Spatial data acquisition and processing

Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science
Curricula in Geoinformatics
Faculty of Science, Charles university in Prague
Markéta Potůčková
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science
Department of Applied Geoinformatics
Geoinformatics at Charles university
Charles university in Prague
Faculty of Science
Geography –> dept. of Cartography
Department of Applied geoinformatics
and cartography
Traditional GI curricula within geography
• Loosely coupled with physical and social
geography – main emphasis on cartographic output
products and visualization for research activities
in geography
• More or less research on using tools for specific
applications and a classic map creation
• Development of the new technology, approaches
or methodology was restricted for different
subjects individually (remote sensing,
geoinformatics, cartography)
Needs for change
Motivations for change in curricula
• Huge development in geoinformatics and remote
sensing science
• Change in perception of geoinformatics as a
science which gives more possibilities in research
and development of new applications
• New requirements for the graduates
• Acceptance of the Bologna agreement
New curriculum was created, accredited and has
been used since 2003
Goals in geoinformatics education
• Not only individually develop domains within
geoinformatics but outline possible combinations
and methods across all subjects to solve a given
• Highlight an interdisciplinary character of
geoinformatics science
• No possibilities to cover all specialization within
one department
therefore cooperation with
other departments physical (hydrology,
geomorphology, etc.) and social/regional (urban
studies, landuse/landcover, regionalization, etc.)
geography – in applications the stress is on the
geoinformation content (development of new
tools, data quality, …)
Structure of the curriculum
• 4 basic fields:
Science and research methods
Spatial data acquisition, processing and analysis
Spatial data visualization and presentation
Database systems
• Students learn appropriate subjects either in
bachelor degree and in master degree
• Master degree is focused on geoinformatics
science whereas geoinformatics is only a part of
more general bachelor degree
Bachelor degree
Courses provided by the Department of Applied
Geoinformatics and Cartography
Bachelor degree
Science and research
Introduction to university study
Seminar to bachelor thesis
Bachelor degree
Acquisition and processing of spatial data
Bachelor degree
Visualization and presentation of spatial data
Bachelor degree
Database systems
Master degree
Overview on courses of the study programme
“Cartography and Geoinformatics”
Master degree
Science and research
Master degree
Acquisition and processing of spatial data
Master degree
Visualization and presentation of spatial data
Master degree
Database systems
Science and research
Researches’ ethical code
Writing capability
Presentation capability
Working with information sources (search,
analyze, use and write)
- Team working
- Systematic approach to solving problems
Bachelor and master thesis
Science and research
All modules (subjects) lead to a selection of the
diploma thesis
Examples of the diploma topics (finished in 2006):
• Access to GIS and spatial database from mobile
• Application of VRML for creating a web information
system of …
• Detection of vegetation at rural areas by means of
object classification
• Analysis of land cover changes of the model area …
Spatial data acquisition and processing
• Principles of geoinformatics, GIS, and remote
sensing in bachelor degree
• Subjects in master degree extend the basic with
knowledge and practical skills for:
• Data collection by means of photogrammetry, laser
scanning, optical RS systems, RADAR techniques
• Overview of existing topographic and other databases
in the Czech Republic
• Advanced techniques in remote sensing (object
oriented classification, fuzzy aspects of the
classification, etc.)
• Uncertainty in data sets and data quality checking
Spatial data visualization and presentation
Using appropriate techniques
users applicability
• General overview of cartography is given in
bachelor degree
(overview of the history, mathematical
fundaments, basic rules for creating maps, digital
Master degree
• more about algorithms on background processing of
vector and raster data, digital image processing
• data distribution via web environment
Database systems
Different approach for students:
Bachelor degree
• Study principles of the database, using SQL, creating
and using simple database systems and using
databases within GIS technologies
Master degree
• Advance database modeling issues including CASE
tools, transaction and analytical systems (OLTP, OLAP)
Voluntary courses in programming (C++, Java,
Cooperation between subjects
• Main aim for curriculum is interdisciplinary
cooperation and complex view of the problems
• Students choose a specialization through topic of
the thesis – possibilities for voluntary modules
• Courses are provided with a given succession
• Interdisciplinary character of the curricula is
finishing in diploma thesis
Application of acquired knowledge
• Example of a master thesis (defended this week)
Theoretical part: research focused on land survey
records accuracy evaluation on cadastral scale in
Czech republic
Practical part:
1. Data acquisition from several sources (field
survey, digital cadastral map, analogue maps and
satellite data – IKONOS, SPOT)
2. Visual image interpretation
Application of acquired knowledge
3. Image classification
4. Analyzing and comparing classification results
with real land use; accuracy assessment
5. Knowledge – based reclassification, importing
data from different sources
6. Test of feasibility to update land use database by
a proposed methodology
7. Comparison of the applied methodology with
methods that has been used so far
Application of acquired knowledge
• Example of a master thesis (defended this week)
and Research
• Theoretical part: research focused on land
survey records accuracy evaluation on cadastral
scale in Czech republic
and part:
• Practical
• Data acquisition from several sources (field
survey, digital cadastral map, analogue maps and
satellite data – IKONOS, SPOT)
• Visual image interpretation
Application acquired knowledge
Acquisition and processing
• Image classification
• Analyzing and comparing classification results
with real land use; accuracy assessment
• Knowledge
systems – based reclassification, importing
data from different sources
• Test of feasibility to update land use database by
a proposed methodology
• Comparison of the applied methodology with
methods that has been used so far
• Sufficient hardware and software equipment is
• Department’s laboratories and computers rooms
(also for individual working)
• proprietary and open source software solution (e.g.
ESRI, Oracle, PCI Geomatica, Definiens Proffesional,
PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Mapserver, Adobe, Corel, etc.)
• Enough ESRI software (basic courses) due the ESRI site
• Except of the training data, own receiving station
for meteorological imagery (EUMETSAT)
Collaboration with other departments and
• Ongoing research projects in the field of
• RS (urban sprawl, monitoring of scrub pine areas, land
• Cartography
• Students and staff exchange programmes
• Erasmus (ITC, AAU, Valencia)
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science
Thank you for your attention
FIG symposium, Prague
Scientia Est Potentia