The Israelites complained again 14:11-12
Moses parted the sea
The Egyptian army destroyed 14:26-28
Reference: Exodus 12-15 Exodus (Exo. 13:17 – 14:31)
Song of Moses and Miriam
• Song of Moses 15:1ff They praised the Lord
The Lord triumphed gloriously
I will praise and exalt Him
Pharaoh’s army He cast into the sea
The people (of Canaan, Philistia, Moab, etc.) will be
afraid and melt away
• Song of Miriam 15:20-21
– Sister to Moses and Aaron
– The women went with her taking their timbrels:
singing and dancing; praising God
Reference: Exodus 12-15 Song of Moses and Miriam (Exo. 15:1-21)
Journey to Mt. Sinai
– Bread of heaven
“I will rain bread from heaven”
• God tested Israel again
• People hungry: cried to Moses
• God will provide:
• Evening: meat (quail)
• Morning: manna (bread)
• Moses: your grumblings are before God
• Test: whether or not they will walk in My
instruction. v.4
• But, some left bread till morning. v. 20
• Some gathered bread on Sabbath. v. 27
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Manna “bread of heaven” (Exo. 16)
man’s needs
Water from the rock
• From Wilderness of Sin to Rephidim
No water to drink
People complain to Moses
Moses cries to the Lord: they will stone me. v. 4
God: take your staff (that struck the Nile) and strike
the rock at Horeb…that the people may drink. v. 6
– Place called: Massah (test) and Meribah (quarrel)
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Water From the Rock (Exo. 17:1-7)
Journey to Mt. Sinai
– Victory over
First resistance on their journey
• Amalek
– Amalek: grandson of Esau
– Reside in northern half of Sinai peninsula
• Amalekites War Against Israel at Rephidim
– Moses to Joshua: choose men to fight. v. 9
– Moses: I will station myself with staff of God in my
• Hands up: Israel prevailed
• Hands down: Amalek prevailed
• Aaron and Hur supported Moses’ hands (victorious)
– Altar: The Lord is My Banner
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Victory Over the Amalekites (Exo. 17:8-16)
Journey to Mt. Sinai
Jethro was the priest in Midian
– Jethro’s advice
• Jethro (Reuel: Ex. 2:18)
– Father-in-law of Moses
• Brought Zipporah and his 2 sons
– Heard all that God had done for Moses and Israel
• Moses’ Heavy Workload
– Jethro: “What you do is not good…task is too heavy to
do alone.” v. 17-18
– Jethro’s counsel:
• Be their representative before God. v. 19
• Teach them statutes/laws
• Select godly men as leaders to judge. v. 21-22
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Jethro’s Advice (Exo. 18)
Israel camped before the mount
• Israel is now at Mount
– Same as Mount Hored
– Remember what God
Told Moses on his way
to Egypt:
• Read Exodus 3:12
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Sinai (Exo. 19)
• Note the times when the Israelites have
– When they reached the Red Sea and saw Pharaoh’s
army approaching
– When they reached Marah and the water was bitter
– When their food was gone at the time they got to the
Wilderness of Sin
– When they found no water at Rephidim
• They did not rely on Jehovah to care for them
when they were in need.
• Has human nature changed since then?
• Left Rephidim; Arrived at Mount Sinai
– Israel camped in front of Mt. Sinai 19:2
– Moses went up to God. v. 3
– God: from the Mt. v. 4-6
I bore you on eagles’ wings
Now, if you obey My voice
Then, you shall be My people
You shall be: a kingdom, a holy nation.
– Moses speaks to Israel:
• They answer: We will do. v. 8
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Sanctified at Sinai (Exo. 19)
Sanctified at Sinai
• People Consecrated. v. 10-17
– Garments washed. v. 10
– Scheme of redemption: persons washed. Rom. 6:3-4
• The Lord Visits Sinai. v. 18-25
– Mountain consecrated. v. 18ff
– God called Moses to the top. v. 20
– Moses warned the people not to charge forward to
see God. V. 21
Reference: Exodus 15-19 Sanctified at Sinai (Exo. 19)
God’s Covenant with Israel
– People afraid
• God’s Presence …Remember when:
– People sanctified. 19:9-11, 15
– Three days later (as the law was given). 19:16-20
– Moses received the law (ten commandments) 20:18
• Fear on the People.
– Moses, you speak with us; not God, lest we die. v.
