Financial and insurance sectors in Jordan: the way forward National Conference Harnessing Services for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Jordan 21 – 22 September 2010 Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by A missing link? Banking sector snapshot Improving the financial ecosystem JEDCO JSMP Access to Finance Going further Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by A well developed service sector Financial Sector is THE interlinked service sector Measure of financial development Monetary sector and monetary policy Regulation and supervision Banking sector Non bank financial sector Institutional environment IMF Comprehensive Financial Development Index (CFDI) ranks Jordan second after Lebanon in the MENA region Contribution to the economy (2009) 8.9% of GDP in 2009 18% of total merchant services 24,000 employees (3% but qualified) Direct Export contribution to SerSec Main players 28 banks (4 Islamic / 10 foreign) – 600 branches - 26 insurance companies Bk Assets: JD33 bn – Premium: JD330 m – 165 listed companies: JD20 bn => Focus on interlinkage: ACCESS TO FINANCE Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by But is a link missing? • Ranked 127/183 for access to credit (Doing Bus. 2010) Doing Business 2010 - Access to credit Strength of legal rights / 10 Depth of credit information index / 6 Public registry coverage / population Private bureaus coverage / population Jordan 4 2 1 0 MENA 3.3 3.3 5 10.9 OECD 6.8 4.9 8.8 59.6 • Contrasts with the WEF Financial Development index (25 / 55) • Other indices are in preparation (OECD) => What impede the financial sector from doing better? • Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by A missing link? Banking sector snapshot Improving the financial ecosystem JEDCO JSMP Access to Finance Going further Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by How performing is the banking sector ? Jordan Avg. LMIC Turkey Bank deposits / GDP 1.08 0.52 0.39 Bank credits / bank deposits 0.85 0.68 0.78 Bank overhead costs / Total assets 0.02 0.02 0.04 Return on assets 0.03 0.03 0.05 Return on equity 0.86 0.69 0.04 World Bank public database (2008) UK Singapore Egypt Tunisia Lebanon 1.53 1.13 0.76 0.51 n.a. 1.25 0.85 0.51 1.11 0.32 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.72 1.00 0.55 0.53 0.76 • Bank deposits total 108% of the GDP vs. 52% of LMIC • 85% of deposits transformed vs. an average of 68% • Overheads in line with average LMIC but 25% higher that in HIC • Returns on assets and equity are in line with best players => 1st rank of its tier / can compete internationally Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Is the service sector well served? CREDIT FACILITIES TO SERVICES SECTOR (JD million) @ Current Prices 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 In % % of GDP General Trade 1,585 1,917 2,435 2,898 3,195 24% 11% Construction 1,162 1,561 1,942 2,293 2,583 19% 17% Transportation Services 220 291 352 371 453 3% 17% Tourism, Hotels and Restaurants 181 195 256 367 428 3% 2% Public Services and Utilities 554 637 734 870 910 7% 10% Financial Services 176 242 390 438 434 3% 12% Total service sector 3,878 4,843 6,109 7,236 8,003 60% 69% Total 7,744 9,762 11,296 13,044 13,317 100% 50% 50% 54% 55% 60% Credit to Services In % of total => A support in line with importance of the SerSec Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by KFS: Strong regulator / prudent risk mgt • 2004 / 2007: Handbook and Corporate Governance Guide • Non Performing loans: from 17% in 2002 to 6% in FYE09 • Coverage ratio surged from 51% to 65%: better risk management • Nov. 2008: reduction of CBJ rates; but liquidity still high (JD7.4bn) PRIVATE CREDIT BY BANKS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / GDP 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 => Resilient sector positioned for growth Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by A missing link? Banking sector snapshot Improving the financial ecosystem JEDCO JSMP Access to Finance Going further Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Is banking finance accessible enough? • Focus on SME banking (real estate / stock exchange uncertainties) • Major banks target to triple their SME activities • 8 banks have created dedicated SME departments • 4 banks advertised SME tailored products • But SME lending still only represent 6 to 8% of total lending • Particularly affects the service sector (lack of collateral, intangibility) => JEDCO / JSMP assesses the gap to be 250 to 400 MJD / year Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by What about alternative financings? • For