DePaul University Position Management from Definition to GL session: M3 - 1005 Presenters Carol Damron (DePaul University) Jan Jerabek (Kaludis Consulting Group) DePaul University Overview Founded by Vincentian Fathers in 1898 to teach the children of immigrants Largest Catholic university in USA Private, urban university with 7 campuses in the Chicago metropolitan area Enrollment: 22,000 College of Law and 130 graduate and undergraduate degree programs DePaul - PeopleSoft Modules PeopleSoft Implementation: SA v 7.6 (Fall 1999) HRMS v 7.51 (Summer 2000) FS v 7.5 (Spring 2001, although PS payroll transactions were sent to PS GL since implementation and then converted to legacy GL) UNIX on Oracle 8.0.5 DePaul University Payroll Count Full-time Faculty Full-time Exempt Staff Exception Hourly Staff Administrative Part-time Part-time Faculty Facilities Operations Public Safety Officers Retirees/COBRA Student Employees 663 744 389 464 1288 53 43 243 3667 DePaul - Why Position Management? Accounting can be inferred from the position. A position is independent of the incumbent(s), and can be vacant. This allows: Reduced data entry and errors during processes such as hiring, promotion, etc. since many attributes such as paygroup, standard hours, and employee type can be inferred from the position. Encumbrance and ‘salary savings’ can be calculated based on vacant position data. DePaul - Position Mgt Environment Payrolls are overlapping, biweekly pay periods. All employees are in at least one position (full position management). Most full-time positions are singleincumbent. Part-time positions often have multipleincumbents. DePaul - Position Mgt Environment (cont.) Currently, multiple Job record numbers are not being used. Instead heavy use is made of additional pay. Part-time employees and students have ‘generic’ positions on their Job rows, but ‘real’ positions on Addl Pay. It was decided early in the implementation process that the values of Deptid would be consistent across SA, HR, and FS with FS being the driving authority. DePaul - Position Mgt Environment (cont.) Budgeting and encumbrance is based on the combination of position number and accounting chart fields. In addition to full-time positions, some budgeting is based on pools, such as overtime and part-time. (Note the difference between pooled positions which may refer to positions with multiple incumbents or special usage and PeopleSoft position pools which refer to groups of positions.) DePaul - Position Mgt Environment (cont.) The HR field Acct_Cd is derived from the concatenation of chart fields according to the following formula: DEPTID || ACCOUNT || DECODE(PROGRAM_CODE, '00000','',PROGRAM_CODE) || DECODE(PROJECT_ID, ' ', '', PROJECT_ID) || DECODE(FUND_CODE, '501', 'CS', '502', 'CS', '') Many positions have multiple funding sources, especially when grants are involved. DePaul - Position Mgt Environment (cont.) Expenses are recognized based on the check date. Cut-over from the legacy system was done in mid-August (mid-calendar year, mid-fiscal year). For ease of transition, the original implementation did not include Ben Admin, Recruit Workforce or Work Flow. Topics - Tale of the “tions” Position Definition Budgeted Accounting Distribution Assignment of Position Payroll Accounting Distribution General Ledger Integration Error Detection Customizations Questions / Discussion Quick Survey of Audience Show of hands: You are attending this presentation because you Are currently using Position Management in production Are currently implementing Position Mgt Are considering implementing Position Mgt Are considering implementing PS HRMS Lost out to other attendees from your group who got to go to more interesting sessions Position Definition Position Definition Panel 1 Default to Job Position Definition Panel 2 Position Definition Panel 3 Default to Job Position Definition Panel 4 Default to Job Default to Job Position Definition Notes Department/Position Combination A note on the department/position combination. While Position_Nbr is the only key on the Position_Data table, from budget distribution to job and additional pay assignment and through payroll distribution, you will be bound by the fact that position and department are joined at the hip. Thus while multiple funding of a single position is Position Definition Notes - (cont.) Department/Position Combination (cont.) allowed, that position can be ‘owned’ by only a single department. For example, a position which is funded 50% by Geology and 50% by Anthropology can only be tied to one of those departments