– Moses: Do not fear, God has come to test you…that
you may not sin. v. 20
Reference: Exodus 20-24 People afraid (Exo. 20:18-21)
God’s covenant with Israel
• Moses Receives the God’s Commandments
– The Ten Commandments Ch. 20
– The Book of the Covenant Ch. 21-24; 24:7
– The Pattern for the tabernacle, the furniture, the
priests, the sacrifices and the offerings Ch. 25-31
• Moses in the Mount for 40 days v. 24:18
Reference: Exodus 19-31 The commandments given (Ex. 20-31)
God’s covenant with Israel
– Ten Commandments
Do not make gods before Me
Do not make idols
Do not take the Lord’s name in vain
Do no work on the Sabbath
Honor your father and mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness
You shall not covet
Reference: Exodus 20-24 Ten Commandments (Exo. 20:1-17)
God’s covenant with Israel
– Other laws
• The Altar. 20:22-26
• The Book of the Covenant
Concerning servants. 21:1-11
Concerning violence. 21:12-27
Concerning animal violence. 21:28-36
Concerning property. 22:1-15
Various immoralities. 22:16-31
Justice to all. 23:1-9
Sabbath laws. 23:10-13
Reference: Exodus 20-24 Other laws (Exo. 20:22 – 23:13)
God’s covenant with Israel
– Feasts
• Three Annual Feasts
– Feast of Unleavened
Bread: Month of Abib:
eat unleavened bread
seven days
– Feast of Harvest:
firstfruits of your labors
sown in the field
– Feast of Ingathering:
at the end of the year,
when the fruits have
been gathered
Reference: Exodus 20-24 Three annual feasts (Exo. 23:14-19)
God’s covenant with Israel
– Feasts
• Regulations. cp. Dt.
– All males shall appear
before the Lord. No
blood offered with
leavened bread.
– No fat shall remain
until morning.
– No young goat is to be
boiled in its mother’s
Reference: Exodus 20-24 Three annual feasts (Exo. 23:14-19)
God’s covenant with Israel
• Israel affirms the covenant
• Leaders to Worship God
– Moses (Joshua), Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy
– Built an altar and 12 pillars (for each tribe).
– Moses alone shall go near the Lord.
• People: All the words which the Lord has said we
will do. 24:3, 7
– They had also agreed earlier. v. 19:8
Reference: Exodus 20-24 Israel affirms covenant (Exo. 24)
Israel breaks covenant
• Moses “delayed” in the Mount (cp. Ex. 24:18)
– People to Aaron: Come, make us gods
• The Golden Calf v. 1-6
Aaron had them offer their jewelry
Aaron makes a golden calf idol
Aaron also built an altar
The people “celebrate.”
• Broke Covenant With God
• Later, God’s covenant on stones will be literally
Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 32)
Israel breaks covenant
• God Desires to Destroy the People v. 7-10
– God was angry
– He called them “your” people v. 7
– God’s intention was to destroy the people… and make
Moses a great nation.
• Moses Intercedes v.11-14
– What might the Egyptians say
– Remember the promise to Abraham
– God relented to Moses plea v. 14
Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 32)
Israel breaks covenant
• Moses’ Anger
– Broke the two tablets God made v. 19
– Destroyed the calf that Aaron made v. 20
• Moses: Who is on the Lord’s side? v. 26
– The offenders punishment was swift and severe v. 2728
– Moses was willing to be “blotted out of God’s book” for
the people’s sake v. 32
– God: “Those who sinned will I blot out of my book.”
– God plagued the people v. 35
Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 32)
Israel breaks covenant
• The Command to Leave Sinai v. 1-6
– Go to a land flowing with milk and honey.
• The Tent of Meeting v. 7-11
– Temporary meeting place for Moses and God
– Is not the tabernacle to be built
• Promise of God’s Presence v. 12-23
– Moses: Show me Your glory.
– God: No man shall see Me and live.
Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 33)
• Moses Makes New Tablets v. 1-9
– God called Moses back to Mt. Sinai
– The Lord passed by before him
– Stayed 40 days again v. 28
• Moses intercedes for the people: v. 9
Please go among us
We are a stiffnecked people
Pardon our iniquity and sin
Take us for your inheritance
• God responded favorably
Reference: Exodus 32-34 The Lord passed before Moses (Exo. 34)
• Covenant renewed v.10-28
– God: Observe what I command you this day
– Do not make covenants with people in other lands
– God: My name is Jealous – do not worship other gods
or images.
– Keep the feasts
– Work 6 days; rest on the 7th
• Moses’ face shone v. 29-35
– Met with the people
– Put a veil over his face
Reference: Exodus 32-34 God renews the covenant (Exo. 34)
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• The “Great Nation” promise has been
fulfilled – first of the three promises
– God told Jacob to go to Egypt “for I will there
make of thee a great nation.” (Gen. 46:3)
– The Israelites now have a leader in Moses;
– But, they do not have a law, a way of
worshipping God, and a place to worship.
