
(RPP 11)
SMP …….
Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris
VIII / Genap
Tahun Ajaran
Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana
berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang
berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana berbentuk
recount dan narrative secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks lisan esai berbentuk recount.
Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks (gagasan utama, gagasan
pendukung, informasi inci, informasi faktual, makna kata, frase dan kalimat)
Jenis teks
Recount Text
Aspek / Skill
Alokasi Waktu
2 x 40 Menit
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
membaca nyaring teks yang berbentuk recount
mencari kata-kata tertentu dalam teks recount
merujuk kata-kata tertentu dalam teks
mencari informasi rinci yang tersurat dalam teks
mencari informasi rinci yang tersirat dalam teks
mencari gagasan pokok dalam teks
mencari ide utama (main idea) dalam teks
a. Pengertian recount teks
 A recount text is a text which is used to tell the reader a past event. It usually focuses on a
persons past experience, so it usually uses the pronoun I and we.
 A recount text has three elements, namely:
Orientation or setting (it tells the reader about who was involved in the story, what
happened where the story took place, and when it happened)
Events (It tells the sequence of events and these are described in an order)
Re-orientation (It summarizes the events)
a. Kosa Kata terkait Tema : weather, lake, vegetables, canoe, interesting, etc.
b. Verb: went, parked, rented, saw
c. To be: was / were
d. Personal Pronouns : we, I
e. Grammar Used : Simple Past Tense
Recount Text
Yesterday, my parent and I went to Bedugul. We went there by motorcycles because the
weather was so calm. We were very happy because we saw beautiful scenery during our trip.
After arriving at Bedugul, we parked our motorcycles and directly we ordered three bowls of
meatball. We were very hungry because we took two hours to reach Bedugul. In the lake, I saw
some people were canoeing. It was very interesting, I thought. Then, I rented a canoe from
someone near the lake. For me, it was very hard to control the canoe but I still enjoy it.
Meanwhile, my parent bought some vegetables and fruits in the market near the lake.
Finally, I went back home in the evening. We were very happy at that time and thought to go
there in another occasion.
CTL dengan Technique: three – phase technique
A. Kegiatan pendahuluan : 10 menit
Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa
Memberikan siswa beberapa pertanyaan terkait materi yang akan diajarkan
Siswa menjawab pertanyaaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan
B. Kegiatan Inti : 60 menit
Memberikan contoh teks berbentuk recount
Membahas kata-kata sukar tekait dengan contoh teks yang diberikan
Memahami makna yang tersurat dan tersirat dalam contoh teks yang diberikan
Memberikan contoh cara membaca teks recount bersama siswa
Siswa menirukan apa yang dikatakan guru
Menyuruh siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait dengan contoh teks yang
Mengecek dan mendiskusikan hasil kerja siswa
Membahas jawaban bersama siswa
C. Kegiatan Penutup : 10 menit
Menanyakan kesulitan siswa selama proses belajar mengajar
Menyimpulkan materi yang telah dibahas dengan cara tanya jawab bersama siswa
Memberikan siswa pekerjaan rumah
English in Focus for Grade VIII Senior High School, Artono Wardiman, dkk, Hal. 85 dst
Silabus KTSP
a. Teknik
: Tulis
b. Bentuk
: True/ False dan esai
c. Instumen
Task 1 Answer the questions with True/ False based on the text above!
1. The text entitled “Going to Bedugul” is a narrative text.
True/ False
2. The writer and his parent went to Bedugul yesterday.
True/ False
3. They went to Bedugul by a car.
True/ False
4. After arriving at Bedugul, they ordered four bowls meatball because they were very hungry. True/
5. At Bedugul, they saw some people who were canoeing in the lake. True/ False
6. The writer was not interested in canoeing.
7. The writer was not able to use canoe but he enjoyed it.
True/ False
True/ False
8. The writer bought some vegetables and fruits near the lake. True/ False
9. They went back home in the evening.
True/ False
10. They were very happy and thought that they would not come True/ False
there again
Kunci jawaban untuk task 1
1. False
6. False
2. True
7. True
3. False
8. False
4. False
9. True
5. True
10. False
Task 2 Answer the questions given based on the text in the complete sentence!
1. What does the text tell us about?
2. When did they go to Bedugul?
3. What were they doing after arrive at Bedugul?
4. Did the writer and his parent feel hungry after arriving at Bedugul?
5. How many meatballs did they order there?
6. What kind of recreational facility did the writer rent?
7. Was the writer able to use canoe?
8. What did the writer’s parent do while the writer was canoeing?
9. Did the writer’s parent buy some vegetables and fruits?
10. How was their feeling?
Kunci jawaban untuk task 2
1. The text tells us about going to Bedugul and it is a recount text
2. They went to bedugul yesterday
3. After arriving at Bedugul they parked their motorcycles and directly they ordered three bowls of
4. Yes they did
5. They ordered three bowls of meatball
6. The writer rented a canoe
7. No he was not
8. The writer’s parent bought some vegetables and fruits in the market near the lake while the writer
was canoeing
9. Yes they did
10. Their feeling was very happy
d. Pedoman penilaian untuk task 1 dan 2
1. Tiap jawaban benar skor 10
2. Jumblah skor maksimal: 10X 10 = 100
3. Nilai maksimal = 100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
4. Nilai siswa: 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 X 100
Kepala SMP ……………
NIP. ……………………………….
Temukus, 10 Januari 2012
Guru Bahasa Inggris
NIP. ………………………………