Date: September 3, 2014 TO: Division Budget Managers FROM: Clinton G. Moffitt Associate Vice President for Financial Services SUBJECT: 2014-15 Final Budget Allocation The Governor signed the state Budget Act of 2014 [Assembly Bill (AB) 152, Chapter 25] on June 20, 2014. The 2014/15 enacted budget allocations are reflected on attachments A through E of this document. This is a summary of the 2014/15 Final Budget Allocations memo, Coded Memo B 2014-02. CSU appropriations in the enacted budget are consistent with the Governor’s January budget. The final budget includes a $142.2 million General Fund (GF) increase consistent with the governor’s multi-year funding plan; however, it is less than the CSU Board of Trustees (BOT) 2014/15 support budget request approved at the board’s November 2013 meeting that requested a $237.6 million GF appropriation increase. The BOT approved budget plan has been adjusted based on the $142.2M GF appropriation increase and the adjustments were reviewed at the July 22, 2014 BOT meeting. This memo makes final budget allocations to campuses based on the revised plan. These allocations are reported in attachments A through E of this coded memorandum. A major change in the CSU budget appropriation is the inclusion of state General Obligation (GO) bond debt service expense ($197.2M) to the CSU main appropriation and moving CSU lease revenue bonds debt service (LRB) from a separately identified appropriations item to the CSU main appropriation item ($99.1M). The Budget Act of 2014 also includes one-time award availability for innovations in higher education that are available to fund local assistance proposals from any of the three California higher education segments for programs that promote increased graduation rates, decreased time to degree, or improved Community College transfer. The July 22, 2014 BOT approved the budget which includes the following: Mandatory costs increases, $23.7 million (health benefit premium increases, new space increases). Employee compensation pool, $92.6 million. 2.47percent (system-wide) enrollment growth, $41.6 million. Employer-paid retirement costs of $15.6. CSU interest payments to the state of $1.2 million Office of the Associate Vice President for Financial Services California State University, Fresno - Henry Madden Library 5200 N. Barton Ave. M/S ML52 - Fresno, California 93740-8029 P 559.278.2083 F 559.278.2928 THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 2014-15 General Fund Budget Allocation Instructions September 3, 2014 – Page 2 The following table summarizes the CSU 2014/15 state appropriation based on the Budget Act: General Fund (GF) Appropriation in 2013/14 Budget Act Supplemental GF Appropriation - Adjustment for 2013/14 Retirement Rates Revisedl GF Appropriation in 2013/14 Budget Act Augmentations/Adjustments: Adjustment for 2013/14 Lease Revenue Bond Debt Service Adjustment for State Interest Payment CSU System-wide Provisions Fold In of CSU GO Bond Debt Service into CSU Main GF Appropriation Final GF Appropriation with Augmentations/Adjustments 2014/15 Programmatic GF Support Increase 2014/15 Center for California Studies GF Increase Total GF Appropriation in 2014/15 Budget Act CSU $ 2,330,500,000 Fresno $ 108,604,732 15,632,000 $2,346,132,000 699,700 109,304,432 8,543,000 1,179,000 197,237,000 $ 2,553,091,000 142,222,000 442,000 $2,695,755,000 - 54,200 1,578,100 $ 110,936,732 7,519,100 $ 118,455,832 Our campus resident full-time equivalent student (FTES) enrollment growth of 2.47 percent is equivalent to 400 bringing the 2014/15 resident target to 18,178 FTES. The budget adjustments in this coded memorandum also include a $2,472,000 increase in gross tuition fee revenue from 2.47 percent enrollment growth. After setting aside incremental financial aid (tuition fee discounts) equivalent to $527,000, the 2014/15 net tuition fee revenue from enrollment growth is $1,945,000. An additional adjustment in estimated tuition fee revenue of $627,000 results from year to year changes in actual student enrollment patterns, resulting in an overall tuition fee revenue adjustment of $2,572,000. The estimated 2014/15 tuition fee revenue totals approximately $111,568,680. Please direct questions concerning this memorandum to the Budget and Resource Planning Office. Reference the staff directory for contact information. Appendix A Following are further details regarding 2014/15 Fresno State’s Budget General Fund (GF) base and expenditure adjustments and information related to distributions for Fresno State as shown in budget allocations Attachments A through E. Attachment A – 2014/15 Final Budget Allocations, Gross Budget Summary The 2014/15 Final Budget allocations are presented as preliminary adjustments to the 2013/14 Final Budget allocation base. The