Our Body Systems

Mrs. Puckli
Day 1
Bell Ringer!
 Welcome to Quarter Three Health with Mrs.
 Take the Bell Ringer at the side table
immediately upon entering!
Respiratory System
 Organs that supply your blood with oxygen
 Mouth
 Nose
Cilia –tiny hair like particles that line your nose and trap dirt
and particles
 Trachea
 Lungs
 Diaphragm
Parts of the Respiratory System
 Trachea- passageway in your throat that takes air into
and out of your lungs
 Epiglottis- flap of tissue in the back of your mouth
that keeps food out of your trachea
 Bronchi-two passageways that branch from the
trachea, one to each lung
Parts of the Respiratory System
 Lungs- two large organs that exchange oxygen and
carbon dioxide
 Diaphragm- large, dome shaped muscle below the
lungs. Expands and compresses the lungs-enabling
Breathing Process
Taking Care of your Respiratory
 Avoid Tobacco use
 Stay away from people who smoke
 Take care of your body when you have the flu or
respiratory illnesses
 Drink plenty of fluids
 Eat a healthful diet
 Be physically active on a regular basis
Nervous System
 Body's control center
 Carries messages back and forth between your brain and
all parts of your body
Parts of the Nervous System
1. Central nervous system
 Brain
 Spinal Cord
2. Peripheral Nervous System
 Nerves that connect the central nervous system to all
parts of the body
Central Nervous System
 Brain- MOST important part
 Command center, coordinator, of the nervous system
 Spinal Cord
 Long bundle of neurons that sends messages to and
from the brain and all parts of the body
 Activity with partner
Taking Care of your Nervous
 Eat nutritious foods
 Get enough rest
 Vaccinate against harmful diseases
 Protect yourself from physical injury
 Helmet, protective eyewear
 Lifting properly
 Follow traffic laws, wear seat -belt
Journal Entry
 What do you think happens to food once you take a
bite of something? Name the sequence of organs in the
digestive system?
 Identify Digestive, Circulatory, Muscular, and Skeletal
systems in the body and their primary function
 List major components of these body systems
 Explain actions necessary to keep the body systems
Digestive System
 Group of organs that work together to break down
foods into substances that your cells can use
Where does it begin?
 Mouthtear and grind food with your teethSaliva
 Saliva-digestive juice produced by salivary glands in your
mouth-moistens and softens food making it easier to
 Amylase- enzyme in saliva that breaks down
carbohydrates in food changing it from starch to sugar
Enzyme-substance that aids in body's chemical reactions
Digestive Organs
 Swallowesophogus
 Esophogus-contracts and relaxes and repeatedly moves
the food along to the stomach
 Stomachchurn and mix the foodsmall intestine
 Small intestine- coiled tube from 20-23 ft long in which
about 90 % of digestion takes place
 Food combines with enzymes and Villi, on the wall of
the small intestine, take in nutrients from food
Digestive Organs
 Small Intestinecolon (Large Intestine)
 Colon- tube 5-6 ft in length that plays a part in both
digestion and excretion
 Last stop for solid food
Caring for your Digestive System
 Eat balanced diet with low-fat, high fiber food
 Fiber helps system work properly
 Drink enough water-60-70% of your body weight is
made up of water
 Keep teeth healthy
 Get regular physical activity-systems work better
Circulatory System(cardiovascular
 A group of organs and tissues that act as a transfer
station carrying needed material to cells and removing
their waste products
 Heart- center of circulatory system
 Blood vessels
 Blood
 Cardio (heart)-vascular (blood vessels) system
Circulation Path
 Pg 72
Caring for Circulatory System
 Make aerobic activity a habit-improves cardiovascular
 Steps up the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your body
 Moderate-vigorous activity-helps cut the amount of
fatty material in your blood
 Balanced food plan
 Manage stress-stress can strain your heart and blood
 Avoid tobacco-nicotine narrows blood vessels-cutting
down on oxygen supply
Skeletal and Muscular Systems
 Skeletal- framework of bones and other tissues that
supports the body
 Protects internal organs
 Helps us move
 206 bones in the body
 Joints- places where two or more bones meet
1. Allow bones to move
2. Protect organs
 Tendons- type of connecting tissue that joins muscle to
bones and muscle to muscle
 Achilles- attaches your calf to your heel bone
 Ligaments- type of connecting tissue that holds bones to
other bones at the joint (knees and ankles)
 Cartilage- strong, flexible tissue that allows joints to move
easily, cushions bones, and supports soft tissue
 Tip of your nose
 Knee joint
Muscular System
 Tissue that moves parts of the body and control the
 Power and flexibility you need to move
Skeletal Muscles
 Voluntary-you can control them
 Turning your head-brain sends the message to muscles
in your neck
 Moving your arm
Smooth Muscles
 Body’s organs
 Body’s blood vessels
 Involuntary- move without you consciously controlling
their movement
 stomach
Cardiac Muscle
 involuntary
Caring for your Bones and Muscles
 Stay physically active
 Flexibility exercises
 Stand up straight-proper posture keeps bones, joints,
and muscles in the right place
 Lifting heavy objects-keep your back straight, bend
your knees
 Eat healthy-muscles and bones get the right nutrients
and food provides fuel for energy
 What nutrient can help build muscle?