Paradise Valley Community College College Leadership Council Minutes January 21,2011 Present: Absent: Anthony Asti Elizabeth Buckton Norma Chandler Ken Clarke Mike Crimi Paul Dale Nicole DeLeon Julia Devous Denise Digianfilippo Emily Forand Paul Golisch Shirley Green Mike Ho Paul Keller Patti Marsh David Matus Sandy McDill Scott Meek Mary Lou Mosley Fred Reill Donna Roach Michaelle Shadburne Alexis Sharif Laurel Smith John Snelling Christine Tabone Division Chair Representative: Kevin Arps Guests: Welcome, Introductions – Dr. Paul Dale • Welcomed members of the CLC and provided opportunity for selfintroductions. Diversity and Inclusion Update – Norma Chandler • Handed out upcoming Diversity Committee meeting dates • Mentioned the Men of Color Program coordinated by Cranston Forte Wellness Update – Donna Roach 1 • Handed out Spring 2011 Wellness schedule of events and is also on the Wellness web site. Announcements Paul Dale • Reminded everyone about the upcoming budget meetings. • Enrollment projections for PVCC were down, but enrollment was up 3.5% • President's Advance will be held March 31 and April 1, 2011, Invitations were extended to be part of the planning team. Devin Dalbey – Student Life Representative • Engagement Fair was being held next week. Topic of Discussion Threat Assessment – Dr. Shirley Green The campus Threat Assessment Team has been in existence for one year. The team recently attended a workshop which included presentations and advisement by the FBI, Secret Service, and a specialized attorney. Dr. Green stressed that communication is critical in order to be proactive versus reactive. Members of the Threat Assessment Team raised a variety of student situations. In many cases, student issues involved a variety of services and programs including Disability Services, Counseling and the Library. At the end of the opening discussion it was noted that in a crisis situation, College Safety must deal with a situation quickly and even when concerned about safety, we must still comply with Due Process. Threat Assessment Power Point Presentation In discerning the difference between mild or moderate risk, especially with employees, err on the side of caution. Even mild and moderate risks need some type of reporting so that others can be aware of a potential threat. It was also pointed out that “threat” doesn’t only refer to a direct threat of harm. It can be the threat of violence, harassing or inappropriate behavior, displays of anger and irritation, as well as threats to self. 2 In response to the question “how would you feel most comfortable making a report to the team?” It was stated that there is already a “Student Disruptive” form. Members of faculty generally walk students to Counseling and it would be easy for Counseling to report to Threat Assessment Team. The issue of Due Process was raised. It was further explained that Paradise Valley staff and the Threat Assessment Team are responsible to ensure Due Process is followed, not the individual making the report. It was noted that the Threat Assessment Team will need to make everyone on campus, students and staff aware we have a process to report these behaviors and activities. Nicole DeLeon’s involvement in this will be instrumental in getting all of the information out to the public. The question “is it a public record” was addressed in the explanation that records that are part of an academic record are protected by FERPA. Records that are reported to the police are not protected and thereby are considered public. The police do have a means of collecting the identification of an anonymous reporter, however withholding the identification information. The idea of allowing the autonomy of anonymous reporting was rejected completely by many members of staff. It was also brought up that the proposed database would prevent that autonomy by requiring everyone to enter their ME ID in order to access information or make a report. It was also discussed that people will need to be made aware of how to determine what is a real threat and what is not, as well as to call College Safety when there is an emergency, not just wait on a Threat Assessment Team meeting to assess a situation. A report filed for consideration instead of the proper action taken in an emergency situation could be potentially disastrous. The Threat Assessment Team presentation closed noting that the next steps for the team include; 3 Further developing operating procedures and protocol, creating awareness on campus, keeping the college informed about threat assessment, determining multiple reporting mechanisms and how that information will be reported, on-going training for team members, plans to conduct a learning week session each semester, and recruiting a Black Mountain site manager to the Threat Assessment Team. • (To view this presentation please click on the link provided on the CLC website Area Reports Administrative Services Division, January 2011 – Tony Asti Union Hills Campus Q Building Grand Opening Event Preparations Continue furniture delivery coordination and placement PVCC Facilities Services’ custodial staff is detailed the building Tested building voice messaging system Fire alarm testing, fire alarm training; security system training Establish Jokake Construction building warranty procedure Modify Parking lot traffic flow Opening of Q Cafe Coordinate Winter Recess Projects Initiate E Building Library electrical capacity expansion Perform College-Wide scheduled power outage for electrical preventative maintenance Initiate College - wide parking lot striping modifications Expand temporary, north overflow parking spaces Participated in HRMS Upgrade Project Management Team at the District Office Threat Assessment and Incident Command System training completed by Officers Public Safety met with College & University Liaison for FBI Successful Spring semester start up for Cashier Services. Budget development on track for FY12 Property - Phase I of the campus wide inventory is in its final stages Black Mountain Campus Successful semester start - 546 seats for credit courses as compared to 341 seats last semester (60% Increase) Increase in use by community partnerships - Little League Baseball Sign-ups 