
Here’s the low down:
What to expect
What I expect
 If you agree, YOU’RE AWESOME!
 If you don’t agree, change your mindset
 You’ll have more fun + you need this
credit to move on
 Website
 Remind 101
 Text- 226-773-9963
 Message- @mserison11
 Email
 Phone
 519-836-2170 ext. 103347
 Open door policy
 I am always available to answer questions/concerns, to
discuss class work/assignments, provide extra help
before tests/exam, to guide you with ‘next steps’ with
regards to class work/ assignments, or to talk about
ANYTHING (even if it’s not class related).
 What is said to me stays with me
 Where to find me
 Period 1- Rm. 211
 Period 2- Rm. 218
 Lunch- Staff room, teacher work room (likely upstairs),
 Periods 3+4- Teacher work room, covering a class
 After school- Gym (coaching), teacher work room
Things to Always Have
 Writing tool(s)- Pencil, eraser, pen, whiteout,
 Paper- no one likes to be the ‘paper person’; bring
your own!
 Textbook- You can leave it in the classroom in the
back cabinet OR take it with you but you must have it
EVERY DAY (unless told otherwise)
 Additional Work- You might finish your Science work
early… bring something else to keep you busy
Four Questions You Never Ask
1. “What are we doing today?”
2. “Can we do
3. “When are we getting our assignments/
tests back?”
4. “Can we leave early?”
 Headphones required (bring them in anticipation)
 Cannot waste all of your time “choosing a song”
 During work periods only
 Cannot be so loud that it distracts others
 Never during a test
 Never while someone else is talking
 Every teacher has their own policy! If you can’t comply
with my policy, don’t bring your phone at all.
 Permitted in class
 They can be very useful as a dictionary, a thesaurus, a
translator, a reference tool, a watch, a music player, etc.
 Must be on silent
 Time and a place
 If asked to use your phone as part of an activity
 After work has been completed WELL
 As a music device during work periods
 Any inappropriate use will result in the phone
travelling from your hands to my desk until the
end of the period
Assignment Due Dates
 Early Submission Date (possibility for bonus marks)
 Adequate time to prepare assignment but requires you
to get a jump earlier than those who like to procrastinate
 Put in place to avoid any last minute catastrophes
 The date for which you should aim
 Makes life easier for me
 Bonus opportunities will be announced when work is
assigned (not every time)
 Final Submission
 This is a solid deadline without any flexibility
 There needs to be a REALLY good reason why work
doesn’t come in by this point
Submitting Assignments
 Any 3-D components must be submitted in person
(hand-written pieces, posters, creative projects, etc.)
 Anything completed on computer (powerpoint, word
docs., title pages, etc.) can be submitted 1 of 3 ways
 Printed and handed in
 Submitted on a USB
 Submitted by email
 It’s a lot easier for me to give you feedback (your
marks) if you submit your marking tool
Tests and Quizzes
 Any conversation or use of phones may result in your
paper being “submitted” early or torn up
 You may arrange to share erasers, whiteout, paper, etc.
ahead of time (signal, no talking)
 When you finish, put your hand up and I will collect it
(never walk to me to submit it)
 Grant everyone the same courtesy you had
 If you are the first or one of the first ones done, you had
complete silence the entire time; grant the person who
finishes last the same courtesy
 Same during silent reading
 Everything we do has a purpose
 Homework=Learning=Preparedness=Success
 You can’t not do the work in class and expect to pass
after “cramming” for quiz/test/assignment
 Homework will often be checked
Troubleshooting Common Problems
 My printer ran out of ink
 Email me
 Write it out
 If you have a colour/black + white printer, print in navy
 My computer crashed
 Try to back your work up to a USB while you are working
on it (especially for major, multi-component assign.)
 Require a signed note from a parent/guardian
 I was so busy last night, I didn’t get home until
 You often know work/sports schedules ahead of time
 You were likely given some time in class
 The assignment wasn’t handed out yesterday
Troubleshooting Cont’d
 My partner isn’t here to present
 While the work might be completed separately, every
group member should have a copy of the full
presentation and be aware of what each member is
responsible for presenting in case we can’t wait until
they return
 I didn’t understand what was being asked of me
 Did you ask question? (Me, peers, other teachers,
parents, sibilings)
 Email is always available, even after school hours
Troubleshooting Cont’d
 I was sick when this was assigned/when this was
due/when we had a test
 Any absence must be confirmed on my attendance or
else I view it as a skip and I do not have to let you write
the test/I do not have to accept the assignment
 Buddy up and send your assignment in with a friend
 Ask a classmate or email me to find out what you missed
 I couldn’t write the test/submit my assignment
because I had to leave early/ I was away for a school
 You know your schedule ahead of time and therefore,
you can let me know ahead of time
 You are a student-athlete, not an athletic student
 I emailed it to you, didn’t you get it?
 My email is ALL OVER the place, spell it correctly!
 Have a back up (USB, emailed to your inbox)
 Something to remember: Teachers talk
 If there is an excuse presented that involves another
class or a club/team, I am a very trusting person and will
believe that you are telling the truth but there is always
the possibility that you will get caught if you lie
Getting to Class
 This is your first class after lunch!
 1-2 minutes late permitted once or twice (not
 It will still be documented as a late on attendance but
consequence won’t follow
 There will be consequences for multiple lates and
every single one is noted
 SURPRISE! This is a uniform school
 Every teacher is expected to enforce dress code and
every student is expected to follow it
Any non-uniform must be accompanied by a permit
If you are cold, buy a uniform sweater!
Following dress code prevents me from becoming the
annoying person who calls you out everyday
Don’t test me to see what you can “get away with”
Zero Tolerance
 Disrespect
 Every person deserves respect
 Respect everyone’s opinions and ideas during group work
 Respect everyone when they have the courage to voice
something aloud or while they are presenting
 Respect the amount of time it takes someone to read a
chapter or write a quiz/test
 Respect my decisions as your teacher (equal vs. fair)
 Your inability to show respect in each of these will result in
some type of consequence (loss of marks, loss of privileges)
Zero Tolerance Cont’d
 Bullying
 Friends joke around; I am aware of this
 There comes a time when the jokes can go too far or
happen too often and it becomes a bullying situation
 Please let me know if someone is bothering you (in the
classroom or otherwise)
 I am a teacher who will take action against bullying
Reward System (September Christmas)
 25 of you in the class
 If there are less than 25 strikes a month, we’ll celebrate
 Strikes include:
 Out of uniform
 5+ minutes late to class
 Unsafe behaviour during labs
 2+ warnings about putting your phone away
 “Going to the bathroom” for 5+ minutes
 Sleeping in class (yes… this includes movies/videos)
 Late assignments
 What would be a good + REASONABLE reward?
Looking Ahead
 Biology- Ecology (Study of the Environment)
 Chemistry (*Most important)
 Physics- Electricity
 Earth and Space
 Culminating Activity- Review Tool
 Final Exam
Candy Time!
 Cherry (Dark red)
 A pet peeve
 Driving on a single  passing lane highway
 Watermelon (Pink)
 What you think you might do for a career OR what you think would be
the coolest job ever!
 Alternate= Police or firefighter, Coolest= Being on the film crew for Planet
 Apple (Green)
 The most exciting thing you’ve experienced in your lifetime
 Skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting
 Raspberry (Blue)
 Favourite assignment you’ve had in the past
 Multi-media assignment
 Lemon (Yellow)
 Your top 3 favourite T.V shows/movies/books/activities
 Friends + Parenthood + Hollywood Game Night/???/Between Friends +
The Guardian + The Book of Awesome/ Crossfit + Ultimate + Movies