St. James the
Fr. Paul Hughes
St. James’ Presbytery
40 Underwood Rd.
Hattersley, Hyde.
SK14 3DH
Tel 0161 368 3618
In St. Anselm’s Local Pastoral Area
Parish Newsletter
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
10th February 2013
First Reading Isaiah 6:1-8 Isaiah comes into the Lord’s presence and recognises his own
sinfulness; God freely forgives Isaiah and calls him as his prophet. Isaiah responds
generously: Here I am send me. When God calls me do I always say Yes?
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Paul, although he once persecuted the Church,
preaches the same gospel as the other apostles. Belief brings salvation. Jesus appeared to
many witnesses: our faith is resurrection faith. How do I live my faith?
Gospel Luke 5:1-11 Jesus is teaching. When he had finished speaking he tells Simon to
start fishing; Simon, although tired, reluctantly agrees and nets a magnificent catch. Like
Isaiah, Peter recognises his own unworthiness: Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man. Jesus
calls Simon to follow him, saying: Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.
Salvation does not depend on our merits, but is God’s free gift. We are all called to trust
God and respond fully to our call. We should pray that young adults will accept their call to
catch men in the priesthood and religious life.
We pray for all of our sick especially Fr. Fred Robinson. Mary Bancroft, Mary Balfe,
Carol Bennett, Michael Boucher, Anthony Brownridge, Lily Chappell, Sharon Cilgram,
Ann & Bernard Clarke, Mary Collins, Hannah Corbishley, Kath Courtney, Kath Coyne,
Hilda Donald, Jill Doyle, Bridget Duffy, Pat Edwards, Margaret Flood, John Ford, Stephen
Farrell, Paul Flaherty, Raymond Green, Frank Higgins, Louisa Johnston, Linda Jones,
Doris Maley, Frances Martin, Mary McCabe, Wendy McLoughlan, Lucy Morrow, Gerard
Ormsby, Michael O’Reilly, Peter Riley, Stephen Singleton, Veronica Singleton, June Smith,
Pat Stoneley, Linda Summers, Pat Tarrant, Clara Walker, and Arthur Woodhouse, and all in
nursing homes and hospitals. We pray also for doctors, nurses and all who care for the sick.
Let us pray for those who have died, and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time may
our risen Lord welcome them to Paradise.
This week’s saints: Thurs, Ss Cyril d. 869 & Methodius d. 885. Two brothers, the apostles
of the slavs. They were so keen to bring the gospel to the people that Cyril invented their
alphabet and written language. Pope John-Paul II proclaimed them co-patrons of Europe,
with St. Benedict.
Vocations: If you think God is calling you to serve as priest, deacon, brother or sister, or
want to respond more deeply to your own call: think & pray seriously, then talk to Fr. Paul.
Sick & housebound parishioners: if you know of any sick or housebound parishioner
who is unable to attend Mass & not, at present, receiving Holy Communion at home but
would like to do so, please let Fr. Paul know as soon as possible.
Masses for the sick, infirm & housebound: next Mass Sat 16 Mar. Other Masses in
2013, 22 June, 21 Sept, and 7 Dec. Please let us know of anyone who needs transport.
Note: No Mass at 12.00 noon on those days.
Lent starts this Wed 13 Feb – Ash Wed: Mass 11.00 a.m. fasting & abstinence: fasting
applies to all aged 18+. Eat significantly less food; abstinence applies to all aged 15+. We
give up particular kinds of food, normally meat, or drink or some form of amusement.
We should all strive to make Lent a prayerful time of spiritual preparation for the great
Feast of Easter. We should pray more than usual, fast more than usual and give alms more
than usual. This is in addition to giving up some luxuries. We are all asked by the Church
to: deny ourselves something we enjoy – and give the money saved to the needy; we should
also do something extra such as going to Mass during the week, extra prayer time reading
and meditating on scripture.
It’s very important that we all take positive steps to take advantage of the spiritual
opportunities that Lent offers. No one should think that what is arranged is for other
people. We all have areas of our lives that need to be improved. During Lent we have the
opportunity to become spiritually fit to celebrate the great Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.
Stations of the Cross during Lent after Mass on Wednesdays & Saturdays.
Our Lenten Meditations are, once more, available in the porch – please take them each
week and use them to help with your Lenten Journey.
Mondays of Lent: jointly with St. Barnabas: a Course of reflection & discussion.
3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m..
