T.O.C: Atmosphere Unit Atmosphere -w.w- the whole layer of air that surrounds Earth & supports & protects life. • The earth’s atmosphere extends about 6000 miles. Even so, it is still incredibly thin. • Atmospheric gases have different characteristics at different heights. • Each layer puts pressure on the one below creating Demo atmospheric pressure w.w. due Magnets/pencil “Boyling” (air to gravity pulling air molecules pressure/altitude) towards Earth’s surface. For this reason, scientists divided the atmosphere into layers. These layers act like blankets that both support & protect life on Earth. We will learn about the layers in a bit. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/planet_table_british.html http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/weight/ Characteristics & Materials of the Atmosphere Characteristics: • Altitude w.w- distance above sea level. As altitude rises, the air becomes thinner & harder to breathe. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-sea-level.htm • Density w.w- amount of mass in the given volume of a substance. If 2 objects take up the same amount of space, then the object w/ more mass has a greater density than the one w/ less mass. Ex: bowling ball & volley ball. DEMO~ Diet v Regular soda • Density of Earth’s atmosphere decreases w/ greater altitude. 99% of our atmosphere is in the lower 20 miles… • DEMO~ Magnets on pencil Materials: • Most materials in the atmosphere are gases. • Also contains tiny particles of solid & liquid material (such as salt, dust, & water particles.) • In dry air, 78% of gas is Nitrogen, 21% is Oxygen, Carbon & others make up the last 1%. Nitrogen, Oxygen & Carbon are extremely important for plants in particular. • The atmosphere’s gases provide materials essential for living things. Natural Processes Modify the Atmosphere The exact amount of gas in the air changes depending on location, time, season, & other factors. Gases & water vapor are affected by ongoing processes & sudden change Ongoing Processes: • You & all other living things participate in repeated & ongoing processes of gas exchange w/in the atmosphere (as well as liquids & solids. Ex: You breathe in about 3,000 gallons of air each day.) • Cycles w.w- processes that repeat over & over. 3 Important Cycles that Affect the Atmosphere: 1. Carbon Cycle- CO2 & O2 constantly circulate among plants, animals, & atmosphere. 2. Nitrogen Cycle- Different forms of Nitrogen cycle among atmosphere, soil, living organisms. N enters soil after converted out of air, then re-enters atmosphere from soil. 3. Water Cycle- Different forms of H2O cycle between Earth’s surface & the atmosphere. Sudden Changes In addition to the ongoing cycles, dramatic events can cause changes in the atmosphere. When sudden events occur, it takes time before the atmosphere is able to restore itself. EX: • Volcanic eruptions- volcanoes shoot gases & huge amounts of ash into the atmosphere. Certain gases cause a haze that may affect the air for months & lower temperatures. • Forest fires- as forests burn, carbon that makes up each tree combines w/ O2 & enters the atmosphere as CO2, & wood ash. • Dust storms- wind, water, or drought can loosen soil. Powerful windstorms may then raise clouds of this eroded soil. These storms add huge amounts of particles to the air for the time. The Sun supplies the Atmosphere’s Energy Almost all the energy around you comes from the Sun. Food energy, fires, & the warmth of your own body can be traced back to the Sun. 2 things happen to sunlight that reaches Earth. ~ Some is reflected/sent in a new direction ~ Some is absorbed (which heats the object that absorbs it. Photosynthesis/sand) Radiation-w.w- energy that travels across distances as certain types of waves. Visible light and other types of radiation can be absorbed or reflected. 30% of solar radiation is reflected. 70% is absorbed by oceans, landforms, & living things & heats Earth’s surface DEMO- Cup/water/temp. pg. 17 The Atmosphere moves Energy Radiation, conduction, & convection are processes that move energy from place to place. ~Radiation: solar radiation from Sun heats warms surfaces, but the Earth’s surface also gives off infrared radiation which heats gases in the atmosphere. ~Conduction: w.w- transfer of heat energy from one object to another by direct contact. Think of walking barefoot on asphalt. Earth’s surface transfers energy to the atmosphere, such as when hot beach sand warms the atmosphere above it. This can happen both quickly & slowly. ~Convection: w.w- transfer of energy from place to place by motion of gas or liquid. Differences in density produce motion of air convection. These three processes helped to create the atmosphere’s layers & temperatures *Scientists use the patterns of temperature change to determine the 4 layers of the atmosphere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnP4TGOGRY&index=25&list=PLCE7EE0E60A4CB6B1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr8Z4SCETPs&list=PLCE7EE0 E60A4CB6B1&index=27 Layers of the Atmosphere (create atmospheric heat illustration) Troposphere.w.w- The 1st layer closest to the earth The Troposphere is 4 to 12 miles thick. Almost all of the Earth’s weather takes place here. It contains almost all of the Earth’s water vapor. It extends about as high as birds can fly. 4 – 12 miles (6 – 20 km) above Earth Warmed by the ground below, so is warmest @ ground level & cooler the higher you go Stratosphere-w.w- The atmosphere’s 2nd layer The Stratosphere is a clear/dry layer that has little moisture and no clouds, but it does have winds. Planes fly here. The Stratosphere stretches 30 miles above the planet. 