weather, climate, season - NATSCI-A7

Arabejo, Mary Claire M.
Sarabillo, Weena A.
NatSci –A7
March 22, 2012
Weather is the instantaneous state of the
atmosphere, or the sequence of the states of
the atmosphere as time passes.
It is the mix of events that happen each
temperature, rainfall and humidity.
Types of Weather
1. Hot Weather
-extreme hot weather can be seen in
the equatorial regions of the earth
- the temperature remains very warm
in these equatorial locations throughout
the year
-the climate in equatorial regions is
also characterized with a very damp and
humid weather
-the amount of rainfall is also very high
throughout the year.
-sometimes the temperature falls a little
(only about 3 degrees of Celsius) in the
winter months.
2. Cold weather
-can be observed in the polar climate zones.
These regions are known for their extreme cold
climates. The temperature remains almost same
throughout the year n these Polar Regions.
3. The weather in the mountainous regions is
known as the mountain weather. The climate of
those regions is generally cold enough. New
Zealand comes under those high countries that
enjoy the mountain weather conditions.
- is the average weather pattern in a
place over many years.
Climates are changing
-because our Earth is warming,
according to the research of scientists
Types of
1. Mediterranean Climate
-are dry in the summer and wet in the
winter. Summers may last for as long as five
months and are extremely dry due to
subtropical highs' sinking air.
2. Oceanic Climate
-this type of climate has precipitation
that occurs throughout the year. The cold
season sees the most precipitation.
3. Humid Continental Climate
-This type of climate is a mix of
both temperate climate and humid
climate. Main characteristics include a
cold winter, a warm summer, and
precipitation throughout the year.
4. Subarctic Climate
-The subarctic climate is a type of
climate that consists of brief, warm
summers, and long and very cold
Seasonal Changes
- seasons are all created because the
Earth actually sits on a small tilt
-since we are at a tilt, different parts of
the planet are warmer during different times
of the year
-with the tilt, our year is broken up into
four seasons.
Types of Season
1. Summer
Summer is the warmest time of year.
It's not because the planet is that much
closer to the Sun, it's because the top part
of the Earth is facing the Sun for a amount
of time. The longest days of the year occur
during the summer months. June is the
time of the summer solstice, the longest
day of the calendar year. The time of the
solstice is determined by the location of the
2. Fall/Autumn
Fall sees the planets axis directly in
line with the Sun. The Sun is directly
over the Equator during the autumnal
equinox (September) and heating the
northern and southern hemispheres
equally. As the northern hemisphere is
moving towards shorter days and the
cold winter, the southern hemisphere is
watching the snows melt and the
flowers bloom during their spring.
3. Winter
This is the season where the Earth is
tilted way from the Sun and the South Pole
is getting all of the light. It's almost constant
night during the cold nights in the North
4. Spring
Spring is a time for rebirth and emerging from the
short and cold days of winter. While the northern
hemisphere sees spring from March through June, it is fall
in the southern hemisphere. March is the time of the vernal
equinox that signals the official start of spring.
As far as the position of the planet, it is a bit of a
mirror image to our position in autumn. The Sun is directly
over the Equator during the equinox and the northern and
southern hemispheres are receiving about the same
amount of the Sun's energy. Spring events include blooms
of wildflowers, new leaves on trees, warmer days that
winter, and wetter weather (not snow).