on Position_Data and the other tables we’ll see later in this presentation. Depending on your circumstance, this may or may not be a major issue. Position Definition Notes - DePaul Class Indicator field As delivered, the Class_Indc translate values of Classified, Unclassified, Temporary, All were not useful to DePaul. We inactivated these and added: (O) Operating (N) Non-Operating (1) One-Time Pay (V) Overtime (G) Generic (S) Salary Pool (H) Chair Addl Pay (X) Ben-related Budgeted Accounting Distribution (default labor distribution) Defining Acct_Cds Can’t change online after entry Budgeted Accounting Distribution Dept Budget FTE DePaul doesn’t use Budgeted Accounting Distribution Dept Budget Date DePaul doesn’t use Budgeted Accounting Distribution Dept Budget Earnings Budgeted Accounting Distribution Dept Budget Deductions Budgeted Accounting Distribution Dept Budget Taxes Budgeted Distribution Notes Multiple accounting distributions are allowed (example follows). Specific Erncd, Dedcd, Tax_Class are allowed (example follows). Note, this is if the Erncd occurs, it does not force that Erncd to be used. A blank Erncd is a ‘wildcard’, read as ‘unless otherwise specified’. Wildcard and specified Erncds can be used in combination. Budgeted Distribution Notes (cont.) Using percentage of distribution rather than fixed amount highly recommended. Using fixed amounts runs the risk of resulting in manual distributions of excess. Multiple sequences are allowed which allow sequencing of distributions. Multiple Distributions Example Specific Erncd Example Budgeted Distribution Notes - DePaul Budget caps are not useful to DePaul since the position per se is not budgeted, but rather the position/account combination Sequence is not used. Rather changes are made on an Effdt basis. Position pools are not used since they are most helpful when identical accounting is required. Position Assignment (relating a position to HR/Payroll data) Position Assignment Positions are assigned on Job, Addl Pay Data, and/or Paysheet Job data inherits information from the position, which can be overridden Again, make sure to maintain the Dept/Position combination Position Assignment on Job Default from position Accounting Assignment (overriding default expense accounting data) Accounting Assignment Acct Cds can also be assigned at the Job (Job Earns Dist), Addl Pay, and Paysheet levels. However, these only apply to earnings expense. ERE (employee-related earnings, benefit expenses, fringe expenses, or whatever you call them) are always controlled by the position distribution. Whether this is an issue or not depends on how ERE expense is handled. Position/Account Assignment on Job Earn Dist Position/Account Assignment on Addl Pay Position/Account Assignment on Paysheet To access secondary panel Earnings Expense Hierarchy When Acct_Cd values are entered at various levels, which one is in effect? Paysheet Job Earns Dist, Addl Pay Position Position Assignment Notes - DePaul By procedure, DePaul does not override position data. This is based on issues of data integrity and the choice to sometimes change a position definition attribute rather than override it on the Job panel. All accounting is through the position to keep the tie between earnings expense and ERE expense. No expense overrides are used. Payroll Accounting Distribution Notes After the payroll Confirm process has completed, the COBOL program PSPPFUND is run. Essentially, this performs the labor distribution function. This process is one in which mismatches in the position/ department combination will result in an error. Each Paygroup is handled as a unit - one position error, all error. Payroll Accounting Distribution Notes (cont.) Note that the menu name for the labor distribution process, Paycheck Distribution, may be misleading if you think of paycheck distribution as handing out paychecks. Payroll Accounting Distribution Tables The results of the distribution process are stored in Pay_Ern_Dist, Pay_Tax_Dist and Pay_Ded_Dist. Note that since this data is for university expenses, items such as employee-paid deductions and withholding taxes are not included. Other tables, such as Budget_Actuals and Pay_Check, are also updated. Position Distribution Review Interface to General Ledger Setup (assuming PeopleSoft GL) Defining Dept Offset (Liabilities) Defining Dept Offset (Liabilities) Special Case for ‘DED’ Activity When this Get this Setup Ledger Template Supplied Setup Ledger Group Setup Detail Ledger Setup Journal Source Setup Accounting Entry Definition Setup Journal Generator Template