adjustments include estimated budget actions specified on Attachments B, C, and D. 2014-15 General Fund Budget Allocation Instructions September 3, 2014 – Page 3 Attachment B – 2014/15 Final Budget Allocations, General Fund Base Adjustments Base budget adjustments address modifications to the GF allocation received in the 2013/14 final budget (reference Coded Memo B 2013-02). The Fresno State GF appropriation in the 2013/14 Final Budget enacted last June totaled $108,604,732. After GF base adjustments for 2013/14 retirement rate changes of $699,700, 2013/14 Faculty Equity Salary Adjustment of $67,700, 2013/14 Compensation Increase Pool $1,838,000, 2013/14 Full Year Compensation Costs Adjustments $94,000, 2013/14 Improving Student Success/Reduction of Bottleneck $498,400, the revenue interest assessment adjustment of $54,200, and the Tuition Fee Discounts, GF Adjustments based on Relative Student Need $355,800, less 1.137 percent assessment of $1,227,800 to support CSU operations. The revised GF base for 2014/15 is $110,936,732. This is before other GF expenditure adjustments. These GF base adjustments are further described below. Retirement Adjustment Each year the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) adjusts employer-paid contribution rates in order to maintain the actuarial soundness of the system and meet defined benefit pension obligations. The distribution of the $699,700 is based on the changes in CalPERS employer-paid retirement rates from 2012/13 to 2013/14 applied to the campus actual 2nd quarter, CSU Operating Fund pensionable salaries as submitted monthly by the System Budget Office, Employee Salary Projection system. The State Miscellaneous – Tier 1 rate increased from 20.503 percent to 21.203 percent and the State Peace Officer / Firefighter rate increased from 30.297 percent to 31.320 percent (CSU covers the additional 8 percent employee contribution rate for Unit 8). 2013/14 Compensation Base Adjustments (Faculty Equity Salary Adjustment, 1.34 Percent Compensation Increase Pool, Full Year Compensation Adjustments) The 2014/15 final budget makes permanent the $67,700 2013/14 faculty equity compensation increase, $1,838,000 2013/14 1.34 percent compensation pool, and $94,000 2013/14 full-year compensation cost adjustments Improving Student Success/Reeducation of Bottleneck Courses Adjustments The 2014/15 budget allocations make permanent the $498,400 2013/14 funding for improving student success awarded by the Chancellor’s Office (C.O.) in July 2013 following a request for proposal process. One-time allocations occurred in the fall and become permanent base in the 2014/15 budget allocations. Other Base Adjustments Other base budget adjustments include base budget adjustments from system-wide provisions to the Chancellor’s Office to fund enrollment adjustments for three campuses. There is also a base budget adjustment in the 2014/15 Final Budget to move $197.2 million for general obligation bond debt service for statewide capital expenditures to the CSU main General Fund appropriation and to increase bond lease revenue debt service adjustment by $8.5 million. 2014-15 General Fund Budget Allocation Instructions September 3, 2014 – Page 4 Campus Operating Revenue Interest Assessment The total CSU 2014/15 operating revenue interest assessed is $54,200. The interest assessment has occurred since 2006/07 when CSU higher education fee revenue moved from a state fund to the CSU local Trust Fund. The CSU interest payment obligation is in budget statute and is meant to keep the state whole for interest earned on student fee revenue held in trust. The distribution by campus is based on the campus operating revenue that includes tuition and other fee revenue reported in 2012/13 FIRMS final budget submissions. The interest cost is calculated using the most recent Surplus Money Investment Fund (SMIF) interest rates. Tuition Fee Discounts, GF Adjustments based on Campus Relative Student Need The difference between tuition fee discount increases and the updated total tuition fee discounts distribution based on student financial aid need and enrollment targets results in GF allocation adjustments by campus. Attachment C – 2013/14 Final Budget Allocations, General Fund Expenditure Adjustments The 2014/15 Fresno State’s Budget allocations for expenditure adjustments of $7,519,100 as provided in Attachment C include funding to cover the cost of mandatory cost increases, enrollment growth, financial aid (tuition fee discounts) adjustments. Enrollment Growth Funding The 2014/15 Final Budget allocations include 2.47 percent resident full-time equivalent students (FTES) growth, an additional 400 FTES, funded at a marginal cost rate of $9,737 per FTES (GF and fees). The distribution of enrollment targets by campus is based