Greece Rome Review Test

Classical Empires – Greece and Rome
1. The Greek polis could be described as(GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.a)
A. …a soup made of animal blood that most soldiers ate for strength
B. …the code of Greek warriors to die with honor
C. …a Greek city-state where politics, culture, and religion flourished
D. …special temples where Greeks went to worship their gods
2. Prior to Alexander the Great, how did the governmental structure of Greece differ with the Roman Republic?
A. Greek city-states were independent, while Rome had a unified government.
B. Greece was ruled by a representative government, while Rome was ruled by a monarch.
C. Greek city-states were democratically ruled, while Rome had an autocracy.
D. Greece had a theocracy, while Rome had a democracy.
3. While Athens emphasized democracy and Sparta emphasized war, both were primary examples of what element of
Greek society? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.a)
A. Hellenism
B. Polis
C. Dictatorship
D. Feudalism
4. In the Roman Republic the power of government resided with which of the following…? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.a)
A. Emperor
B. Senate
C. Polis
D. Plebians
5. In the Roman Empire the power of government belonged to which of the following…?
A. Senate
B. Plebians
C. Emperor
D. Caliphate
6. In which of the following governments would the average citizen have had the least amount of political power?
A. Greek Polis
B. Roman Republic
C. Roman Empire
D. Zhou Dynasty
7. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were all influential in what field?
A. Mathematics
B. History
C. Architecture
D. Philosophy
8. How did Alexander the Great contribute to Greek culture?(GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.b)
A. He spread the ideas and philosophies of Persian scholars
B. He converted the Greeks from polytheism to monotheism
C. Through conquests, he spread Greek culture and was a catalyst for the Hellenistic Age
D. He spread Greek culture to the West by defeating the Romans in the Punic Wars
9. What was Julius Caesar’s impact on Rome?(GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.b)
A. He was a mathematician who developed a variety of formulas we still use today
B. He was a Spartan warrior who risked it all to defend his city-state
C. He was a General and eventual dictator who played a large role in transforming Rome from a Republic to Empire
D. He was a notable Chinese poet who influenced all of Rome with his ideas of democracy and self-government
10. Which Greek teacher and thinker directly influenced Alexander the Great? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.b)
A. Aristotle
B. Confucius
C. Plato
D. Darian
11. Why is the rule of Augustus Caesar considered a significant event in Roman history? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.b)
A. He was the last emperor before the Fall of Rome
B. He won the Punic Wars
C. He was the first Roman Emperor
D. He moved the capital to Constantinople
12. Which of the following are primary characteristics of Hellenistic culture?(GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.c)
A. Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism
B. Christianity, Crusades, The Great Schism
C. pyramids, monotheism, astronomy
D. philosophy, science, math, arts
13. What Roman architectural structure allowed for the growth and expansion of Roman cities? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.c)
A. Colossus of Rhodes
B. Pyramids
C. The Coliseum
D. Aqueducts
14. The Greeks and Romans worshipped many gods, this concept is known as… (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.d)
A. monotheism
B. polytheism
C. legalism
D. Mandate of Heaven
15. Which of the following facilitated the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.d)
A. Trade Routes
B. The printed Bible
C. Aqueducts
D. The end of slavery
16. Which of the following was NOT a similarity between the Greek and Roman polytheism?
A. Worshiped many gods/goddesses
B. Worshiped common deities but gave them different names
C. Worshipped many gods/goddesses to explain the natural world and other various aspects of life
D. Both involved human sacrifices
17. “When I, Constantine Augustus, as well as I, Licinius Augustus, fortunately met near Mediolanurn (Milan), and were
considering everything that pertained to the public welfare and security, we thought, among other things which we saw
would be for the good of many, those regulations pertaining to the reverence of the Divinity ought certainly to be made
first, so that we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred…”
According to the passage above, the Edict of Milan…
A. ended the Persian War
B. gave Christians the right to worship
C. gave the emperors permission to punish the Christians
D. strengthened trade between Rome and China
18. Which action by Constantine contributed to the fall of the Western Roman Empire? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.e)
A. He decided to invade Carthage which proved costly
B. He prohibited trading along the Silk Road cutting off trade with China
C. He moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople
D. He dissolved the Senate
19. Which of the following invasions was a factor in the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
A. Invasion by Germanic tribes
B. Invasion by Egypt
C. Invasion by Genghis Kahn
D. Invasion by the Persians
20. What political issue was a primary factor for the collapse of the Western Roman Empire? (GPS.9_12.SS.WH.SSWH3.e)
A. The rise in power of the Senate
B. The transition of the Empire from the Republic
C. Decline of the polis
D. The lack of strong leadership due to a series of incompetent Emperors