The Cold War

The Early
Cold War:
Causes of Cold War
• Philosophical differences:
– Soviet Union: Communism,
Totalitarianism, dictatorship
– U.S.: Free-enterprise, capitalism,
• World War II conflicts
• Postwar conflict
The Ideological Struggle
Soviet &
Eastern Bloc
[“Iron Curtain”]
GOAL  spread worldwide Communism
US & the
GOAL  “Containment”
of Communism & the
eventual collapse of the
Communist world.
[George Kennan]
 Espionage [KGB vs. CIA]
 Arms Race [nuclear escalation]
 Competition for the minds and hearts of Third
World peoples
 Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]
The “Iron Curtain”
From Stettin in the Balkans, to Trieste in the
Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the
Continent. Behind that line lies the ancient
capitals of Central and Eastern Europe.
-- Sir Winston Churchill, 1946
Truman Doctrine [1947]
1. Containment (George Kennan)
2. Resist all Soviet attempts to expand
their power & influence
3. The U. S. should support free
peoples throughout the world who
were resisting takeovers by armed
minorities or outside pressures…We
must assist free peoples to work out
their own destinies in their own way.
4. The U.S. gave Greece & Turkey
$400 million in aid to stop communism
from spreading there.
Marshall Plan [1948]
1. “European Recovery
2. Secretary of State,
George Marshall
3. The U. S. should provide
aid to all European nations
that need it. This move
is not against any country or doctrine,
but against hunger, poverty, desperation,
and chaos.
4. $13 billion of US aid to Western Europe
extended to Eastern Europe & USSR,
[but this was rejected by Stalin].
Berlin Blockade & Airlift
Russians blockade Berlin
U.S. sends supplies and food to
help the people of Berlin
North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (1949)
 United States
 Luxemburg
 Belgium
 Netherlands
 Britain
 Norway
 Canada
 Portugal
 Denmark
 1952: Greece &
 France
 Iceland
 Italy
 1955: West Germany
 1983: Spain
American Life
• Soldiers return to civilian life
• GI Bill (signed by Roosevelt in 1944)
begins to give aid to veterans
– Money for college
– Money for advanced job training
– Helped them find work
• Baby Boom (America’s birth rate
increased drastically during the 50s)
1948 Election
• Candidates:
– Democrat: Harry S. Truman
– Progressive: Henry Wallace
– Dixiecrat: Stom Thurmond
• Outcome:
– Truman wins
– Truman announces his Fair Deal (which
included federal health insurance)
– Fair Deal not successful
Second Red Scare
• Hit panic stage when Soviets were
discovered to be building and testing
Atomic weapons & when communism
overtook China
• House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC) committee forms
to investigate any radical group in the
US, eventually focused on spread of
communism to US
• HUAC goes after Hollywood and
many others
• Former government official Alger Hiss is accused of
being a Communist spy who is trying to infiltrate the
US government
• Hiss denied charges, even though top-secret film
was found on his Maryland farm
• Hiss found not-guilt of spying, but is guilty of lying
under oath
• Julius & Ethel Rosenberg accused of leading spy
ring, deny charges, eventually convicted of
conspiracy to spy and put to death
• Senator Joseph McCarthy
• 205 known Communists in US State
Department, says he has a list
• Americans frightened
• McCarthy goes on offensive,
becomes top “Communist fighter”
• Political cartoonists have field day:
dub this tactic as McCarthyism
• He even accused members of US
army of being Communists, after this
his Senate career fades
The Arms Race:
A “Missile Gap?”
} The Soviet Union
exploded its first
A-bomb in 1949.
} Now there were
two nuclear
The Korean War: A “Police
Action” (1950-1953)
Syngman Rhee
Kim Il-Sung
Seeks re-unification
under communism
President of South
“Domino Theory” : If one nation falls to
communism, all will fall
Election of 1952
• Candidates:
– Democrat: Adlai Stevens (Truman
could not run)
– Republican: Dwight D. Eisenhower
• Outcome:
– Eisenhower is elected because
Americans feel they can trust him and
he is admired as a hero of World War II
Nixon Checker’s Speech
• VP candidate, Nixon, accused of
taking $18,000 in gifts during
• Nixon goes on TV and defends his
conduct, saves his spot on
Republican ticket
Eisenhower’s Cold War Policy
• Brinksmanship: diplomatic means of
going to the brink of war without
actually going to war
• Massive Retaliation: US would use
overwhelming force, even nukes, to
settle serious conflict
• Mutually-Assured Destruction
Warsaw Pact (1955)
} U. S. S. R.