start-up / early stage companies, 3Fs account for 72% (vs. 37% in the US), banks 15%, micro-finance 9%, government 5% • Guarantee schemes are still nascent and under utilised: 45 MJD, vs. 250 MJD needed • Factoring services are quasi non-existent • Capital development is mainly focusing on large companies • Venture capital is under developed • Business angel networks are too many and not coordinated => The breadth of financial sector need improvement Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Improving the financial ecosystem Framework: Euro-Mediterranean Charter for Enterprise / JSMP FSSD Policy Develop SME financing friendly policies (e.g. Lebanon, Egypt, France, USA) Create a dialogue platform between various SME financing stakeholders Align the VC incentives with international standards (e.g. Dubai, Bahrain, Finland) Supply / Infrastruc demand -ture Develop framework for factoring activities (e.g., Tunisia, Lebanon) Strengthen / upgrade the loan / credit guarantee institutions Expedite creation of the credit bureaus (June 2010) Develop a registry for movable collaterals Developping financial intermediation services affordable to SMEs Develop government backed /privately managed VC funds Promote the creation of new loan guarantee funds Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by A missing link? Banking sector snapshot Improving the financial ecosystem JEDCO JSMP Access to Finance Going further Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Banking Window Programme Providing SME financial intermediation services The Banking Window offers three key services Aimed at facilitating access to finance for services SMEs Increasing company’s readiness (systems) Access to competitive bank / equity financing (financial intermediation) Better use of and access to collateral / improvement of financial terms(negotiation). Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by In-house advisory and coaching Production of credit report External technical assistance Introduction to JEDCO network of financial institutions (MOU) Venture Capital Programme Developing innovative financial instruments Cabinet decision: establish 2 Funds Venture Capital and Developt Co-sponsored by GoJ and the European Investment Early Stage Fund: 10-15 Meuros - GoJ / EIB precommitted 3 Meuros - 30% to 60% of min. Capital for Growth Fund: 30 to 50 Meuros (min. 20) - GoJ / EIB pre-committed 7 Meuros 35% of minimum size Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Championing a VC tax friendly environment in line with international competition Selecting managers according to strict process Assisting in structuring and fund raising Services SME loan guarantees Strengthening borrowers’ creditworthiness JSMP LT loan guarantee facility. Follow-up of EUR6m fund 60% default coverage<Euro75k Need to ensure high impact High leverage Incentives for banks Delegation to banks (small dossiers) Assessment of the situation in Jordan showing huge gap Assistance to the development of the business plan Fast decision process Why not burning the fund? Implementing body: JLGC (under discussion) Extra-incentives Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Study tour (Lebanon and France) Technical documentation SME Financing Advisory Committee Providing policy input Proves to be efficient (Turkey, Lebanon, Morocco) Stakeholder committee focusing on SME financing Gathers stakeholders Fed with practical surveys (sector needs, international practices, innovative instruments) Issuing recommendations Recommendations at all levels Advisor for Gvt. and donors finance Identify a hosting body for the initiative Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Concept note drafted and validated Stakeholders mobilized Preliminary list of feeding studies (e.g. Factoring) Difficulties in finding proper hosting body A missing link? Banking sector snapshot Improving the financial ecosystem JEDCO JSMP Access to Finance Going further Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by Going further • Capitalising on the strength of the financial sector • Taking opportunities generated by the crisis and demand pool • By taking daring financial initiatives focusing economics vs. financials Demand • Providing heavy assistance to improve creditworthy demand • Developing extensive and aggressive guarantee / VC funds industries Supply • Keeping on increasing the breadth of the FS (innovation) • Coordinating between Gvt. / FIs and private sector (SMEFAC) • Additional Gvt. / donors finance to trigger large scale SME financing THANK YOU Jordan Services Modernisation Programme a EU-funded programme implemented by