Israel was now a strong nation, but not yet organized.
• 96
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• Joseph died
– Last of the Patriarchal Age/Period
• The children of Israel had multiplied
– Soon they were in bondage
– Pharaoh tried to stop their growth
– Moses spared and lived in royal surroundings
for 40 years
– Moses fled to Midian after trouble with
Pharaoh and the Israelites
Moses was of the tribe of Levi.
• 97
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• Moses called from Midian to deliver them
from Egyptian bondage
– Eighty years old
– Had a wife and 2 sons
• Ten plagues fell upon the Pharaoh and the
• After last plague, Pharaoh let them go
– They left with riches from the Egyptians
600,000 men plus their families left Egypt
• 98
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• They went “out of Egypt” through the
wilderness to the Red Sea
• God guided them
– A pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire
• Pharaoh and his army pursued them
– He had again hardened his heart
• The Israelites were trapped by the Sea
The Israelites waited 430 years for this day
• 99
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• God opened the Sea and allowed the
Israelites to cross
• The Egyptian army was destroyed in the
• The Israelites had been “baptized unto
Moses” (1 Cor. 10:1, 2)
– They celebrated their salvation
• Waters of Marah made sweet
Moses took Joseph’s bones with them
• 100
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• They complained of hunger
– God provided bread in the morning
– Quails in the evening
– Rest on Sabbath Day
• They complained of thirst
– Water provided from a rock
• Victory over the Amalekites
– Joshua lead the Israelites
– Moses held the rod of God aloft
First mention of the Sabbath Day
• 101
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• Jethro visits Moses
– Jethro’s advice about Moses’ workload
• About 3 months after leaving Egypt, Israel
arrived at Mount Sinai
– Same place God spoke to Moses from the
burning bush (3:12)
• God’s awesome presence on the Mount
– Thunder rumbled, lighting flashed, a thick
cloud around them, a loud trumpet blast
God spoke directly to the people
• 102
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• The people were sanctified
– Garments washed
• God offered Israel a covenant
– It required strict obedience
• The covenant was ratified
– People promised to keep all of God’s laws
– A blood offering was made
– Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and 70
elders approached God
“All the Lord has said, we will do…” (spoken for the third
• 103
A Summary of The Journey
From Egypt To Sinai
• The Ten Commandments given to Moses
– God made 2 tablets of stone
• The covenant was broken
– A golden calf was made and worshipped
– Less than 6 weeks had passed
• God threatened destruction of Israel
– He called the people Moses’ people
– Moses intervened with reasons not too
• 104
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The Israelites new calendar began the
month of the Passover
– The exodus from Egypt began on the 15th
day of the first month
– In the third month, they arrived at Mt. Sinai
– The giving of the law took about 3 months
• Moses was on the mount for two 40-day periods
– The next 6 months were spent building the
tabernacle, and its furnishings
Moses carefully documented the
dates of important events • 105
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The Israelites left Mount Sinai on the 20th
day, 2nd month, 2nd year
– 3 months from Egypt to Sinai
– 3 months receiving the law
– 6 months building the tabernacle
– They left 1 month after the consecration of the
tabernacle and the second Passover
• About 10 months was spent at Sinai
• 106
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The Ten Commandments were given
orally and in writing (20:1; 31:18)
• The book of the covenant was written by
Moses and read to the people (24:4, 7)
• The people said, “All that the Lord hath
said will we do, and be obedient.” (24:7)
• Now, Israel becomes a nation with laws,
rules and regulations
The laws dealt with all areas of life
• 107
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The tabernacle was created by God as a
visual reminder of God’s presence
– The tabernacle housed their sacred things
– It provided a way for sacrifices to be offered in
an orderly manner
– God gave Moses the “blueprint” and the
people followed it exactly in making the parts
and in erecting the building itself
– A cloud covered it by day and a fire by night
The tabernacle was set up on the 1st
day of the 1st month of the 2nd year
• 108
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• Israel was sinful and needed a way of
being reconciled to God
– God designed a priesthood to mediate
between Him and the people
– Blood sacrifices were offered to take care of
their sins
– Special “Feasts” were set up to remember the
