First Term Exam Class-XII Informatics Practices Instructions Marks: 70 All the questions are compulsory Read questions carefully before attempting Q1 Answer the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) What are various Biometric Devices? Name some pointing devices Who invented punched card? Name the Super computers developed in India. What is the difference between hardware, software and firmware? How is a compiler different from interpreter? What is the difference between OCR and OMR? 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Q2 Answer the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) What are various categories of software? What is application software? Why is it required? What is IDE? What is Operating System? What is its role? What is a Virus? What is anti-virus software? What is Phishing? 2 2 1 2 2 1 Q3 Answer the following: g) Distinguish between unary, binary & ternary operators. Give examples of Java operators for each one of them. 2 h) Differentiate the following: 2 jTextField & jTextArea Control jCheckBox & jRadioButton Control i) What do you mean by a variable? How you will declare a variable in Java? Explain with example. 2 j) What are containers or container controls? 1 k) What are different characteristics of Java? 2 l) What is Event? 1 Q4 Answer the following: a) Develop an application to prepare students result on the basis of marks entered. A sample screenshot is being shown below: Write the code for calculate button to calculate total marks and percentage b) Write a program to find the sum of all natural numbers up to n. c) Rewrite the following code using switch: if ( ch ==’E’) Eastern++; if(ch==’W’) Western++; if(ch==’N’) Northern++; else Unknown++; 2 2 2 d) Write the program to calculate commission for the salesmen. The commission is calculated according to following rates: 3 Sales 30001 onwards 22001 – 30000 12001-22000 5001- 12000 0-5000 Commission Rate 15% 10% 7% 3% 0% e) Evaluate x = ++y + 2y if y=6 1 Q5 Answer the following: a) What is the difference between Like and Between clause? 2 b) What do you mean by order by clause? c) Differentiate the following with example: i. Alter and Update command ii. Delete and Drop command d) How can you remove the column of a table? Explain with example. e) Removing the errors from query and rewriting it. 2 2 1 1 Select* from book where Price=NULL; f) Rajan created a table named Item, he wants to see those Items whose price is between 200 and 800. He wrote a querySELECT * FROM Item WHOSE price>200 OR <800; 1 Help Rajan to run the query by removing the errors from the query by rewriting it. g) Which MySQL command helps you to see existing databases? 1 Q6 (a)Consider the table STUDENT given below, write SQL Commands for (i) to (v) RollNo Name (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 1 Nanda 2 Class DOB Sex City Agra 5 Marks X 6/6/95 M 551 Saurabh XII 7/5/93 M 3 Sanal XI 6/5/94 F 4 Trisla XII 8/8/95 F 5 Store XII 8/10/95 M Delhi 369 6 Marisla XI 12/12/94 F Dubai 250 7 Neha X 8/12/95 F Moscow 377 8 Nishant X 12/6/95 M Moscow 489 Mumbai 462 Delhi 400 Mumbai 450 To display all the males whose city is either Delhi or Mumbai. To display the details of all the students whose date of birth is after Nishant’s Birth date. List names all class of all students in descending order of DOB. Display the list of the students who lived in Delhi, Mumbai or Agra Display the name of the students whose name contains ‘i’ as any alphabet b) Consider the following table SHOP and write the queries 5 Relation: SHOP No Shop_name Sale Area Cut_percent Rating City 1 S.M Sons 250000 West 68.6 C Delhi 2 Dharohar 500000 South 81.8 A Mumbai 3 Kirti Stores 300000 North 79.8 B Kolkata 4 Rajat stores 380000 North 88 B Mumbai 5 Biswas 456000 East 92 A Delhi 6 Crystal 290000 South 66.7 A Kolkata Write MySql commands for the following statements: i) To display the names of all shops which are in the South. ii) To display name and customer percentage of all the shops having cust_percent>80 iii) To display the list of all the shops with sale>300000 in ascending order of shop_name iv) Display a report with shop_name, area and rating for each shop in the table, for only those shops whose sale is between 350000 and 400000 (including both 350000 and 400000) v) To insert details of new shop in the table shop with following data: 7, “The Shop”, 550000, “south”, 90.8, “A”, “Ahemedabad” Q 7 (a) Give the output : i. SELECT SUBSTR(RTRIM(‘INDIA IS GREAT ‘),3,9); ii. SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(‘xiHum’),LOWER(‘xiSc’), UPPER(SUBSTR(‘xiCom’, 2,3))); iii. SELECT SQRT(-144); iv. SELECT LENGTH(“Informatics Practices”) – 2; v. SELECT POW(-2, 4); 5 b) What do you mean by database transaction and what are it’s stage? 2 c) What do you mean by degree and cardinality of a relation? 2 d) What do you mean by data redundancy 1