Updating the Playbook - Iowa League of Cities

Iowa is Working
Tim Whipple
General Counsel
Iowa Economic Development Authority
Governor’s Growth Agenda
New Economic Development Model
The High Quality Jobs Program
Business Development Tax Credits
Program Description
 The Program provides tax incentives to businesses
that make capital investments and create jobs in the
 Brief Legislative History
 New Jobs and Income Program (NJIP) created in 1995
 In 2005, NJIP changed and renamed High Quality Job Creation
Program (HQJC)
 In 2009, HQJC amended again and renamed High Quality Jobs
Core Eligibility Requirements
 An engaged local partner (for projects larger than $10
 Cannot be a relocation from one Iowa community to
 Must meet job creation/retention requirements and wage
threshold requirements
 Must provide sufficient benefits package
 The fiscal return for the state must justify the amount of
 Cannot be a retail business or a business with a history
of violations of the law
 IEDA must consider the overall quality of the project
before making the award
Total Capital Investment:
Iowa Economic Development Authority – Business Assistance Awards, January 2011 through June 2014
Project Industry Sectors and Breakdown
Projects Awarded by
National Recognition
 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s
Enterprising States 2014 study
 Top 10 States for Economic Performance -- #8 Iowa
 ICAIncentives’ “Measuring the Quality of Incentive
Programs” study
 “Best Practice” States identified that perform well, combining effective
tax incentive program evaluations with openness – Iowa among the six
Brownfield/Grayfield Tax Credits
New Additions for 2014
Program Description
 The Program provides tax incentives to for the
redevelopment of brownfields and grayfields.
 New features:
 Abandoned public buildings eligible
 Refundability for nonprofits
 Award amounts negotiated by board
 Transferrable credits
 $10M available
Workforce Housing Tax Credits
New Program for 2014
Program Description
 The Program provides tax incentives to housing
developers – NOT TIED TO ZONES.
 EZ Program REPEALED.
 Eligibility:
A grayfield or brownfield site.
The repair or rehab of dilapidated existing housing stock.
An upper story project.
New construction IF in a community with demonstrated workforce
housing needs.
 Cost per unit doesn’t exceed $200K, or $250K for historic rehab.
 Transferrable credits
 $20M available
Iowa’s Public Entrepreneurial
Funding Continuum
Innovation Funding
 Since January 2011, IEDA has supported start-up
projects with innovation funding equaling:
 Program Sources
 $9.215 million (Innovation Fund – SSBCI)
 $ 575,000 (i6 Challenge Grant Fund)
 $5.194 million (Demo Fund)
CJ Bio America
Fort Dodge
Iowa Fertilizer Company
Lee County
Valent Biosciences
Small Business
 IASourceLink.com
 A statewide resource and economic development tool for entrepreneurs
and small businesses across Iowa and for those considering Iowa for a
business location
 Partnership between IEDA and University of Northern Iowa’s
 What is it?
 Resource Navigator – connects entrepreneurs and small businesses
with resource providers across Iowa
 Statewide Events Calendar – comprehensive listing of networking,
educational and training opportunities taking place across Iowa
 Business Concierge – personalized assistance with marketing
demographics, trends and resources
 Business Licensing – customized help with identifying necessary
business registrations and licenses
 Information Source – webinars, e-newsletter, blogs and resources
offered on timely topics
Workforce Challenges
Education & Workforce Training Initiatives
Certification & credentialing of workforce – NCRC
Skilled Iowa
Expand Apprenticeship Programs
Immigration Reform
Home Base Iowa Military
Recruitment Effort
Home Base Iowa
 A new non-profit, private-public partnership that will
recruit veterans and active duty service members for
private-sector job opportunities in Iowa
 Dedicated Staff – Kathy Anderson, Project Manager
 Website – www.homebaseiowa.org
 Comprehensive source for job services available to veterans in Iowa
 Marketing outreach:
National advertising
In-person outreach
Social media campaign
Military publications
 Legislative Changes:
Military Pension Income Tax Exemption
Increases Military Homeowner Assistance
Permissive Veteran Preference in Employment
Streamlines Occupational Licensure
Automatic in-state tuition for veterans, spouses and dependents
2014 Legislative Workforce Initiatives
 STEM Internships
 Funding to support internships in science, technology, engineering and
 The program will fund 400 interns at up to $5,000 each, allowing
employers to claim $1 for every $2 it pays interns
 Apprenticeships
 Expansion of the 260F job training program would triple the amount of
state funding allocated for apprenticeships
 Support is increased from $1 million annually to $3 million by providing
additional funds and reforming and streamlining administration of the
Development Ready Communities
 Freight Network Optimization Strategy  Sustainability
 Certified building sites
 Quality of life initiatives
 Arts and Culture
 Connect Iowa
 Main Street Iowa
 Workforce Housing
Certified Site Program
 Announced the first-round certifications
 Dexter, Fort Dodge, Iowa Falls and Van Meter
Community Development
Program Overview
Community Development Block Grant
 Iowa receives approximately $21 million per year
from HUD to:
o Assist low and moderate income communities to
preserve and develop basic infrastructure and
community systems
o Promote owner occupied housing rehabilitation to low
and moderate income homeowners
o Support economic development activities that benefit
low and moderate income persons through job
creation/job training
Community Development Block Grant
Community Development Block Grant
o Most of Iowa’s CDBG programs accept applications
on an annual basis.
o Applications are submitted online through
o Applicants must be units of local government (cities
less than 50,000 & counties)
o More information on Iowa’s CDBG programs can be
found here:
Main Street Iowa
New Director – Jim Engle
 Net business gain in MSI districts occurred in all 26
years of the state Main Street program
 3,800 business starts, expansions and re-locations
 Sales tax collections from net new businesses in MSI
districts is 48 times the state appropriation to fund
 Added three new Main Street Communities in 2014
 Newton, Avoca, Guthrie Center
 $1 million Challenge Grant funding available to MSI
Iowa is Working
Tim Whipple
General Counsel
Iowa Economic Development Authority