Information-Theoretic Techniques in Many-Body Physics Day 1 Fernando G.S.L. Brandão UCL Based on joint work with A. Harrow and M. Horodecki New Mathematical Directions for Quantum Info Quantum Many-Body Systems l H = å H i Î (C Quantum Hamiltonian i=1 ) d Än , H i £1 n Cd Hi Interested in computing properties such as minimum energy, correlations functions at zero and finite temperature, dynamical properties, … Constraint Satisfaction Problems vs Local Hamiltonians k-arity CSP: Variables {x1, …, xn}, alphabet Σ Constraints: c j Assignment: s : S ® {0,1} k :[n] ® S Unsat := min å c j (s (x j1 ),..., s (x jk )) s j Constraint Satisfaction Problems vs Local Hamiltonians qudit H1 k-arity CSP: k-local Hamiltonian H: Variables {x1, …, xn}, alphabet Σ n qudits in (C d ) Constraints: c j Assignment: s : S ® {0,1} k :[n] ® S Unsat := min å c j (s (x j1 ),..., s (x jk )) s j Än ( Constraints: H j Î Her (C æ ö qUnsat := E0 çç å H j ÷÷ è j ø E0 : min eigenvalue ) d Äk ) Classical vs Quantum Optimal Assignments Finding optimal assignment of CSPs is usually hard (NP-hard) Finding optimal assignment of quantum CSPs (groundstates) seems even harder (QMA-hard; See Daniel Nagaj’s talk) Main difference: Optimal Assignment can be a d Än highly entangled state (unit vector in (C ) ) The Plan Today: Product-State Approximations to Groundstates - de Finetti theorem - information theory approach (entropies, chain rule, Pinsker’s inequality, info-complete meas., …) Tomorrow: Groundstates in 1D - area laws and matrix product states - information theory approach (decoupling, state merging, single-shot protocols, …) Approximation Scale We want to approximate the minimum energy (i.e. minimum eigenvalue of H): today Small total error: Small extensive error: Mean-Field… …consists in approximating the groundstate by a product state y1 Ä… Ä yn max å y1,… , yn H j y1,… , yn is a CSP y ,… ,y 1 n j Mean-Field… …consists in approximating the groundstate by a product state y1 Ä… Ä yn max å y1,… , yn H j y1,… , yn is a CSP y ,… ,y 1 n j Mean-Field… …consists in approximating the groundstate by a product state y1 Ä… Ä yn max å y1,… , yn H j y1,… , yn is a CSP y ,… ,y 1 n j It’s a mapping from quantum Hamiltonians to CSPs Successful heuristic in Intuition: Mean-Field good when Quantum Chemistry (Hartree-Fock) Condensed matter (e.g. BCS theory) Many-particle interactions Low entanglement in state Hamiltonian on the Complete Graph Consider a Hamiltonian on the complete graph G of size n Hij The Hamiltonian is permutation symmetric: with Quantum de Finetti Theorems (Stormer ’69, Hudson, Moody ’76) Infinite Quantum de Finetti Theorem (remember Graeme Mitchison’s talk) (Raggio, Werner ’89) Connection of Infinite Quantum de Finetti with Mean-Field (Caves, Fuchs, Sachs ’01) Proof infinite de Finetti using info-complete measurements (Koenig, Renner ’05) Finite Quantum de Finneti Theorem (Christandl, Koenig, Mitchison, Renner ‘05) Let ρ1,…,n be a permutation-symmetric state. Then Product-States Approximation and de Finetti Theorem (Christandl, Koenig, Mitchison, Renner ‘05) Let ρ1,…,n be a permutation-symmetric state. Then Product-States Approximation and de Finetti Theorem (Christandl, Koenig, Mitchison, Renner ‘05) Let ρ1,…,n be a permutation-symmetric state. Then By de Finetti: Product-States Approximation and de Finetti Theorem (Christandl, Koenig, Mitchison, Renner ‘05) Let ρ1,…,n be a permutation-symmetric state. Then By de Finetti: So Product-states achieve error 