NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells Breakthrough Background While current controversy centers on human embryonic stem cells, your students may be surprised to learn there are stem cells in their bodies right now. From birth, all humans—infants, children, and adults— house populations of undifferentiated stem cells in the tissues of their bodies. These so-called "adult" stem cells (the name is something of a misnomer, as these cells are also present in infants and children) give rise to new specialized cells, such as neurons, blood cells, and muscle cells, as the body grows and repairs itself over time. Blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow, for example, give rise to red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Adult stem cell research is a rapidly expanding field filled with many important, as yet unanswered, questions. What, for example, is the source of the stem cells found in adults? Are they leftover embryonic stem cells that never differentiated? Where in the body are they manufactured? How plastic are they—that is, how many different kinds of structures can they differentiate into? As you discuss stem cell science with your students, remind them of the compelling questions remaining in this broad and emerging field. To help students understand stem cells, it is useful to review the basics of fertilization and differentiation. When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell, the resulting fertilized egg, or zygote, has the potential to divide and differentiate into every single type of cell in the body. The fertilized egg, then, is the ultimate stem cell, an unspecialized cell that divides repeatedly and, when the right set of signals is received, differentiates into the specialized cells that make up the body's heart, bones, skin, muscles, and other tissues and organs. Scientists sometimes call the fertilized egg totipotent, meaning it has the potential to differentiate into any cell type in the body. The term comes from the Latin roots totus, or "entire," and potens, "able." Soon after fertilization, the egg cell begins to divide, and after about 4-5 days, the dividing cells take the shape of a hollow ball called a blastocyst. In animal development, the blastocyst is one of the first stages in the formation of an embryo. By the time the blastocyst forms, initial stages of differentiation are already taking place—some cells form the outer wall of the sphere, while a cluster of cells called the inner cell mass begins to assemble on one end inside the sphere. This cluster of inner cells eventually becomes an embryo and then, as development proceeds, a fetus; the outer cells ultimately differentiate into the placenta. Inner mass cells, also called embryonic stem cells, have the ability to differentiate into almost any cell in the human body. Embryonic stem cells retain this potential early in development, but approximately two weeks after fertilization in humans, the cells begin to move, arranging themselves into three layers. The outermost layer, the ectoderm, eventually becomes the skin and components of the nervous system. The middle layer, ormesoderm, becomes the muscles, blood, bones, heart, and circulatory system, and the inner layer, or endoderm, becomes the lungs, digestive tract, bladder, and glands such as the pancreas and liver. This differentiation process, called gastrulation, is an important step in development. Cells become successively bound to a particular destiny as development proceeds; when the cells of the inner cell mass migrate to the ectoderm, for example, they become committed to a pathway that will lead them to differentiate into skin or nerve cells, but not blood cells. Later steps in differentiation will lead some ectoderm cells to become skin cells, but not nerve cells, and so on. Differential gene expression—turning different genes "on" or "off"—drives this process. As students will learn in the NOVA scienceNOW segment Stem Cell Breakthrough, some scientists are trying to cause cells to revert to an earlier stage in differentiation, or to coax them to follow different pathways, by manipulating their genes. In this way, researchers hope to develop novel medical treatments, such as making new nerve cells to replace damaged ones. Scientists investigating human embryonic stem cells obtain these cells from the inner cell mass of blastocysts at fertility clinics. The cells derived from these sources are obtained only with donor consent and the understanding that the fertilized egg will be used strictly for research. Still, research on human embryonic stem cells remains a hotly debated topic in the United States today. As of this writing, federal funding for research on human embryonic stem cells is limited to the cell lines produced prior to August, 2001. STEM CELL QUICK REFERENCE Are you confused about all the different types of stem cells? Read on to learn where different types of stem cells come from, what their potential is for use in therapy, and why some types of stem cells are shrouded in controversy. EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS Embryonic stem (ES) cells are formed as a normal