The Rebirth…the basics… Period in Europe from the 1300-1500s Renaissance means “Rebirth” What was being reborn? Religion and Art in the Renaissance Characterized by creativity, interest in learning, and a desire to explore the human experience What does this mean? Emphasis on individual achievement How do these ideas compare to our society? Rebirth of antiquity (Greece/Rome) City-states survived the Middle Ages Prosperous centers of trade & manufacturing Florence, Milan, Venice, Rome, Naples Rise of a merchant class Stressed the importance of education and individual achievement Wealthy spent $ on the arts – Patrons were supporters of the arts WHY ITALY? FLORENCE…Where it all went down NEW STYLES IN PAINTING Portrayed religious figures, like the Middle Ages, but set them against Greek or Roman backgrounds Artists focused on realistic portrayals and perfected perspective – making distant objects smaller to create a scene that appeared threedimensional Used shading to make objects look round and real Studied human anatomy and drew from live models – anything to be as realistic or close to nature! Who wouldn’t like this? Recognize this one? Thumbs up or down? The School of Athens The Last Supper ARCHITECTURE Rejected Gothic architecture as archaic, disorderly, and cluttered Adopted arches, columns, and domes i.e. Greece and Rome Created massive cathedrals HUMANISM Intellectual movement Study of classical culture Focused on worldly subjects, not religious issues! Education based on Greek and Roman texts Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history Adapted and improved on classical texts Petrarch – Italian humanist Revived works by Greek and Roman writers from monasteries and churches Erasmus – Dutch humanist Produced a new Greek edition of the New Testament Translated the Bible into the vernacular Challenged the Church and urged reform and return to early Christian tenants