The Steps of Photosynthesis

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The Steps of Photosynthesis
It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining. The wind is blowing. The branches on the tree sway
from side to side as if they were rocking their leaves to sleep. But those leaves are not
sleeping! They are actually hard at work making food for themselves and oxygen for you.
They are photosynthesizing.
Green plants are autotrophs, or producers. They use light energy from the sun to make
food. This chemical process is called photosynthesis. Plants need three things for
photosynthesis to occur: sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. The chlorophyll in the cells
of the plant absorbs the sun’s light, or energy. Water is taken from the soil and travels
through the plant’s root system. Carbon dioxide enters the plant’s leaves through tiny
openings called stomata.
Once the plant has all of its ingredients, the process can begin. First, energy that the plant
has collected from the sun splits the water molecules. It separates them into hydrogen and
oxygen atoms. Next, the hydrogen atoms merge with the carbon dioxide. This is where the
change takes place. This merge produces a new molecule; glucose. That sugar is carried to
all parts of the plant and used for fuel. Finally, the waste produce, oxygen, is released into
the air. This process repeats over and over again. Remember, a sunbathing plant is not a
lazy plant! It’s actually a hardworking one. It’s working for itself and for you too!
How does a plant receive the carbon dioxide it needs for photosynthesis?
Which of the following is a synonym for autotroph?
A. maker
B. consumer
C. buyer
D. autograph
The author probably wrote this article to _____________.
A. persuade you to eat more green, leafy vegetables.
B. describe the process of photosynthesis.
C. demonstrate how to make your own sugar.
D. inform you about the dangers of hot and windy days.
Choose the best title:
A. Leaves Are Not Lazy
B. Sunshine Makes Me Sleepy
C. Summer Fun on a Sunny Day
D. Make Me Some Sugar!
Many people are worried about the growing rate at which forests are being cut
down and cleared. In light of what you might know about photosynthesis, why do
you think they might be so concerned? Explain your answer.