Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development

Thermo-Fluid Mechanics
Pre-requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities
Course Description
To provide an introduction to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, and an awareness of practical applications in real
systems . The course aims also to establish basic tools and methodologies for carrying out thermodynamic and fluid
mechanic analyses of engineering systems.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes/Capability Development
Students will acquire an understanding of the essential theoretical basis of the thermo-fluid mechanic sciences and
their application to a range of problems of relevance to practical engineering.
This course will advance the students’ development of the following broad capabilities:
Ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering fundamentals
Ability to communicate effectively, not only with engineers but also with the community at large
In-depth technical competence in at least one engineering discipline
Ability to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution
Ability to utilise a systems approach to design and operational performance
Understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional Engineer,
and the principles of sustainable design and development
7. Ability to demonstrate professional attitudes
8. Expectation and capacity to undertake lifelong learning
9. Ability to manage information and documentation
10. Ability to use appropriate techniques and resources
11. General knowledge necessary to understand the place of engineering in society
The aims of this course are to:
Provide an introduction to the principles of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Illustrate practical engineering applications of these principles in relation to simple thermo-fluid systems.
Enable students to analyse practical thermo-fluid systems through the knowledge gained in this course.
Students will do this through set problems and through assignments, and through experimental work in the
Overview of Learning Activities
Lectures, tutorials, laboratories and self directed studies.
Overview of Learning Resources
One Prescribed textbook. Additional learning resources will be made available online through "myRMIT"
Overview of Assessment
The assessment will be based on: assignments, laboratory reports, class tests, and final exam. Refer to Assessment
Tasks in the Part B course guide for more detail for the particular offering.
Course Grades Available
HD High Distinction 80-100%
Requirements: Exceptionally clear understanding of subject matter and appreciation of issues; well organised,
formulated and sustained arguments; well thought out and structured diagrams; relevant literature referenced.
Evidence of creative insight and originality in terms of comprehension, application and analysis with at least some
synthesis and evaluation.
DI Distinction 70-79%
Requirements: Strong grasp of subject matter and appreciation of key issues, perhaps lacking a little on the finer
points; clearly developed arguments; relevant and well structured diagrams; appreciation of relevant literature.
Evidence of creative and solid work in terms of comprehension, application, analysis and perhaps some synthesis.
CR Credit 60-69%
Requirements: Competent understanding of subject matter and appreciation of some of the main issues though
possibly with some gaps; clearly developed arguments; relevant diagrams and literature use, perhaps with some gaps;
well prepared and presented. Solid evidence of comprehension and application with perhaps some analysis.
PA Pass 50-59%
Requirements: Some appreciation of subject matter and issues; work generally lacking in depth and breadth and with
gaps. Often work of this grade comprises a simple factual description (i.e. basic comprehension) but little application
or analysis. Work of this grade may be poorly prepared and presented. Investment of greater care and thought in
organising and structuring work would be required to improve.
NN Fail 0-49%
Requirements: Unsatisfactory. Evidence of lack of understanding of subject (minimal or inadequate comprehension
and little or no application) and inability to identify issues. Often inadequate in depth and breadth. Sometimes
incomplete or irrelevant.
NH Non numeric fail grade indicating failure of a course due to failing a mandatory hurdle requirement despite
accumulating a total numeric mark of greater than 50%. (If such a mandatory hurdle exists it will be identified as such
in the Assessment Tasks section of the course guide)
The temporary grading of DEF (deferred assessment granted) is also used, but must be converted to one of the grades
given above within a short period of the end of normal assessment periods. The temporary grading of RNF (result not
finalised) is normally used where supplementary assessment is being offered and it will be converted to SP if the
supplementary assessment is passed or NN if it is not. Details of supplementary and deferred assessment will be
delivered by post or to your student e-mail address. It is your responsibility to follow up on any RNF or DEF grading to
ensure that you do not miss any deadlines for submission of work or sitting examinations.
Where students are concerned about a mark for submitted work they should discuss this immediately with the course
coordinator. Formal requests for a remark of submitted work, including examination papers, must be made in writing
to the Program Leader within 14 days of the mark being made known. The request must clearly state the justification
for a remark and indicate what action has already been taken to review the mark with the course coordinator. Remarking may be granted in special fully justified circumstances.
Changes to the method of assessment as prescribed in the course guide may be made on the approval of the Program
Leader after consultation by the course coordinator with the students, and the agreement of at least 70% of the
enrolled students. Written notification of the change will be provided to all students enrolled in the course.