Professional Profile

Professional Profile
My agriculture science program at my high school was pretty extensive considering the
size of my school. Coming out of my agriculture program, I feel like I have a good idea of my
general strengths and weakness pertaining to agriculture and life sciences. I am very
knowledgeable about life sciences including chemistry, biology, and anatomy and physiology. I
am also very familiar with an array of general and advanced animal science courses from taking
these courses in high school and during my undergraduate years at Texas A&M University. As
far as agriculture classes go, I have some understanding in agriculture mechanics from taking an
agriculture mechanics and welding class in high school. I also took a food technology class in
high school, along with a meats processing class in college, to give me more insight into the food
aspects of the agriculture industry. My weaknesses would be best indicated in horticulture and
aquaculture classes, simply because I lack the knowledge of these subjects due to my educational
background. I have some strength in agriculture mechanics, as mentioned above, but would
consider myself weak in electrical and plumbing areas. I think my weaknesses could easily be
transitioned into strengths with proper guidance and instruction.
To determine my personality traits and demeanor, I took the following personality tests:
Multiple Intelligences, ILS, and Meyers-Briggs. From my Multiple Intelligences test, it was
concluded that I am extremely logical and kinaesthetic. The logical strength was no surprise to
me, because I am very good when dealing with numbers and graphs due to my dependence on
visual learning. I also wasn’t surprised at my kinaesthetic trait, because of how active I am. I
absolutely hate sitting still, and sometimes it is nearly impossible. I always have to be doing
something with my body, and if I’m not moving in some fashion I will become very bored. My
next highest traits were visual/spatial, naturalistic, and linguistic. I am a very visual learner, as
mentioned above, so this was another obvious trait for me. I do my best learning and
understanding when pictures or diagrams are involved, or when I can simply see the explanation.
I have always been a very naturalistic person. I excel in and enjoy life science classes and I like
relating my learning back to things I can see in nature. My linguistic rating was slightly higher
than average, which seems about right. I enjoy reading about things that interest me, and I have
to write down everything. I think this again goes back to my visual comprehension. If I don’t
understand something, it helps me to talk it out and get feedback from others; another linguistic
quality. Finally, my lowest qualities were interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical. I feel like
my interpersonal and intrapersonal ratings were kind of low, because I am sometimes one or the
other. I am interpersonal in the way that I enjoy socializing with other people, but intrapersonal
in the way that I am in touch with my qualities and myself. My musical rating was lowest, in my
opinion due to my lack of auditory learning. I enjoy listening to music, but past that I don’t have
much recognition. Overall, I think these ratings of my personality were relatively accurate. My
next test was the ILS test. On the scale of active and reflective learning, I scored in the wellbalanced range. The matter at hand determines whether I wish to discuss it openly with others or
think about it for a while on my own. I often catch myself in the situation where at first I want to
think about it on my own for a bit, and then compare my thoughts to those of my peers.
Furthermore, in some situations I prefer to work alone while in other situations I want to be part
of a group. On the scale of sensing and intuitive learners, I was considered to have a very strong
preference toward the sensing side. This was pretty predictable of me, in that I base most of my
judgment off of what is and what isn’t. I am very practical and want my experiences to have a
direct connection to something in life. The next scale rated me very visual, which again came as
no surprise. My recollection is purely image based and I learn nearly exclusively by visual
presentations. Finally, the test showed I have a moderate preference for sequential learning
versus global learning. I understand concepts better when presented in an orderly fashion, and
steps logically laid out. I depend on stepwise paths for solutions, rather than grasping the end
picture then filling in the pieces. This test was also pretty accurate, but gave some good insight
into the different extremes of learners. My last test was the Meyers-Briggs test, which from what
I can tell is a good depiction of my personality. I am moderately more introverted than
extroverted. This is the case in new setting and around new people, but once I have established a
relationship I convert to an extrovert. I also have a moderate preference for sensing over
intuition. I like to think things through rather than act on a whim. I have a definite likelihood to
think rather than feel my decisions and actions. This goes hand in hand with my logical
reasoning. I like to have real evidence rather than depend on my feelings toward a situation.
Finally, I have a moderate preference of perceiving over judging. I often get caught up in what is
going on around me at this point in time, as opposed to thinking into the future. Generally
speaking, this test is another good indication of my personality traits.
Going forward with this knowledge of my personality traits and learning characteristics, I
am more equipped to approach the classroom setting. I can compare how I approach the learning
process to those of the youth I will be impacting. For those similar to me in different aspects, I
will know how to better relate to them and provide material in the best manner for them. For
those that are different in some of my qualities, I know how the characteristics vary and how to
approach different types of personalities. This insight into my personality can be very influential
to my teaching style and process, and can provide me the tools I need to be the most prominent
county extension agent I can be.