} East Germany
} Albania
} Hungary
} Bulgaria
} Poland
} Czechoslovakia
} Rumania
Premier Nikita Khrushchev
About the capitalist
states, it doesn't
depend on you
whether we
(Soviet Union) exist.
If you don't like us,
don't accept our
invitations, and don't
invite us to come
to see you. Whether
you like it our not, history is on our
side. We will bury you. -- 1956
The Suez Crisis: 1956-1957
Sputnik I (1957)
• The Russians have beaten America in
space—they have the technological edge!
• Leads to a change in the American
educational system: More Math and
Science must be taught. We must get
back ahead of the Russians.
•Eventually NASA is founded, America
must beat the Russians in space
“Kitchen Debate”
Cold War --->
<--- Technology
& Affluence
U-2 Spy Incident (1960)
Col. Francis Gary
Powers’ plane was
shot down over Soviet
Paris, 1961
Khrushchev & JFK meet to discuss Berlin and
nuclear proliferation. Khrushchev thinks that
JFK is young, inexperienced, and can be rolled.
The Berlin Wall Goes Up (1961)
Ich bin ein Berliner!
President Kennedy
tells Berliners
that the West is
with them!
Khruschev Embraces Castro,
Bay of Pigs Debacle (1961)
U.S. tries to overthrow
Castro and the Cuban
Attempt was an utter
Cuban Missile Crisis
(October 22,1962)
- Soviet Union places missles in Cuba, as a result of the failed
U.S. invasion at the Bay of Pigs
- U-2 spy plane discovers missles
- U.S. leaders and citizens get worried, this move could lead to
Nuclear war
- President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev agree to a truce
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
We went eyeball-to-eyeball with the
Russians, and the other man blinked!
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Vietnam War: 1965-1973
“Prague Spring” (1968)
Former Czech President,
Alexander Dubček
Communism with a human face!
“Prague Spring” Dashed!
Dissidents/playwrights arrested [like
Vaclav Havel—future president of a free
Czech Republic].
Part II:
European Economic Integration
1. 1947  General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade [GATT]
 23 nations.
 Became the foundation of postwar
global commerce.
 It set up procedures to handle
commercial complaints.
 It provided a framework for
continuing negotiations [“rounds”].
 By 1990, 99 nations were
European Economic Integration
2. 1952  European Coal & Steel
Community [ECSC].
 HQ in Luxembourg.
 “Inner Six”  Benelux nations,
France, Italy,
W. Germany.
 Placed their coal and steel
industries under a form of
supranational authority.
 Eliminated tariff duties and
quotas on coal and steel.
European Economic Integration
3. 1957  European Economic
Community [EEC]
 HQ  Brussels.
 Treaty of Rome.
European Economic Integration
3. 1957  European Economic
Community [EEC]
 France, W. Germany, Italy,
 Created a larger free trade area,
or customs union.
 Eliminate all trade barriers.
 One common tariff with the
outside world.
 Free movement of capital &
European Economic Integration
4. 1967  combined the ECSC &
EEC to form the
European Community
 HQ  Brussels.
 European Parliament.
 “Eurocrats.”
 518 members [elected by all
voters in Europe].
 Only limited legislative power.
 Court of Justice.
European Economic Integration
5. 1991-92  Maastricht Agreements
 European Union [EU] created from the EC.
 One currency, one culture, one social
area, and one environment!
 Create a “frontier-free” Europe  a
common EU passport.
 One large “common market.”
 Goods coming into the EU would have
high tariffs placed on them.
 2002  a common currency [Euro]
 2003  60,000 men EU rapid defense
force was created.