Quantum Mechanical Model of Atoms Worksheet II

Worksheet – Quantum Mechanical Model for Atoms II
1. What are the 4 quantum numbers required in the Quantum Mechanical Model of atoms? And what are the
relations between those 4 quantum numbers.
2. What are the physical meanings for those 4 quantum numbers?
3. How many possible m values when l = 2?
4. What is the minimum value for n if m = -2?
5. How many energy sublevels (s, p, d, f) are contained in each of the hydrogen atoms first three energy levels?
6. Which of the following atomic orbital designations are incorrect?
a. 7f
b. 3f
c. 2d
7. How many orbitals can principal energy level 5 contain? Explain.
8. How many orbitals are there on the 3d sublevel? Explain.
9. How is an orbital’s principal quantum number related to the atom’s major energy levels?
d. 6p