4 - Mexican Southwest Lecture Initiating Businet (business networking group) with server local partners Student Affairs Division, December 2010 – Dr. Shirley Green Admissions, Records and Registration – Staff met with DO, Fiscal Office & Development Office in regards to PCI compliance regulations. Staff met with Continuing Education to discuss move to Q-Building and how services will be handled VA had a pre-compliance visit from the State Approving Agency. Stats: Counter visits: 2,313 Phone contacts: 1,749 Assessment/Testing – We averaged about eighty-six tests per day considering we were closed the last week of December. Placement Tests: 625 Instructor Tests: 678 Other Tests: 100 Athletics Women’s Soccer Team won the National Championship (team’s 1st, college’s 8th). Ally Oelschlager (NJCAA and NSCAA.) and Alyssa Flores (NSCAA) earned All-American honors. Kacey Bingham was selected and National Coach of the Year by the NJCAA and NSCAA NJCAA – National Junior College Athletic Association NSCAA – National Soccer Coaches Association Counseling – Facilitated 10 in-class presentations on study skills, stress management, and other healthrelated topics. Facilitated several New Student Orientation presentations on choosing a Major and Career. Hosted Final Reflection for Peer Mentors for Fall semester. Over 20 Peer Mentors were recognized. Disability Services – Staff held two evening student orientation/information sessions for students and parents new to PVCC for the Spring Semester. Staff continued to work on the District Committee for Employees with Disabilities. Financial Aid – In December 851 Students visited the office for service. Director was a member of the Financial Aid Council that worked with District IT to secure technology services to solve and repair the PeopleSoft system with issues related to NSLDS, Spring Repackaging and Year-Round-Pell. Learning Support Center – Interim Director agreed to present in two of the life long learning seminars for the counseling department in the Spring semester. December Total Summary Visits Hours Students 2946 5106.60 973 5 Recruitment – We hosted our first of two annual High School Senior Nights on December 8, 2010. There were 168 attendees; students and parents from the Paradise Valley and Cave Creek district were invited with a random number from each school were in attendance. Sixteen PVCC Academic departments and services participated in an initial fair at the beginning of the program. Students and parents then heard from current students about their success stories. I presented on the enrollment steps, preparing for college as well as gave an overview of the financial process. Advising Completed service as host/mentor for Creative Pathways employee (full semester). Presented Advising/Information at Student Leadership Council about how SLC can better prepare students for advising sessions. Participated in a brainstorming session on how best to serve Continuing Education students with CEs move to Q-Building. Admissions, Advising, Fiscal/Cashier and Continuing Education participated. iStart Smart Orientations for Spring 2011 were offered December 8, 2010 and December 16, 2010; To date 120 students have completed New Student Orientation for Spring. Significant improvements have included the use of Poll Everywhere for increased student interaction and inclusion of content for Veterans. Monthly Statistics - 2010 Academic Advising Sessions (Total Contacts) 1309 • In Person - 1023 • Email - 180 • Phone - 106 Student Life – The Office of Student Life and Leadership and the Student Leadership Council concluded the annual I Adopt a Family program. College departments and student organizations took a large role in making this year’s program a success. The Advisement, Counseling, Human Resources, Ikon Copy Services, and Library staff, as well as the PVCC Track & Field and Women’s Softball teams took on the bulk of the gifting responsibilities. In total 6 families were adopted with over 150 gifts purchased by students, faculty and staff. The Emerging Leaders Level 1 program ended on a positive note. Forty-seven students completed E.L . in the Fall 2010 semester. Facilities Services Report January 2011 – David Matus Q Building Grand Opening Event Preparations: Continue furniture delivery coordination with multiple vendors 6 PVCC Facilities Services’ custodial staff is detailing the building Assist Public Safety with testing building voice messaging system Establish Jokake Construction building warranty procedure Modify Parking lot traffic flow Life Safety Equipment Testing Assist Public Safety with quarterly fire alarm testing Coordinate sprinkler system testing with Public Safety Coordinate Winter Recess Projects: Initiate E Building Library electrical capacity expansion Perform College-Wide scheduled power outage for electrical preventative maintenance Initiate College - wide parking lot striping modifications Expand temporary, north overflow parking spaces Adjunct Faculty Association Report-January 2011 – Emily Forand Over half of the 40 slots have been filled for the upcoming “Adjunct Faculty Workshop: Applying for Faculty Positions.” The Employee Organization Learning and Training (EOLT) and the Adjunct Faculty Association are working together to produce this workshop scheduled for February 5, 2011 from 9am-3pm at GateWay Community College. For more information, or to register, visit: The premier issue of The Adjunct Faculty Connection was published on December 23, 2010 and is now available for review at . Adjunct Faculty across the district are submitting stories, ideas and information for the second issue, scheduled to be released around March 1st. Adjunct Faculty interested in submitting ideas should contact . Over 40 volunteers from all ten colleges will be meeting this Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at 12:30PM for an AFA Volunteer Coordinators Meeting at Rio Salado College. Approximately 9 adjunct faculty from Paradise Valley College responded to this call for a meeting and have indicated their willingness to help with AFA efforts and college-level efforts (through AFI, potentially). Next Meeting: February 18, 2011 – LOCATION Q-Bldg Alexis Sharif, Recorder, March 22, 2011 7