After you have chosen a book from the text list, pick a task from the
following list that students will complete to go along with the text. Each
task may only be competed once.
1.(DOK 2) After reading _______________, draw, dictate, and write a narrative to identify key
details from the story. Use the words and illustrations to justify key details.
2. (DOK 1) After reading _________________, draw and dictate to identify the character from
the story. Use a circle map to define what character means.
3.(DOK 1) After reading __________________, draw and dictate to identify the setting from the
story. Use a circle map to define what setting means.
4.(DOK 1) After reading, __________________, draw and dictate to identify the major events in
the story. Use a circle map to define what major events mean.
5.(DOK 1) After reading, __________________, draw, dictate, and write to define the role of the
author. Use a circle map to define the role of the author.
6.(DOK 1) After reading, __________________, draw, dictate, and write to define the role of the
illustrator. Use a circle map to define the role of the illustrator.
7. (DOK 1) After reading, __________________, draw, dictate, and write to show the
characteristics of story books. Use a bubble map to describe the characteristics of a story
book (e.g., character, setting, etc.)
8.(DOK 1) After reading, __________________, draw, dictate, and write to express your opinion
on poetry. Support your opinion with reasons.
9.(DOK 1) After reading, __________________, use a double bubble map to show the similarities
and difference between story books and poems.
10.(DOK 2) After reading, __________________, draw, dictate, and write an informative piece
using your 5 senses that explains the main topic of the text using key details.
11.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, create a tree map that describes the main topic
and the key details. Use the information from the text to support your map.
12. (DOK 3) After reading , __________________, have a discussion to explain the connection
between the information in the story. Use key details from the text to support your map.
13.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, write an explanatory piece to explain how the
photographs help to depict the people, place, information and ideas in the text. Use what
you know about hands and tools to help support your writing.
14.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, create a bubble map to identify the key details
from the text. Use the key details to write an opinion piece about your feelings on the text.
Use the text to support your reasons.
15.(DOK 1) After reading , __________________, use a flow map to retell the major events from
the story in order. Include the character and setting in the retell.
16.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, have an oral discussion about the central
message of the story. Use the key details from the story to support your conversation.
17.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, write a narrative piece retelling the story to
identify the central message of the story.
18.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, write a narrative to describe the characters
from the story. Use story illustrations and key details to support your writing.
19.(DOK 2) After reading , __________________, identify if the story is fiction or nonfiction and
create a bubble map to describe the characteristics of the text type.
20. (DOK 2) After reading , __________________, create a circle map to define the text type
using text characteristics.
21.(DOK 2) After reading, __________________, write an opinion piece identifying your favorite
character from the story. Use the characters point of view and illustrations to support your
22. (DOK 2 After reading, __________________, create a flow map to retell the story in order.
Include key plot points, details, and ideas to support your map.
23. (DOK 2) After reading, __________________, write an opinion piece stating your opinion of
the characters from the story. Use the key details from the story to support your opinion.
24.(DOK 3) After reading, __________________, create a double bubble map to compare and
contrast details from the story about the characters experiences.
25. (DOK 2) After reading, __________________, construct a tree map in which you identify and
describe details of the text using who, what, when, why, and how.
26.(DOK 3) Create a sequencing map to recount details from the story, __________________,
Using the map write a short response in which you determine the lesson of the text. Use
textual evidence to support your answer.
27.(DOK 2)After reading , __________________, create a double bubble map
comparing/contrasting information gained from illustrations and written print. Create a
writing piece demonstrating how the illustrations enhanced the written text.
28.(DOK 3After reading , __________________, create a summary paragraph including the theme
of the text and key ideas and details to support your discussion.
29.(DOK 2) After reading __ (literary text), participate in a structured collaborative
discussion in which you explain how the author uses specific details to develop __
(characters, setting, specific events, theme- pick one to two elements). Identify relevant and
descriptive details that support your inferences and the theme of the text.
30.(DOK 3) After reading the two folktales, write a short response consisting of 3-4
sentences, in which you explain how the themes in each text compare and contrast to one
31.(DOK 3) Using the text and text features ______________________, create a timeline graphic
organizer, noting important events/details in order of how they happened.
32.(DOK 3) Use a Thinking Map/graphic organizer to compare and contrast the overall
text structures of the text
33.(DOK 3After reading , __________________, analyze the development of plot, characters, and
setting. Provide 3-5 supporting details from the text to support your answer.
34. (DOK 3) Complete a graphic organizer constructing the sequence of events. Write a
constructive response in which you address how events in chronological order increase the
comprehension of the story. Provide 2-4 key events from the text to support your answer.
35.(DOK 2) After reading _____________________ construct a 2-3 sentence response describing
the tone of the text using supporting details.