How Can Wellness Affect School Climate?

School Climate
How can wellness affect
school climate?
Presented by:
Regional School Wellness Specialists
Cheri Hall, RESA 4
Emily Meadows, RESA 1
What does school climate
mean to you?
An Activity in Using the
Coordinated School Health
Approach to assist with School
School Climate
School climate refers to the quality and character
of school life. School climate is based on
patterns of students', parents' and school
personnel's experience of school life and reflects
norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships,
teaching and learning practices, and
organizational structures.
-National School Climate Council
Positive School Climate
A sustainable, positive school climate fosters youth
development and learning necessary for a productive,
contributing and satisfying life in a democratic society.
This climate includes:
– Norms, values and expectations that support people feeling
socially, emotionally and physically safe.
– People are engaged and respected.
– Students, families and educators work together to develop,
live and contribute to a shared school vision.
– Educators model and nurture attitudes that emphasize the
benefits and satisfaction gained from learning.
– Each person contributes to the operations of the school and
the care of the physical environment.
WV Model for Positive School Climate
The Goal is that:
WV schools will have a safe and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning
for all.
WV Model for Positive School Climate
• The model requires schools to examine the
norms of their school in relation to:
– Students
– Staff
– Administration
– Parents/Community
How Does Respect and Protect Fit into
• Comprehensive approach to violence prevention and
• Everyone is obliged to respect and protect the rights of
• Both adult and student centered
• Promotes a system-wide ethos: Violence is not tolerated
Prevention and Intervention
Coordinated School Health fills the
Prevention and Intervention Gaps
• Prevention– Teach students expectations, acceptable behavior,
and respect for themselves and others
• Intervention
– Teaches students to take responsibility for their
Coordinated School Public Health
Health Education
(HEAP data)
• Addresses all dimensions of health
• Tailored to each grade level
Effect on School Climate
Motivates students
Develops knowledge, attitudes, and skills
Improved student attitudes
Physical Education
(Fitness Gram Data)
• Promotes lifelong physical activity
• Develops basic movement skills
• Develops physical fitness
Effect on School Climate
Enhances social and emotional ability
Increased self-esteem
Decreased depression and anxiety
Nutrition Services
• Integration of:
– Nutrition Education
– Nutritious and appealing meals
– Environment that promotes healthy dietary behaviors
– Food Safety
Effect on School Climate
Reduced absenteeism and tardiness
Decrease in anxiety, hyperactivity, depression, and
psychosocial dysfunction
Monthly Indicators
from DP-21
Child Nutrition
WV Writes
Health Services
(Community Mental Health)
Preventative Services
Emergency Care
Management of acute & chronic conditions
Effect on School Climate
Higher proficiency scores
Higher attendance and graduation rates
Guidance/Counseling, Psychological,
and Social Services
(WVEIS Data)
•Social Needs
Effect on School Climate
Decrease in bullying and violence
Decrease in dropouts
Improved attitudes and relationships
Decrease in substance abuse
Family, Business, and
Community Involvement
(Local Wellness Councils- Students)
Develop partnerships among schools, families and
community groups. Individuals will share and
maximize resources and expertise in addressing the
development of healthy children, youth, and their
Effect on School Climate
Improved school achievement and academic
Higher attendance rates and GPA
Decrease in violence in and out of school
Safe and Healthy School Environment
(Governors Highway Institute DP-21)
• Provides a safe physical plant, as well as a
healthy and supportive environment that fosters
Effect on School Climate
Higher attendance rates
Sense of connectedness to school
Decrease in violence and poor behavior
Promotes learning and healthy behaviors
Staff Support and Wellness Promotion
(Hospitals, Administrators, teachers)
• Staff Activities
– Assessment
– Education
– Fitness
Effect on School Climate
Improved attitudes toward students and job
Better retention of staff
Decreased staff absenteeism
Activity: Apply data through
the Coordinated School
Health Approach
Contact Information
Cheri Hall
Emily Meadows
404 Old Main Drive
Summersville, WV 26651
400 Neville St.
Beckley, WV 25801
304-872-6440 ext. 19
304-256-4712 ext. 1121