Introduction to Gallery

Introduction to Gallery
Bharat Mediratta
July 25, 2002
What is Gallery
• Open Source PHP application
• Your photos on your website
• Provides similar functionality to
commercial ASP products like Yahoo!
Photos, Club Photo, PBASE
Brief History of Gallery
Started May 2000, small development team
Targeted at individual webmasters (me!)
Installed on 20-30K+ websites today
200-300 new installs every day
Why Do You Need Gallery?
• You have a digital camera – and you use it!
• You want the photos nicely integrated on
your website
• You don’t want to subject your visitors to
• You don’t trust dot coms with your data.
The Gallery 1.x Challenge
• Create an application with low barrier to
entry to reach the broadest user base:
– No database requirement
– Don’t require custom PHP configuration (eg,
compiled in GD, JPEG, PNG support)
– Don’t require shell access to install
– Run on Unix and Windows
– Provide configuration wizard
The Tradeoffs
• No database  concurrency issues
• External graphics library  config issues
Gallery Configuration Security
Config wizard needs to create an output file,
but we only want that file to be writeable at
configuration time:
Solution (borrowed from Horde)
Create scripts to switch Gallery between
configuration and secure modes
Gallery Config Wizard Part 1
• Check out the user’s system
Gallery Config Wizard Part 2
• Ask the user lots of questions and provide
example answers
Gallery Config Wizard Part 3
• Check the user’s answers!
– The sooner we find configuration problems, the
less time the user wastes
Add photos!
Log in
Create a New Album
Set Album title, URL, etc.
Upload Photos from browser
Slurp photos from
another website
Manage Photos
• Rotate images
• Automatically create
• Resize images
• Cutomize thumbnails
Organize Albums
• Nested albums
• User permissions
• Optional Features:
– Print Service
– Slideshow
– User Comments
Gallery Remote
• Java companion program
• Upload Photos using a
rich interface
Customizing: HTML Wrappers
• Use HTML wrappers to frame your Gallery,
Albums, and Photos
• Wrappers can
also be used to
add functionality
(like a Shopping
Cart interface)
Customizing: Style Sheets
• Easily change the look
by modifying
the Gallery
style sheet
Customizing: Change the code
• The Open Source advantage:
Add all new
to Gallery
by modifying
the source
Gallery and CMS/Portals
PHP-Nuke and PostNuke
Gallery E-commerce Plugins
• Use the HTML Wrappers to add:
Shopping cart
Inventory integration
Virtual post cards
Print services
Easy to install
Works in most environments
Uncluttered interface
Feature rich
Good support community
• Performance degrades in large Galleries
• Reliability issues
– greatly improved in newer versions
• No Internationalization
• No Templates
• Concurrency Problems
Lessons Learned
Hold the user’s hand (config wizard)
Build a community!
Release early, release often
Accept and integrate user criticism
G2: The Future of Gallery
Reliability, Scalability, Flexibility
Concurrency Support
Relational Database support
Better CMS Integration
Dynamic thumbnail generation