2d2/n for mean-energy The Role of Permutation Symmetry To apply quantum de Finetti we need a permutation-invariant Hamiltonian. Can we relax this assumption? Can we show product states do a good job for models not on the complete graph? Product-State Approximation without Symmetry (B., Harrow ‘12) Let H be a 2-local Hamiltonian on qudits with interaction graph G(V, E) and |E| local terms. Let {Xi} be a partition of the sites with each Xi having m sites. Ei Deg S(Xi) : expectation over Xi : degree of G : entropy of groundstate in Xi X1 X2 size m Product-State Approximation without Symmetry (B., Harrow ‘12) Let H be a 2-local Hamiltonian on qudits with interaction graph G(V, E) and |E| local terms. Let {Xi} be a partition of the sites with each Xi having m sites. Then there are states ψi in Xi s.t. Ei Deg S(Xi) : expectation over Xi : degree of G : entropy of groundstate in Xi X1 X2 size m Approximation in terms of degree Implications to the quantum PCP problem (whether to compute is QMA-hard ): Shows that attempts to quantize Dinur’s proof of the PCP theorem cannot work. Also gives a no-go for “quantum PCP + parallel repetition of qCSP” Approximation in terms of degree Implications to the quantum PCP problem (whether to compute is QMA-hard ): Shows that attempts to quantize Dinur’s proof of the PCP theorem cannot work. Also gives a no-go for “quantum PCP + parallel repetition of qCSP” Bound: ΦG < ½ - Ω(1/deg) implies product states work well on highly expanding graphs (ΦG -> ½) Obs: Restricted to 2-local models (Aharonov, Lior ‘13) k-local, commuting models Approximation in terms of degree …shows mean field becomes exact in high dim ∞-D 1-D 2-D 3-D See (Cirac, Kraus, Lewenstein) for rotationally invariant systems Approximation in terms of average entanglement Product-states do a good job if entanglement of groundstate satisfies a subvolume law: m < O(log(n)) X1 X2 X3 Approximation in terms of average entanglement If states give error , Pinsker’s inequality shows product Approximation in terms of average entanglement If states give error , Pinsker’s inequality shows product In constrast, if merely shows product states give error , the theorem When does it fail? E.g. I - EPR EPR Expander graph G(V, E) with expansion ΦG Intuition: Monogamy of Entanglement Quantum correlations are non-shareable (see Aram Harrow’s and Thomas Vidick’s talks) Cannot be highly entangled with too many neighbors S(Xi) quantifies how much entangled Xi can be with the rest Intuition: Monogamy of Entanglement Quantum correlations are non-shareable (see Aram Harrow’s and Thomas Vidick’s talks) Cannot be highly entangled with too many neighbors S(Xi) quantifies how much entangled Xi can be with the rest Proof uses information-theoretic techniques to make this intuition precise Inspired by classical information-theoretic ideas for bounding convergence of Sum-Of-Squares hierarchy for CSPs (Tan, Raghavendra ’10; Barak, Raghavendra, Steurer ‘10) Mutual Information 1. Mutual Information I( X :Y ) = D( pXY || pX Ä pY ) 1. Pinsker’s inequality 1 I ( X :Y ) = pXY - pX Ä pY 2ln 2 1. Conditional MI 1. Chain Rule 2 1 I(X :Y | Z) = I(X :YZ) - I(X : Z) I(X :Y1… Yk ) = I(X :Y1 ) +… + I(X :Yk |Y1… Yk-1 ) 5. Upper bound 4+5 Þ I( X :Yt |Y1… Yt-1 ) £ log(| X |) / k for some t ≤ k Quantum Mutual Information 1. Mutual Information I( X :Y ) = D(r XY || r X Ä rY ) 1. Pinsker’s inequality 1 I ( X :Y ) = r XY - r X Ä rY 2ln 2 1. Conditional MI 1. Chain Rule 2 1 I(X :Y | Z) = I(X :YZ) - I(X : Z) I(X :Y1… Yk ) = I(X :Y1 ) +… + I(X :Yk |Y1… Yk-1 ) 5. Upper bound 4+5 Þ I( X :Yt |Y1… Yt-1 ) £ log(| X |) / k for some t ≤ k But… …conditioning on quantum is problematic For X, Y, Z random variables No similar interpretation is known for I(X:Y|Z) with quantum Z Conditioning Decouples Idea that almost works. Suppose we have a distribution p(z1,…,zn) 1. Choose i, j1, …, jk at random from {1, …, n}. Then there exists t<k such that Define j1 So i jk j2 Conditioning Decouples 2. Conditioning on subsystems j1, …, jt causes, on average, error <k/n and leaves a distribution q for which , and so By Pinsker: Choosing k = εn jt j1 j2 Informationally Complete Measurements There exists a POVM M(ρ) = Σk tr(Mkρ) |k><k| s.t. for all k and ρ1…k, σ1…k in D((Cd)k) (18d) -k /2 r1… k - s 1… k £ M ( r1… k ) - M (s 1… k ) Äk 1 (Lacien, Winter ‘12, Montanaro ‘12) Äk 1 Proof Overview 1. Measure εn qudits with M and condition on outcomes. Incur error ε. 2. Most pairs of other qudits would have mutual information ≤ log(d) / ε deg(G) if measured. 3. Thus their state is within distance d3(log(d) / ε deg(G))1/2 of product. 4. Witness is a global product state. Total error is ε + d6(log(d) / ε deg(G))1/2. Choose ε to balance these terms. 5. General case follows by coarse graining sites (can replace log(d) by Ei H(Xi)) Proof Overview Let p(z1 , , zn ) = M Än (y 0 y0 ) … previous argument q: probability distribution obtained conditioning on zj1, …, zjt Proof Overview info complete measurement (σ: state obtained by measuring M on j1, …, jt and conditioning on the outcome). Choosing k = εn Other Applications 1: New Classical Algorithms for Q. Hamiltonians Following same approach one obtains polynomial time algorithms for approximating the groundstate energy of 1. Planar Hamiltonians, improving on (Bansal, Bravyi, Terhal ‘07) 2. Dense Hamiltonians, improving on (Gharibian, Kempe ‘10) 3. Hamiltonians on graphs with low threshold rank, building on (Barak, Raghavendra, Steurer ‘10) In all cases we prove that a product state does a good job and use efficient algorithms for CSPs. Other Applications 2: New de Finetti Theorems - Classical de Finetti without symmetry: For p(x1,…,xn) with - Q. version using info-complete measurement - Q. version using locality constrained norms (see Aram’s talk) - Version replacing uniform randomness by Santa-Vazirani source (Ramanathan et al ‘13) Thank you! Information-Theoretic Techniques in Many-Body Physics Day 2 Fernando G.S.L. Brandão UCL Based on joint work with A. Harrow and M. Horodecki New Mathematical Directions for Quantum Info The Plan Yesterday: Product-State Approximations to Groundstates - de Finetti theorem - information theory approach (entropies, chain rule, Pinsker’s inequality, info-complete meas.) Today: Groundstates in 1D - matrix product states - area law and exponential decay of correlations - information theory approach (decoupling, state merging, single-shot protocols) (see Nilanjana Datta’s talk) Quantum Many-Body Systems l H = å H i Î (C Quantum Hamiltonian i=1 ) d Än , H i £1 n Cd Hi Interested in computing properties such as minimum energy, correlations functions, etc… Approximation Scale We want to approximate the minimum energy (i.e. minimum eigenvalue of H): today Small total error: Small extensive error: Matrix Product States (Fannes, Nachtergaele, Werner ‘92) y 2 2 i1 =1 in =1 [1] [n] [l ] = ... tr A ...A i ,...,i , A å å ( i1 in ) 1 n j Î Mat(D, D) 1,...,n D : bond dimension • • • • Only nD2 parameters. Local expectation values computed in poly(D, n) time Variational class of states for powerful DMRG Generalization of product states (MPS with D=1) Area Law in 1D Let C2 y 2 Än Î (C ) be a n-qubit quantum state 1,...,n X Y Entanglement Entropy: E ( y ) := S(r XY X ) Area Law: For all partitions of the chain (X, Y) S(rX ) £ const (Bekenstein ‘73, ….