12 - 31 miles (20 – 50 km) above Earth Ozone gas is found here. These molecules absorb solar radiation that is harmful to life. The energy from this radiation raises the temperature in the air & gets higher as you rise thru the Stratosphere The Mesosphere-w.w- is the third layer of the atmosphere. The name of the layer means “middle layer”. The air in the Mesosphere is extremely thin, but protects the Earth from meteors; it burns them up as they enter. It’s too high for planes and weather balloons, too low for satellites, making it hard to study. 31 – 53 miles (50 – 85 km) above Earth The Mesosphere is also heated from below (like 1st layer) so temperature falls as you rise thru it. Thermosphere-w.w- The fourth layer. Has 2 parts 1) Ionosphereinner part of the thermosphere where the Sun’s radiation is so strong it breaks apart molecules! & the 2) Exosphere- next pg. 53 – 375 miles (85 – 600 km) above Earth This is the largest of all the atmosphere’s layers. The international space station orbits here. The temperature gets very high here and protects us from the harsh cold of outer space by absorbing the 1st round of solar radiation. Temperature increases as you rise thru it. However, the layer/molecules are so big & spread out, you wouldn’t feel the heat on your skin. Exosphere-w.w- Beyond these four layers. Outermost part of the Thermosphere & all of outer space lies beyond… Scientists have learned about the Exosphere from satellites. It is the planet’s first line of defense from meteors, asteroids and cosmic rays. It is the boundary area between outer space and our atmosphere (the Thermosphere) 375 – 6,200 miles (600 –10,000 km) above Earth Magnetosphere-w.w- the area around the earth that extends beyond the atmosphere The earth's magnetic field operates here. It begins at about 1000 km. It is made up of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. This traps the particles that are given off by the sun. They are concentrated into belts, or layers, called the Van Allen radiation belts. The Van Allen belts trap deadly radiation. Causes the aurora borealis. Begins about 621 miles (1,000 km +) above Earth Review Q’s – 24 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What substances make up air? 2 pts Which is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? 2 pts Draw a diagram showing how 1 of the 3 natural cycles affects the atmosphere. 5 pts How would the atmosphere in your area change if all the plants died? 2 pts What 2 things happen to the sunlight that reaches Earth? 2 pts Describe the 3 processes that transport energy. 6 pts What characteristic do scientists use to define the 4 main layers of the atmosphere? 2 pts Jet planes fly near the top of the troposphere. Would it be more important to heat or to cool the passenger cabin? Explain your reasoning. 3 pts T.O.C~ The Ozone Layer Notes Heading: The Ozone Layer Protects Life … (Yay!.. Except for this big hole… Boo!..) Atmosphere History/Ozone wkst The Ozone Layer Protects Life Remember: the atmosphere reflects/absorbs sunlight which is made of all types of the EMR spectrum. This means not all EMR is getting thru b/c of certain gases in the atmosphere. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation-w.w- has more energy (tighter waves) than visible light, causes sunburns & other damage Infrared radiation-w.w-have less energy (looser waves) than visible light, usually warms the materials that absorb it Ozone-w.w- made of 3 atoms of Oxygen (O3). In the stratosphere ozone & regular Oxygen (O2 –what we use) break apart & form again in a complex cycle. This is called the Ozone Layer – however there are still other gases here (N) The Ozone Layer Protects Life You ask: so how does it protect us? The ozone layer protects life on Earth by absorbing harmful/hot ultraviolet (UV) radiation & letting other types of radiation thru- visible light! Too much could give you: sunburn, skin cancer, & harm eyes Can also harm crops & materials like plastic & paint Types of UV radiation: UVA- Age us- goes into dermis- the skins thickest layer, can cause wrinkles, age spots, cancer. UVB- burn us- top layers of the skin- very painful, can cause permanent damage The Ozone Layer Protects