Interface to General Ledger Process Interface to General Ledger - Step 1 After PSPPFUND is successfully completed, the SQR program PAYGL02 is run. This program takes data from the ‘Dist’ tables (and others) and builds data in the Hr_Acctg_Ln_Ps table. Reference to the check/advice number is carried for audit purposes. Interface to General Ledger - Step 2 Running the Journal Generator process consolidates the data from Hr_Acctg_Ln_Ps into Jrnl_Header_Fs and Jrnl_Ln_Fs based on chart fields. This information is then typically exported as flat files to the FS instance. Interface to General Ledger - DePaul Vanilla PeopleSoft distribution will split a payroll that crosses month-end into the multiple accounting periods. Since DePaul recognizes total payroll expense as of the check date, a merge-period SQR was created. Also PAYGL02 was modified to pass check date rather than pay end date. Error Detection at DePaul Error Detection - DePaul Appended PAY034.SQR (Pre-Sheet Audit), PAY036.SQR (Pre-Confirm Audit) and wrote a ‘Position Audit Report’ to find: Posn/Dept mismatches on Position vs Job, Addl Pay Data, paysheets, or Dept Budget tables Posn/Dept changes Effdt not on a pay period begin date, or that cross a fiscal year-end pay period Error Detection - DePaul (cont.) Position Override chosen on Job Positions with no default funding Positions with Ern_Dist missing Ded_Dist or Tax_Dist Positions classified as overtime or one-time pays with incorrect Acct_Cd structure Depts without an overtime or one-time pay positions Error Detection - DePaul (cont.) Certain Addl Pays (such as MCR, MOV, and PCL) without corresponding Erncd on Dept Budget Dept not on tree Distribution mismatches Ern/Ded/Tax Multiple active Dept_Budget rows Mail-drop dept vs position dept Customizations at DePaul Some Position-Related Customizations Payroll/Position Cross-Reference Panel Encumbrance Process Position Budgeting Process Labor Redistribution Integrated Salary Planning/Budget Planning Custom Payroll/Position CrossReference Panel Custom Encumbrance Calculation SQR Only full-time, active, non-frozen positions are encumbered based on job salary and additional pay. Vacant full-time positions are encumbered based on budgeted amount. Partial pay periods at the beginning and end of the fiscal year are encumbered based on the number of weekdays. Custom Encumbrance Inquiry Panel Select by Position Budgeting Process at DePaul Budgets are by the position/accounting chart field/ amount combination. Original budgets are set during the salary planning process and are then frozen at the beginning of the fiscal year. New position budgets and changes in current budgets can be classified as either permanent or temporary. Position Budgeting Process (cont.) Budget transfers cannot reduce balance below actual + redistributed + encumbered. An SQR in the FS instance reads the budget transaction lines in the SAHR instance across a database link and then formats them as journal lines which are eventually posted to Ledger_Budg. Custom Budget ‘Master’ Panel Insert 1-sided, display applicable from 2-sided Custom Budget Transfer Panel Multiple position-related Multiple non-positionrelated Custom Budget Status Inquiry Panel Employees within positions within accounts Actuals Redistribution Process at DePaul Actual and previously redistributed FYTD transactions are summarized and available for redistribution. An SQR program writes un-posted redistribution transactions to the HR_ACCTG_LN_PS table with an RD template and mask. Journal generation as in the GL interface process loads to the GL. Actuals Redistribution Process (cont.) Note that this approach to redistribution does not refer to which specific payroll transactions have been redistributed. Since redistribution transactions are necessarily included in all custom position management panels and reports, the redistribution tables provided an ideal location for the converted legacy payroll expense data. Custom Actuals Redistribution Panel Pick ‘from’ Acct/Posn in search, ‘to’ defaults for edit Position Budgeting Process Flow at DePaul Custom Integrated Salary Planning/ Budget Planning Next Year’s Presentation ???? Shameless Plug for Other DePaul Presentations at this Conference SA Student Direct Deposit and Check Refunds through PeopleSoft Payroll (session: T3 3508 Tuesday 12:00 noon) FS Grants Management Implementation (session: T1 2214 Tuesday 9:15 a.m.) Certainly Questions Possibly Answers DePaul University Position Management from Definition to GL Carol Damron (DePaul University) Jan Jerabek (Kaludis Consulting Group)