…, Eisert, Cramer, Plenio ’10) MPS X For MPS, Area Law Y MPS X Area Law Y For MPS, If is s.t. then it has a MPS description of bound dim. D (Fannes, Nachtergaele, Werner ‘92, Vidal ’03, Jozsa ‘06) MPS Area Law X Y For MPS, If is s.t. then it has a MPS description of bound dim. D (Fannes, Nachtergaele, Werner ‘92, Vidal ’03, Jozsa ‘06) (Approx. version) If is s.t. then it can be approximated by a MPS of bound dim. D up to error ε Def: Exponential Decay of Correlations Let y 2 Än Î (C ) be a n-qubit quantum state 1,...,n l C 2 X Y Z Correlation Function: Cor(X : Z) := max tr ((M Ä N)(r XZ - r X Ä rZ )) M , N £1 Exponential Decay of Correlations: There is ξ > 0 s.t. for all cuts X, Y, Z with |Y| = l Cor(X : Z) £ 2 -l/x MPS Let y EDC ≈ = å...åtr ( A ...A ) i ,..., i 2 2 [1] i1 i1 =1 [n] in 1 n , in =1 Define (w.l.o.g. and let λj be the second largest eingenvalue of If λ is independent of n we say ) and λ := max |λj| is a gMPS has (1/log(1/|λ|))-EDC How good are MPS? Negative results: (Aharonov, Gottesman, Irani, Kempe ‘07) 1D Hamiltonians can be QMA-hard (see Daniel Nagaj’s talk) (Irani ’09; Gottesman, Hastings ‘09) 1D Hamiltonians with volume scaling of entanglement (Irani, Gottesman ‘09) 1D Hamiltonians with translational-invariance still hard … is there hope? 1D gapped models n Cd Hi Given Let Then Hn is gapped if (remember Toby Cubbit’s talk) 1D gapped models Area Law (Hastings ’07 Arad, Kitaev, Landau, Vazirani ’12) Groundstate Gapped model (Hastings ’05) EDC gMPS (Landau, Vidick, Vazirani ‘12) Do we need the gap? EDC gMPS Area Law E.g. there are gapless Hamiltonians with a mobility gap/dynamical localization, which imply EDC in the groundstate (Hastings ’10; Hamza, Sims, Stolz ‘11) Do we need the gap? EDC gMPS (B., Horodecki ’12) Area Law Do we need the gap? EDC gMPS (B., Horodecki ’12) Area Law Area Law vs. Decay of Correlations Exponential Decay of Correlations suggests Area Law Area Law vs. Decay of Correlations Exponential Decay of Correlations suggests Area Law: y l = O(ξ) X ξ-EDC implies Z Y rXZ » 2 -l/x r X Ä rZ XYZ Area Law vs. Decay of Correlations Exponential Decay of Correlations suggests Area Law: y l = O(ξ) X ξ-EDC implies y XYZ Z Y rXZ » 2 -l/x » 2-l/x (U Y1Y2 ®Y ÄI XZ ) p X is only entangled with Y! XYZ r X Ä rZ which implies XY1 u Y2 Z (by Uhlmann’s theorem) Area Law vs. Decay of Correlations Exponential Decay of Correlations suggests Area Law: y l = O(ξ) X ξ-EDC implies y XYZ Z Y rXZ » 2 XYZ -l/x » 2-l/x (U Y1Y2 ®Y ÄI XZ ) p r X Ä rZ which implies XY1 u Y2 Z (by Uhlmann’s theorem) X is only entangled with Y! Alas, the argument is wrong… Uhlmann’s thm require 1-norm: r AC - r A Ä rC 1 = 2 max tr ( M ( r AC - r A Ä rC )) 0<M<I Area Law vs. Decay of Correlations Exponential Decay of Correlations suggests Area Law: y l = O(ξ) X ξ-EDC implies y XYZ Z Y rXZ » 2 XYZ -l/x » 2-l/x (U Y1Y2 ®Y ÄI XZ ) p r X Ä rZ which implies XY1 u Y2 Z (by Uhlmann’s theorem) X is only entangled with Y! Alas, the argument is wrong… Uhlmann’s thm require 1-norm: M ¹ X ÄY r AC - r A Ä rC 1 = 2 max tr ( M ( r AC - r A Ä rC )) 0<M<I Data Hiding States Well distinguishable globally, but poorly distinguishable locally (DiVincenzo, Leung, Terhal ’02) Ex. 1 Antisymmetric Werner state ωAB = (I – F)/(d2-d) w AB -w A Ä wB 1 » 1/ 2 Cor(A : B) £1/ d, Ex. 2 Random state y Cor(X :Y ) £ 2-W(l), X XYZ with |X|=|Z| and |Y|=l S(X) » (n - l) / 2 Y Z What data hiding implies? 