Life The Ozone Layer Hole Over Antarctica. Hole = no protection from UVB rays = bad The discovery of the Ozone Hole was first announced in a paper by British Antarctic Survey’s Joe Farman, Brian Gardiner and Jonathan Shanklin (pictured at top), which appeared in the journal Nature in May 1985. Antarctica (South Pole) ozone layer is vulnerable to chemicals & other pollutants in the atmosphere due to its cold temperatures & the amount of sunshine it receives. Major volcanic eruptions, such as the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines may put material which enhances ozone depletion into the stratosphere. Scientists working in Antarctica wear high-factor sunscreen to avoid sunburn when working outside, especially as sunlight is also reflected from the snow surface. You can get burnt in as little as five minutes without it http://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The Greenhouse Effect v. Global Warming 2 different concepts that contribute to one another. Greenhouse Effect-w.w- certain gases slow the mvmt of energy away from the Earth’s surface. The gases absorb & emit infrared radiation which helps trap heat. (like glass in a window/greenhouse) Greenhouse Gases (GHG)-w.w- CO2, Methane, water vapor (H2O), Nitrous oxide, & other gases that absorb & give off infrared radiation. Do not form in layers- they are all mixed together, the atmosphere is thickest in troposphere b/c that’s where all these gases are. Most occur naturally. However, human activity causes them to produce much faster. Farming (chemicals)/cars/factories Global Warming-w.w- when the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and the oceans rise. The temperature of the Earth is on a constant rise since the beginning of time, but recent warming conditions have been drastically increasing the rate of the temperature on Earth. The increase in human activities as well as human population has shown an increase in the amount of emissions that are produced world-wide. A surge in use of cars, fridges, planes, etc. has resulted in rise of emissions which are directly responsible for global warming which has increased drastically since 1980’s Key Difference: Global warming is when the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and the oceans rise. Greenhouse effect is the retention of the heat by the greenhouses gases on the surface of the Earth, allowing the planet’s temperature to rise allowing water not to freeze, etc. T.O.C ~ The Human Impact (also notes heading) Humans affect the Atmosphere Human activity causes air pollution: cars, factory, coal (C) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)- chlorine & other harmful gases emitted into air 1. 2. which begin breaking down ozone (O3). 85% of chlorine in atmosphere is put there by humans. Used in A/C, aerosol/spray cans, packaging foam Air pollution-w.w- smoke from burning/ factory emissions & other harmful materials that are added to the air. Pollutants-w.w- different types of air pollution. Includes ozone, methane, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide 2 Types of Pollution Gases – carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, carbon monoxide Particles- dust/dirt, pollen, sand, salt. Particulates-w.w- tiny droplets mixed with air Fossil fuels-w.w- fuels formed from remains of prehistoric plants & animals. Burning coal provided heat/energy but also thick fog/cloud Smog-w.w- combination of smoke and fog ppl who breathe polluted can develop lung disease & other health issues Can be carried into upper atmosphere (affect weather), move from sky to ground through rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW_ihvcLGLI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTsxx1KZwlM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqVyRa1iuMc&lis t=PL5OT6Xx1dnij1DE5B4vcRqmV3QaF3KWGt&index= 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C78KE5iGtg4 Ways we Can Help Use clean air producing technology Reduce GHGs by biking/driving hybrids Use more clean energy in day to day life Try to find a substitute material for CFCs. Less used now since Montreal Protocol in which 180 nations agreed to stop making/using these CFCs. If all countries would follow we could return to normal relatively soon Review Q’s 30 pts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Give 2 sources of air pollution (2 pts) Name 2 human activities that affect greenhouse gases? (2 pts) What is the key difference between greenhouse effect & global warming? (4 pts) What is ozone? How do human activities affect the ozone layer? (3 pts) Why is Antarctica vulnerable to ozone layer loss? (2 pts) Describe 3 ways life & the atmosphere affect one another. (6 pts) What are the 2 types of pollutants? Give an example of each. (4 pts) What type of radiation does the ozone layer affect? ( 2 pts) How do greenhouse gases keep Earth warm? (2 pts) How does the ozone layer protect life on Earth? (3 pts)