things God had done for the Israelites
“Be ye holy for I the Lord am holy” (Lev. 20:7)
• 109
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The priesthood:
– Aaron anointed as the High Priest
• His sons were consecrated as priests
– Special garments were made “for glory and
for beauty”
– Sacrifices were controlled by the priests
– They were to preserve the law and teach it to
the children of Israel
– The Levites later assigned to help them
The priests offered sacrifices for
• 110
themselves, then for the people
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The second Passover observed –
– Exactly one year since the first Passover was
instituted in Egypt
– At twilight on the 14th day of the first month
– A reminder that the Israelite’s first-borns were
saved (passed over) while death came to the
Egyptian’s first-borns
– The Feast of Unleaved Bread followed
Each family had to participate in the Passover
• 111
An Overview: The Months at
Mount Sinai
• The people were numbered and organized
– Males, age 20 and above, who could go to
– Levites, males one month old and up, were
counted separately
– Levites assigned the immediate area around
the tabernacle
– Twelve tribes encircled the tabernacle
Only Levites age 25-50 could serve
in the tabernacle (Num. 8:24)
• 112
God’s Instructions To Moses
• How to build the tent-structure called the
“Tabernacle” – Ex.25-31
• All that would be associated with the
service of the tabernacle
– The design and materials
– The furnishings
– The garments of the priests and High Priest
• All these things were object-lessons or
types of something better that was spiritual
in nature – Heb.8-9; Col.2:17
The Pattern
• God stressed that all things must be done
“according to the pattern” – 25:9,40
• The pattern of information was understood
and carried out by the Israelites, led and
supervised by Bezalel and Oholiab – 31:111; 35:30-35
• The people offered the materials that went
into the making of the tabernacle
Portable For Travel
• The Tabernacle was designed to be set
up, taken down, and moved as they
journeyed to the promised Land.
Each Tribe Would Be Designated A Specific Location to Camp Around
The Tabernacle. God and His House Had To Be At The CENTER
This is stated in Exodus 25:8,
"Let them make Me a sanctuary;
that I may dwell among them."
Three Meanings of the
• God’s Dwelling Among His People
• A Type of Jesus: Our Meeting-place with
– In Christ we reconcile with God
– In Christ we come to God
– In Christ we meet with God
• A Type of Christ’s church: where holy
people in a holy place or realm are
adjoined to Heaven
God’s Dwelling
• The tabernacle illustrated the concept of the
separateness and holiness of God.
– He was inside a special place and sinful man is
excluded from His presence
– Man approaches through a process of cleansing
– It typified a veiled connection between God and
His church – Hebrews 9:23-24
– It illustrated the concept of the Presence of God
as near His people. Rev.15:5
– It illustrated the desire of God to dwell with
Jesus: Our Meeting-Place With
• The tabernacle illustrated that God
provides a suitable place for man to meet
with Him. Ex.25:21-22
• God was IN CHRIST reconciling the world
unto Himself – 2 Cor.5:19; Col.2:9
• God was “tabernacled” in Jesus’ body –
Heb.10:5; John 1:14 –the word “dwelt”
• By meeting with Jesus we meet with God
– John 14:6; 1 Tim.2:5
Christ’s Church in Relation to
• The connection, fellowship, togetherness, and
relationship of the “Most Holy Place”(heaven) with
the “Holy Place” (the kingdom or church) –
• Spiritual blessings are enjoyed only in the church
of Christ. One gets to the Most Holy Place
(heaven) only through the church, the body of
• The church is not a physical building. It is a people
in a “heavenly place” (a spiritual realm).
– This realm or heavenly place is “in Christ”.
Eph.1:3,10,20; 2:6; 3:10
– The physical tabernacle was designed to typify the
heavenly things in Christ
Other Related Facts Illustrated
by The Tabernacle
• The Center of Israel’s Camp – Num.1:50;
2:17; 11:24-25
– The church is spiritually gathered around Jesus –
– Jesus is at the center of our lives and the church
is gathered around the cross as central to our life
and behavior. 1 Cor.1-2
• The Place Where God’s Law Was Preserved
– Deut.10:2-5
– Jesus kept the Law stored in His heart – Psa.40:8
– God’s Law is retained in Christ – James 4:12;
Eph.1:19-22; 5:23-24
The Tabernacle
• Was not just a tent
• Was an instrument through which to plant
concepts of redemption and illustrate the
heavenly plan God would one day bring
about in Jesus
• God guided them in their travels by cloud
and fire. It is obvious to the people God is
in their midst.
Is Brought To You By The Members Of
By Mail:
P.O. Box 893
Newton, NC 28658
By Phone: 828-465-3009
Join Us At:
656 St. James Church Rd.
Newton, NC
Assembly Times :
Each Sunday: Bible Study 9:30 AM,
Worship 11:00 AM
Wednesdays: Bible Study 7:00 PM