on consultation with campus presidents. The 2014/15 resident student marginal cost of instruction rate is set at $9,737, net of tuition fee discounts of $1,318. The 2014/15 resident student marginal cost of instruction rate by program area is detailed in the Chancellor’s Office memo B 2014-02, dated July 28, 2014. Mandatory Costs Increases Attachment C includes expenditure adjustments for CSU mandatory cost increases related to changes in health premiums, energy costs, and new space maintenance and operations. Health Benefits The estimated annualized cost to fund employer-paid health care benefit premium rate increases effective in January 2014 is $619,000. Health care benefit rate increases are determined by the number of CSU employee participants and the difference between the old and new employer-paid contribution rates. The employer-paid health care benefit cost increase is distributed on the basis of the percentage share of campus FIRMS 2012/13 actual state support health benefits expenditures. 2014-15 General Fund Budget Allocation Instructions September 3, 2014 – Page 5 New Space The 2014/15 Final Budget allocations include $501,000 to fund regular maintenance and operations of 2014/15 new space. Regular maintenance of new space includes the cost of utilities, building maintenance, custodial, landscape, and administrative support. Funding of regular maintenance is provided at the new space rate of $10.45 per square foot in 2014/15. Compensation Increase Pool The 2014/15 Final Budget allocations include $4,449,100 to fund a 3 percent compensation pool distributed by campus based on the percentage share of the most recent past year actual (currently 2012/13) CSU state supported salaries reported. Actual compensation increases for represented employee groups are determined by negotiations between collective bargaining units and the CSU system-wide Human Resources. Tuition Fee Discounts, GF Adjustments based on Campus Relative Student Need The 2014/15 Final Budget allocation include ($1,945,000) which comprises both GF and tuition fee revenue increases to cover CSU budget plan adjustments and the incremental tuition fee revenue applied first to offset the gross need and the balance is covered by GF available. Attachment C incorporates both the 2014/15 net tuition fee revenue increase from 2014/15 enrollment growth and tuition fee revenue from the changes in student enrollment patterns. Attachment D – 2014/15 Final Budget Allocations, Tuition Fee Revenue Adjustments This coded memo includes tuition fee revenue adjustments related to changes in student enrollment patterns and 2.47 percent or 400 FTES 2014/15 enrollment growth for Fresno State. The enrollment included in budget plan tuition fee revenue projections encompass the 2014/15 budgeted resident enrollment target of 18,178 FTES along with 426 nonresident FTES for a total of 18,178 FTES. Nonresident FTES is based on the most recent past-year actual (2012/13). The following table summarizes the projected 2014/15 tuition fee revenue adjustments as shown in Attachment D: Tuition Fee Discounts / 2014/15 Net 2014/15 Tuition Fee Revenue Adjustments Gross Tuition Financial Aid Tuition Fee Fee Revenue Revenue Set-Aside Adjustments Adjustment Change in Student Enrollment Patterns $ 627,000 $ $ 627,000 2013/14 Base FTES Target Adjustments 2014/15 Enrollment Growth 2,472,000 (527,000) 1,945,000 Total 2014/15 Tuition Fee Revenue $ 3,099,000 $ (527,000) $ 2,572,000 2014-15 General Fund Budget Allocation Instructions September 3, 2014 – Page 6 Attachment E – 2014/15 Final Budget Allocations, Tuition Fee Discount Adjustments Attachment E provides the total 2014/15 tuition fee discount allocations to Fresno State with an increase of $882,800 related to 2014/15 enrollment growth as shown in the 2014/15 tuition fee revenue adjustments in Attachment D. The preliminary tuition fee discounts distribution is based on 2014/15 tuition fee levels, 2014/15 funded enrollment targets, and a recognition of the highest need students, defined as those with a family contribution less than or equal to $4,000. The tuition fee discounts allocations are calculated after allowances for tuition fee waivers and Cal Grant fee awards. Campus tuition fee discount allocations recognize the distribution of financial need for both the highest need students and students with family contributions between $4,001 through $11,500. While the allocation methodology aims to cover tuition fees for students with the highest level of need, system-wide financial aid policy enables campuses to make awards to eligible students with family contributions up to 50 percent of the cost of attendance for a student living off campus (approximately $11,500) and/or to increase awards to cover the cost of additional education expenses.