part of embryonic development. They can be isolated from an early embryo and grown in a dish. Potential as therapy ES cells have the potential to become any type of cell in the body, making them a promising source of cells for treating many diseases. Special considerations Without drugs that suppress the immune system, a patient's immune system will recognize transplanted cells as foreign and attack them. Ethical considerations When scientists isolate human embryonic stem (hES) cells in the lab, they destroy an embryo. The ethical and legal implications of this have made some relunctant to support research involving hES cells. SOMATIC STEM CELLS Somatic stem cells (also called adult stem cells) exist naturally in the body. They are important for growth, healing, and replacing cells that are lost through daily wear and tear. Potential as therapy Stem cells from the blood and bone marrow are routinely used as a treatment for blood-related diseases. However, under natural circumstances somatic stem cells can become only a subset of related cell types. Bone marrow stem cells, for example, differentiate primarily into blood cells. This partial differentiation can be an advantage when you want to produce blood cells; but it is a disadvantage if you're interested in producing an unrelated cell type. Special considerations Most types of somatic stem cells are present in low abundance and are difficult to isolate and grow in culture. Isolation of some types could cause considerable tissue or organ damage, as in the heart or brain. Somatic stem cells can be transplanted from donor to patient, but without drugs that suppress the immune system, a patient's immune system will recognize transplanted cells as foreign and attack them. Ethical considerations Therapy involving somatic stem cells is not controversial; however, it is subject to the same ethical considerations that apply to all medical procedures. INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are created artificially in the lab by "reprogramming" a patient's own cells. iPS cells can be made from readily available cells including fat, skin, and fibroblasts (cells that produce connective tissue). Potential as therapy Mouse iPS cells can become any cell in the body (or even a whole mouse). Although more analysis is needed, the same appears to be true for human iPS cells, making them a promising source of cells for treating many diseases. Importantly, since iPS cells can be made from a patient's own cells, there is no danger that their immune system will reject them. Special considerations iPS cells are much less expensive to create than ES cells generated through therapeutic cloning (another type of patient-specific stem cell; see below). Ethical considerations Therapy involving iPS cells is subject to the same ethical considerations that apply to all medical procedures. THERAPEUTIC CLONING Therapeutic cloning is a method for creating patientspecific embryonic stem (ES) cells. Potential as therapy Therapeutic cloning can, in theory, generate ES cells with the potential to become any type of cell in the body. In addition, since these cells are made from a patient's own DNA, there is no danger of rejection by the immune system. Special considerations Scientists have not been able to grow a cloned human embryo to the blastocyst stage. In other animals, the cloning process has been time consuming, inefficient, and expensive. Ethical considerations Therapeutic cloning brings up considerable ethical considerations. It involves creating a clone of a human being and destroying the cloned embryo, and it requires a human egg donor. THE STORY OF IPS CELLS Until fairly recently, differentiation was seen as final and irreversible. Once a cell became specialized, it was referred to as "terminally differentiated;" it was considered locked in and unable to become a different cell type. However, in 2007, scientists were able to turn a differentiated cell back into a stem cell with the potential to become any type of cell in the body. The difference between a stem cell and a differentiated cell is reflected in the cells' DNA. In a stem cell, the DNA is arranged loosely, with its genes ready to spring into action. As signals enter the cell and differentiation begins, genes that will not be needed are shut down, and genes that will be required for a specialized function remain open and active. Scientists also noticed that a small number of genes were active only in stem cells, and not in differentiated cells. Scientists in Japan wanted to see if introducing these genes back into differentiated cells could make them behave more like stem cells. By introducing a cocktail of 24 different genes, the scientists were able to convert differentiated cells into stem cells. They gradually eliminated genes from the mixture, and in the end they were able to turn differentiated cells into stem cells by activating just 4 genes. These genes appear to be remodeling the cells' DNA, unlocking the genes that were shut down during differentiation. Armed with the ability to reverse the differentiation process, scientists are exploring new ways to use stem cells in research and medicine.