1. Intuitive explanation is flawed What data hiding implies? 1. Intuitive explanation is flawed 2. No-Go for area law from exponential decaying correlations? What data hiding implies? 1. Intuitive explanation is flawed 2. No-Go for area law from exponential decaying correlations? What data hiding implies? 1. Intuitive explanation is flawed 2. No-Go for area law from exponential decaying correlations? 3. We fixed a partition; EDC gives us more… What data hiding implies? 1. Intuitive explanation is flawed 2. No-Go for area law from exponential decaying correlations? 3. We fixed a partition; EDC gives us more… 4. It’s an interesting quantum information problem: How strong is data hiding in quantum states? Exponential Decaying Correlations Imply Area Law X X Thm 1 (B., Horodecki ‘12) If y X and m, 2-W( m ) max S c 1,...,n has ξ-EDC then for every (X) £ 2O(x log(x )) + m Exponential Decaying Correlations Imply Area Law X X Thm 1 (B., Horodecki ‘12) If y X and m, 2-W( m ) max S Obs1: Implies c 1,...,n has ξ-EDC then for every (X) £ 2O(x log(x )) + m S(X) £ 2O(x log(x )) Obs2: Only valid in 1D… Obs3: Reproduces bound of Hastings for GS 1D gapped Ham., using EDC in such states Exponential Decaying Correlations Imply Area Law X X Thm 1 (B., Horodecki ‘12) If y X and m, 2-W( m ) max S Obs1: Implies c 1,...,n has ξ-EDC then for every (X) £ 2O(x log(x )) + m S(X) £ 2O(x log(x )) Obs2: Only valid in 1D… Obs3: Reproduces bound of Hastings for GS 1D gapped Ham., using EDC in such states Exponential Decaying Correlations Imply Area Law X X Thm 1 (B., Horodecki ‘12) If y X and m, 2-W( m ) max S c 1,...,n has ξ-EDC then for every (X) £ 2O(x log(x )) + m Obs4: Implies stronger form of EDC: For l > exp(O(ξlogξ)) and split ABC with |B|=l r AC - rA Ä rC 1 £ 2 -l/x EDC gMPS X (Cor. Thm 1) If y gMPS X c 1,...,n has ξ-EDC then for every ε>0 there is ye with poly(n, 1/ε) bound dim. s.t. y ye ³1- e Random States Have EDC? l X y XYZ Z : Drawn from Haar measure cor(X : Z) £ 2 S(X) » S(Z) » (n - l) / 2 w.h.p, if size(X) ≈ size(Z): and Y -W(l) Small correlations in a fixed partition do not imply area law. Random States Have EDC? l X y XYZ Y : Drawn from Haar measure cor(X : Z) £ 2 S(X) » S(Z) » (n - l) / 2 w.h.p, if size(X) ≈ size(Z): and Z -W(l) Small correlations in a fixed partition do not imply area law. But we can move the partition freely... Random States Have Big Correl. l X y Y Let size(XY) < size(Z). W.h.p. X is decoupled from Y. XYZ : Drawn from Haar measure Z r XY - t X Ä t Y 1 £ 2 I , t X := |X| -W(n) Random States Have Big Correl. l X y Y Let size(XY) < size(Z). W.h.p. X is decoupled from Y. Extensive entropy, but also large correlations: XYZ : Drawn from Haar measure Z r XY - t X Ä t Y 1 £ 2 I , t X := |X| -W(n) Random States Have Big Correl. l X y Y XYZ : Drawn from Haar measure Z Let size(XY) < size(Z). W.h.p. r XY - t X Ä t Y 1 £ 2 I , t X := |X| -W(n) X is decoupled from Y. Extensive entropy, but also large correlations: F XZ1 UZ®Z1Z2 y XYZ »F :Maximally entangled state between XZ1. XZ1 ÄF YZ2 (Uhlmann’s theorem) Random States Have Big Correl. l X y Y XYZ : Drawn from Haar measure Z Let size(XY) < size(Z). W.h.p. r XY - t X Ä t Y 1 £ 2 I , t