Thursdays of Lent: Mass at 11.00 a.m. followed by Holy hour until 12.45 p.m.
Lenten Alms: during Lent the bottle in church will be for our Lenten Alms, the money
raised will be for CAFOD. Almsgiving during Lent helps us to grow spiritually:
traditionally almsgiving is seen as a remedy for sin.
Priest’s Retirement Fund: ****** UPDATE ****** Further donation this week £26.00.
Total parish giving for this fund £173.00, of which £76.50 was ‘Gift Aided’. This produces
an additional £19.00 from the Tax man, bringing the grand total to £192.20.
Icon Painting course. Saturdays, April 20th, 27th and May 4th, from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
with a break for lunch. Cost £50.00. Sessions held in the Ark. It will be necessary to attend
all sessions to complete the Icon in the time available. See poster in porch; contact
Maureen Evans for more information. Numbers are restricted to ten so first come first served.
50th Anniversary of the Parish: this year we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our parish.
Bishop Mark has agreed to come to St. James on Sunday 21 July for our anniversary
celebration. On 21 July our parish Mass will be at 3.00 p.m. (No morning Mass that day)
please make a note of this in your diary. Watch this space for further information
Confirmation 2013: planned for Wed 17 July at St. Mary’s Dukinfield. We have contacted
Yr 8 pupils inviting them to join our preparation programme. Please keep all young people
in your prayers: they are the future of the Church and so very much need our prayers.
Scripture study group: 7.30 p.m. every Wednesday in presbytery, all welcome.
Parish Bonus Ball: Wednesday 6 February, No – winner
Parish weekly raffle: Please support this venture by buying tickets and providing prizes.
Sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp: £10 a week. Fill in form, & give it with £10 to Fr. Paul.
Missionary Servants of the poor are organising retreats in the UK. See notice in porch.
Parish Prayer Intention Board: We are all asked to pray for these intentions.
Hattersley Food Store: still needs food donations. See list of foods needed in porch,
Please check the parish notice board each weekend so you are fully up to date with what
is happening in the parish and the diocese.
Cyril and Methodius,
A long time ago, driven by your love of Christ, you converted our ancestors
to the Christian faith and provided them with their own Bishop and priests.
Now, as you stand before the high throne of the Almighty God, fervently intercede for us,
the humble heirs of your glorious Slavic heritage, that the Almighty bless us with pious,
dedicated priests and religious, who would be ready to continue your apostolic work
among our people for the salvation of their immortal souls.
We humbly ask, intercede for us and protect us. Amen.
Prayer of Thomas Merton
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot
know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know my own self, and the fact that I
think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that
desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything except with that desire.
And I do know that if I do this, you will lead me by the right road though I may know
nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem lost and in the
shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to
face my perils alone.
Ash Wednesday Prayers
Lord, protect us as we struggle against evil. As we begin the discipline of Lent, make this
season holy by our self-denial.
Father in heaven, the light of your truth bestows sight to the darkness of sinful eyes. May
this season of repentance bring us the blessing of your forgiveness and the gift of your
light. Help us to resist temptation by our Lenten works of charity and penance.
Mass Times and Intentions
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 a.m. Parishioners
10 February
Day of special prayer for the unemployed
Monday 11
9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m. Clair Baxendale
Tuesday 12
9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m. Mary Ann Robinson
Wednesday 13 Ash Wednesday
11.00 a.m. Priest’s Intention
Thursday 14
Ss. Cyril & Methodius
11.00 a.m. Kgsm Phillip Dawson
Day of Special Prayer for Europe 11.45 p.m. Holy Hour
Friday 15
9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m. Special Intention
Saturday 16
12 noon. Florence Barlow
12.45 p.m. Stations of the Cross
First Sunday in Lent
11.00 a.m. Parishioners
17 February
Sacrament of individual Reconciliation (Confession)
Sunday 10.45 a.m. – 10.55 a.m.
Prayer of the Church: 1
Mass attendance last weekend 46
Church collection last weekend £204.00, Raffle £12.00, Bonus Ball £22.00,
Priest’s retirement fund £26.00, White flower appeal £64.85.
Thank you for your consistent generosity.
The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025
Opening Prayer for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Keep your family safe, O Lord, with unfailing care,
that, relying solely on the hope of heavenly grace,
they may be defended always by your protection.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever.
Opening Prayer for Ash Wednesday
Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting
this campaign of Christian service,
so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils,
we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint.
Through O Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.