Statistics Disclosure Statement 2015-2016 Course: Instructor: Textbook: I. Statistics Mr. Newbold nd Workshop Statistics, 2 Edition My School Website Academic Grade a. Grading i. Tests and quizzes = 50% of grade ii.All activities in class, homework, and notes = 50% of grade. Grading Scale: A 93-100 B80-82 D+ 67-69 A90-92 C+ 77-79 D 63-66 B+ 87-89 C 73-76 D60-62 B 83-86 C72-70 F 0-59 b. Assignments i. Work must be shown for all problems. 1.) This means writing out the problem number. 2.) Writing out the problem or answering in complete sentences including wording from the problem, 3.) Showing all steps taken, and 4.) Boxing the final answer. YOU MUST SHOW WORK TO GET FULL CREDIT. ii.Write assignments and notes on standard size lined notebook paper using PENCIL ONLY. Do each assignment on a separate sheet of paper labeled with NAME, DATE, PERIOD, and ASSIGNMENT TITLE in upper right hand corner. iii. Homework can be expected every day. These assignments are due the next class period. iv. Bell quizzes are given daily to encourage students to be on time to class, to get them thinking mathematically, to offer ongoing review, and to prepare students for standardized tests (i.e. ACT, SAT, UBSCT). A student must be sitting quietly in his/her assigned seat when the bell rings to earn bell quiz points. v. Extra Credit will be statistics related and given only at teacher discretion. Extra credit will raise a final grade at most 4% (one full grade if not failing). c. Make-up/Late Work i. Make-up assignments, notes, tests, and quizzes, due to excused absence, are due the class period following the student’s return to class. Please write ABSENT on the top of these assignments. ii.Late work will be worth half credit (50%) if turned in on or before the day of the test. Please write LATE on the top of these assignments. NO ASSIGNMENTS FOR ANY CHAPTER WILL BE ACCEPTED LATER THAN THE DAY OF THE TEST. d. Tests i. Tests will be held at the end of every chapter, along with occasional quizzes. ii.Students should use various study techniques such as flashcards, self-quizzing, extra practice, re-reading of chapters and notes, and daily study of concepts to internalize new material. iii. Students who are absent on test day have one calendar week to come in on their own time to take the test. After one calendar week, students may not take the test. e. Test Retakes I. One retake may be taken per test. II. The test retakes will be similar to the original test, but it will not be the same test. III. In order to qualify for a retake, students must complete corrections of the problems missed on a separate sheet of paper and discuss them with the instructor. This must be done outside of class. IV. Students who earn 70% or higher on the original test will be required to retake similar problems to those missed, but not the entire test. Students who earn below 70% must retake the entire test. V. The retake must be completed within one week of the day the corrected tests were returned to the student. Retakes must be taken outside of regular class time. II. Attendance 1. The policies and procedures of the school and district will be enforced. Consistent attendance has a positive impact on success in this course; thus, students are encouraged not to leave the classroom during class time. 2. Two hall pass coupons will be awarded per quarter and, if unused, may be turned in for extra credit. 3. To ensure correct attendance records, any student arriving after the bell rings must sign in on the tardy sign-in sheet located near the door. III. Citizenship a. Student behavior which disrupts learning, teaching in the classroom, doesn’t comply with teacher instructions or school and district policies will result in a decline of citizenship grade as noted in the school citizenship rubric. b. Do not bring cell phones, music players, or other electronic devices to class. c. Instances of cheating will result in no credit for the assignment and an automatic U in citizenship for the quarter. d. Students need to be aware of the citizenship requirements for extracurricular activities since poor citizenship marks may not be worked off IV. Extra Help e. Mr. Newbold is available for additional assistance 30 minutes before and after school, as well as Thursday mornings during EO. f. Access solutions to in-class activities online at: g. PLEASE come see Mr. Newbold if you find you are struggling! He wants you to Succeed! V. Other Important Information h. Materials i. Personal graphing calculators (TI-83 or above) are strongly recommended for this course. Graphing Calculators are $80 - $130 to purchase therefore the Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84). If you don’t purchase one, please please please RENT ONE from the school for $30. See Mrs. Heninger room #255. ii. Students will be required to have 3” x 5” index cards for vocabulary words. iii. Book, calculator, vocabulary cards, paper, and pencils need to be brought to class every day. i. Access to students’ scores is available to parents/guardians and students at My Weber: Please contact Weber High School attendance secretary to obtain username and/or password. Scores on The Portal will be updated weekly. j. Mr. Newbold will grant reasonable accommodations to students with extenuating circumstances. k. Please communicate your concerns to me by e-mail (, phone (Weber High: 801-476-3734 7:15 am - 3:15 pm), or in person. l. I reserve the right to adjust the above requirements and procedures as I deem necessary. m. Please sign and return the next page to Mr. Newbold for full points Course: Statistics Disclosure Statement Instructor: Mr. Newbold 2015-2016 Period: ________ Student Name: _____________________ I have reviewed the disclosure statement for the above listed teacher and class. I am aware of and agree to support and follow these policies and procedures. I am keeping the descriptive portion of the disclosure statement for future reference. Throughout the school year, we may use video technology to film your student for educational purposes. I give my consent for these clips to be used on websites, Portal, or blogs. Student Parent/Guardian Name___________________________ Name__________________________ Signature________________________ Signature_______________________ Date____________________________ Date___________________________ Email__________________________ Phone__________________________