X := |X| -W(n) X is decoupled from Y. Extensive entropy, but also large correlations: F XZ1 UZ®Z1Z2 y XYZ »F XZ1 ÄF YZ2 (Uhlmann’s theorem) :Maximally entangled state between XZ1. Cor(X:Z) ≥ Cor(X:Z1) = Ω(1) >> 2-Ω(n) : long-range correlations! Random States Have Big Correl. l y XYZ : Drawn from Haar measure ThisXreasoningY hints at the idea of the general proof: Z I r t Ä t £ 2 LetWe’ll size(XY) < size(Z). W.h.p. leads , by t X := XY to large X Y 1 show large entropy correlations -W(n) a random X ischoosing decoupled from Y. measurement that decouples A and B Extensive entropy, but also large correlations: F XZ1 UZ®Z1Z2 y XYZ »F XZ1 ÄF YZ2 (Uhlmann’s theorem) :Maximally entangled state between XZ1. Cor(X:Z) ≥ Cor(X:Z1) = Ω(1) >> 2-Ω(n) : long-range correlations! |X| Entanglement Distillation by Decoupling We apply the state merging protocol to show large entropy implies large correlations A B y ABE E State merging protocol: Given y ABC Alice can distill -S(A|B) = S(B) – S(AB) EPR pairs with Bob by making a random measurement with N≈ 2I(A:E) elements, with I(A:E) := S(A) + S(E) – S(AE), and communicating the outcome to Bob. (Horodecki, Oppenheim, Winter ‘05) Entanglement Distillation by Decoupling We apply the state merging protocol to show large entropy implies large correlations Än Disclaimer: only works for y y ABC y ABE A ABC B E Let’s cheat for a while and pretend it works for a single copy, and later deal with this issue State merging protocol: Given y ABC Alice can distill -S(A|B) = S(B) – S(AB) EPR pairs with Bob by making a random measurement with N≈ 2I(A:E) elements, with I(A:E) := S(A) + S(E) – S(AE), and communicating the outcome to Bob. (Horodecki, Oppenheim, Winter ‘05) Optimal Decoupling State merging protocol works by applying a random measurement {Pk} to A in order to decouple it from E: y ABE j ABE log( # of Pk’s ) # EPR pairs: A µ ( Pk Ä idBE ) y ABE j AE - t A Ä j E 1 » 0 » I(A : E) log X » S(B) - S(AB) B y ABE E Distillation Bound l E XYZ Z Y X A y B ( S(Z) > S(Y ) Þ Cor(X : Z) ³ O 2 -I ( X:Y ) ) Distillation Bound l E B ( S(Z) > S(Y ) Þ Cor(X : Z) ³ O 2 S(Z) – S(XZ) > 0 (EPR pair distillation by random measurement) XYZ Z Y X A y -I ( X:Y ) ) Prob. of getting one of the 2I(X:Y) outcomes in random measurement Proof Strategy We apply previous result to prove EDC -> Area Law in 3 steps: 1. Get area law from EDC under assumption there is a region with “subvolume” law 2. Get region with “subvolume” law from assumption there is a region of “small mutual information” 3. Show there is always a region of “small mutual info” 1. Area Law from Subvolume Law l X Y y Z ( S(Z) > S(Y ) Þ Cor(X : Z) ³ O 2 XYZ -I ( X:Y ) ) 1. Area Law from Subvolume Law l X Y y Z ( S(Z) £ S(Y ) Ü Cor(X : Z) < O 2 XYZ -I ( X:Y ) ) 1. Area Law from Subvolume Law l X Y y Z ( S(Z) £ S(Y ) Ü Cor(X : Z) < O 2 Suppose S(Y) < l/(4ξ) XYZ -I ( X:Y ) (“subvolume law” assumption) ) 1. Area Law from Subvolume Law l X Y y Z ( S(Z) £ S(Y ) Ü Cor(X : Z) < O 2 XYZ -I ( X:Y ) ) Suppose S(Y) < l/(4ξ) (“subvolume law” assumption) Since I(X:Y) < 2S(Y) < l/(2ξ), ξ-EDC implies Cor(X:Z) < 2-l/ξ < 2-I(X:Y) 1. Area Law from Subvolume Law l X Y y Z ( S(Z) £ S(Y ) Ü Cor(X : Z) < O 2 XYZ -I ( X:Y ) ) Suppose S(Y) < l/(4ξ) (“subvolume law” assumption) Since I(X:Y) < 2S(Y) < l/(2ξ), ξ-EDC implies Cor(X:Z) < 2-l/ξ < 2-I(X:Y) Thus: S(Z) < S(Y) 2. Subvolume Law from Small Mutual Info YL YC YR l/2 l l/2 2. Subvolume Law from Small Mutual Info R YL YC YR R l/2 l l/2 R := all except YLYCYR : y YLYCYR R Suppose I(YC: YLYR) < l/(4ξ) (small mutual information assump.) 