System Model of HRM


System Model of HRM

• System composed of interrelated & interacting parts to achieve desired goals

• System approach to HRM combines itself with business strategy

• Many firms in developing countries are facing problems due to their traditional practices of managing people

• The system, functions, components and objectives of modern organizations differ from traditional organizations

• HRM system is linked with organization performance, organization structure and strategic objectives of the organization

• Open system : consists of input-processing-output & feedback components

• Operates within internal & external environment


HRM System

External Environment Factors

Government law & regulation, Union, Eco condition, Competitiveness,

Composition of the labor force, Geographical location of the organ, Tech.

Threats and Opportunities


Human Energy & competencies



HR Plan

Mgmt Inventory

Job Analysis

Labour Market







Organizational related output

Employee related output


Internal Environment Factors

Strategy, Goals, Culture, Nature of the task, Group work, Leader's style & experience


Strengths and Weaknesses

HRM System

1. Inputs of HRM

• Human energy & competencies (physical strength, knowledge, skills, attitudes, experiences etc.)

• Organizational plan (organizational goals, strategy, target)

• Human resource plan (matches future HR demand with supply & indicates the HR requirements)

• Management inventory (record of HR currently available in the organization)

• Job analysis (specifies job requirements, job specifications)

• Labor market (source of external supply for quality human resources)


HRM System

2. Processing of HRM a. Acquisition

– Ensures entry of right number of people at the right place at the right time in the organization

– Consists of recruitment, selection & socialization b. Development

– Ensures proper competencies of employees to handle jobs

– Analyzing development needs

– Employee training

– Management development

– Career development c. Utilization

– Ensures willingness of employees for boosting productivity by doing jobs effectively

– Consists of motivation, performance appraisal, compensation etc.

d. Maintenance

– Ensures retention of competent employees in the organization

– Labor relations (employer-employee relations & employee discipline, grievance handling)

– Employee welfare (to promote employee safety, health, social security, etc.)


HRM System

3. Output a. Organization-related outputs

• Goal-achievement

• Quality of work life (QWL) (Quality of relationship between employees & the total working environment of the organization.)

• Mechanisms of QWL:

– Learning & development

– Recognition

– Autonomy

– Intrinsic/extrinsic rewards

• Productivity

• Profits

• Readiness for change b. Employee-related outputs

• Commitment (achieved through trust, understanding, communication, loyalty etc.)

• Competence (changes in the environment & assume new roles)

• Congruence (related to goals, harmony between individual & organizational goals)

• Cost effectiveness (high cost-effectiveness)


HRM System

4. Feedback

– Provides information to redesign HRM inputs & processing based on output effectiveness

5. Internal Environment

– Forces in the internal environment are controllable by HRM

– Provide strengths & weaknesses

– They are organizational goals, policies, structure, reward system & organizational culture

6. External Environment

– Forces non controllable by HRM

– Provide opportunities & pose threats

– They are technology, politics/law, labour unions, economic forces, sociocultural forces


Internal & External Environment of HRM

A. External environment (outside the organization)

Government Law and Regulation

– Affects organization directly

– Decisions about hiring, promotion, diversity, evaluation, employment opportunity, discrimination, compensation, benefits regulation, safety laws etc.



– An organization that represents the interests of employees

– Shapes the HR policies & practices

– Union representatives are included in major HR decisions

– Recruiting, selection, promotion, compensation, etc.

– Not restricted only to the blue-collar workers


Economic Conditions

– Economic devt. of a country gives priority to the proper mgmt. of HR

– Provides career & skill devt. opportunities

– Local companies compete with foreign ones & thus local companies reform their work processes



– Effective workers?

– Quality services or good?

– New technology?

– Lower cost products?

– HRM can be a competitive advantage


Composition & Diversity of the Labor Force

– Women

– Minorities

– Older Employees


Geographical Location of the Organization

– Rural, urban area?

– Kinds of workers available

– Educational factors

– Behavioral factors (attitudes)

– Legal-political factors (stability, racists etc.)

– Economic factors (structure, inflation, constraints on ownership etc.)

– Socio-cultural factors



– Technology is a major factor in deciding about HR policy choices

– Use of sophisticated & efficient technology

– Increased the quality & volume of the products/services

– Reduced the price level

– Coping with the technological environment demands for knowledge workers


B. Internal Environmental Influences


– What an organization’s key executives hope to accomplish in the long run

– Selection of a particular HR strategy, policy & practice

– Business firms differ in their HR strategy due to different business environment & competitive strategy



– The goals of organizations differ within & among departments

– Differences in the importance of goals

– E.g. profit goals are emphasized, HRM goals are paid only minimal attention


Organization Culture

• System of shared meaning held by members

• A firm’s way of doing business

• How it treats customers & employees

• Autonomy of the departments

• Degree of employee loyalty expressed

• A common value system

• Strong or weak culture?

• Impact on the behavior, productivity, expectations of the employees

• E.g. clear guidelines on punctuality, customer service etc.


Nature of the Task

• Degree of knowledge & ability to use IT

• Degree of empowerment

• Degree of physical exertion required

• Degree of environmental unpleasantness

• Physical location of work

• Time dimension of work

• Human interaction on the job

• Degree of variety in the task

• Task identity

• Task differences & job design


Group Work

– Directly related to the success of HRM activities

– Work-group participation in designing & implementing HRM is essential


Leader’s Style and Experience

– Experiences & leadership style of the operating manager affects HRM activities

– Direction, encouragement, authority to evoke desired behaviors

– Facilitates interactions that occur within work groups