2. Subvolume Law from Small Mutual Info R YL YC YR R l/2 l l/2 R := all except YLYCYR : y YLYCYR R Suppose I(YC: YLYR) < l/(4ξ) (small mutual information assump.) ξ-EDC implies Cor(YC : R) < exp(-l/(2ξ)) < exp(-I(YC:YLYR)) 2. Subvolume Law from Small Mutual Info R YL YC YR R l/2 l l/2 R := all except YLYCYR : y YLYCYR R Suppose I(YC: YLYR) < l/(4ξ) (small mutual information assump.) ξ-EDC implies Cor(YC : R) < exp(-l/(2ξ)) < exp(-I(YC:YLYR)) From distillation bound H(YLYCYR) = H(R) < H(YLYR) 2. Subvolume Law from Small Mutual Info R YL YC YR R l/2 l l/2 R := all except YLYCYR : y YLYCYR R Suppose I(YC: YLYR) < l/(4ξ) (small mutual information assump.) ξ-EDC implies Cor(YC : R) < exp(-l/(2ξ)) < exp(-I(YC:YLYR)) From distillation bound H(YLYCYR) = H(R) < H(YLYR) Finally H(YC) ≤ H(YC) + H(YLYR) – H(YLYCYR) = I(YC:YLYR) ≤ l/(4ξ) Getting Area Law Z To prove area law for Z it suffices to find a not-so-far and not-so-large region YLYCYR with small mutual information We show it with not-so-far = not-so-large = exp(O(ξ)) Getting Area Law YL YC YR Z’ Z Since I(YC: YLYR) < l/(4ξ) with l = exp(O(ξ)) by part 2, H(YC) < l/(4ξ) by part 1, H(Z’) < l/(4ξ) by subadditivity and Araki-Lieb: H(X) < exp(O(ξ)) 3. Getting Small Mutual Info. Lemma (Saturation Mutual Info.) Given a site s, for all ε > 0 there is a region Y2l := YL,l/2YC,lYR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l < 2O(1/ε) at a distance < 2O(1/ε) from s s.t. I(YC,l:YL,l/2YR,l/2) < εl X YL s < 2O(1/ε) YC YR < 2O(1/ε) Proof: Easy adaptation of result used by Hastings in his area law proof for gapped Hamiltonians (based on successive applications of subadditivity) Making it Work So far we have cheated, since merging only works for many copies of the state. To make the argument rigorous, we use single-shot information theory (see Nilanjana Datta’s talk) Single-Shot State Merging State Merging (Dupuis, Berta, Wullschleger, Renner ‘10) + New bound on correlations by random measurements Saturation max- Mutual Info. Saturation Mutual Info. Proof much more involved; based on - Quantum substate theorem, - Quantum equipartition property, - Min- and Max-Entropies Calculus - EDC Assumption Overview • Condensed Matter (CM) community always knew EDC implies area law Overview • Condensed Matter (CM) community always knew EDC implies area law • Quantum information (QI) community gave a counterexample (hiding states) Overview • Condensed Matter (CM) community always knew EDC implies area law • Quantum information (QI) community gave a counterexample (hiding states) • QI community sorted out the trouble they gave themselves (this talk) Overview • Condensed Matter (CM) community always knew EDC implies area law • Quantum information (QI) community gave a counterexample (hiding states) • QI community sorted out the trouble they gave themselves (this talk) • CM community didn’t notice either of these minor perturbations ”EDC implies Area Law” stays true! Conclusions and Open problems • EDC implies Area Law and MPS parametrization in 1D. • Proof uses state merging protocol and single-shot information theory: Tools from QIT useful to address problem in quantum many-body physics. 1. Can we improve the dependency of entropy with correlation length? 2. Can we prove area law for 2D systems? HARD! 3. Can we decide if EDC alone is enough for 2D area law? 4. See arxiv:1206.2947 for more open questions