Business Communications MGT 309

The Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics
MGT 309 - Business Communication
Sprng 2011
380 Bryan Building
336.334.4319 or 336.946.0462
Class times:Section 09-- M/W 3:30-4:45
Office hours: M/W 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Friday 11:00 – 12:30 PM or by appointment
In case of inclement weather, check your email.
This syllabus is subject to improvements & minor changes & corrections.
Course Description
Your learning in this 3-credit hour course is business communications. Our focus is four areas: relating, writing,
speaking and teaming. This course is classified as Writing Intensive & Speaking Intensive. Emphasis is on
verbal/written strategies with persuasive, negative message, interpersonal, and presentations skills. Additional topics
include job search skills and teamwork. Course prerequisites are junior standing and admission to the approved
program. Prerequisites are reviewed by the Office of Undergraduate Student Services and the Registrar’s office.
This is a performance-based class. Your knowledge and skills improve through practice. You are graded on both your
performance activities, and effort.
You are graded on what you say (content) and how you say it (delivery). Excellence in grammar & mechanics is
expected in all communications (emails, individual assignments & group assignments).
Course Requirements:
Course text: Writing that Works by Oliu, Buusaw and Alred. The publisher is Bedford St. Martins
Blackboard and computer proficiency
Academic integrity. You are expected to adhere to the UNCG Honor Code which can be found at Plagiarism violations are handled according to policy.
Please review the faculty/student guidelines at
Educational Objectives:
At the end of the course, every student should be able to…
Understand the importance of effective communication skills in the workplace.
Identify communication strategies to business situations.
Create responses to communication problems.
Conduct research for evidence-based writings and presentations.
Use accurate documentation of sources.
Practice work place team behaviors.
Write concise and organized documents using the appropriate format.
Use the three step writing process.
Write reports based on evaluation of data.
Develop effective messages.
Demonstrate effective oral presentation skills with verbal & nonverbal proficiencies.
“If you think a teacher is tough, try a boss.” Bill Gates
The Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics
Our Classroom
Our classroom is active learning. We do engaging exercises, group discussions and classroom reporting. We do roleplay and real-plays. The intention is to engage in the material.
Our classroom is run like a business meeting. Most class meetings have an agenda that is posted prior to class on
BlackBoard/Course Content. You are expected to be familiar with the upcoming agenda and complete any preparation
prior to class time.
I may not accept any late work. If accepted, late work will receive a penalty by of 10 points per day beginning the start
of class the assignment is due . No make-up presentations are given.
When you email me, use what you are being taught. I expect a well-crafted email. If you write poorly or use an
inappropriate tone, I may respond with an email asking you to recompose your message.
Like your boss, I expect you to follow instructions carefully.
You will receive feedback on your writing and speaking. View this feedback as a gift to grow in your skills instead of
personal criticism. You will learn more if you do not let any feelings of resistance keep you from listening and applying
the information.
Some assignments are delivered verbally only – just like business. I may remind you, I may not; be responsible.
My Values
I value excellence and fun. Do not misconstrue my comfort as a relaxed standard; I am always aware of performance
I also value integrity. Integrity is the cornerstone to a life of good character and ethical business behavior; therefore, it
is foundational in my classroom. Be honest and respectful.
I love to coach. I believe in accountability. The coaching conversation is a frequent tool I use.
Finally, I value mutual respect and maturity. You are all upperclassmen and I expect you to act accordingly.
Learning Activities & Grading Percentages*
Individual writing assignments
A1 – Routine Email – How To – Self Introductions
A2 - Indirect & Direct (Draft)
A3 – Resume (Resume Draft) & Application Letter
A4 - Persuasive
Speaking assignment (extemporaneous 10% (PPT 4%), group 8%
Preparation & Participation
Research Project
*Individual 4%
*Group Work Plan 4%
*Group Report 10%
“If you think a teacher is tough, try a boss.” Bill Gates
The Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics
All projects will be graded on a scale of 100. See Syllabus II for detailgrade value by assignment.
Classroom Engagement/Participation
You are expected to engage. You don’t learn communications by being on the side-lines.
Do not be late to class. Lateness is unacceptable business behavior. I may elect to not let you in the
classroom.This is especially true on days assignments are due.
Cell phones are to be off or on vibrate - only if an urgent call is expected.
No eating in class.
No texting in class.
If you choose to use a laptop in the classroom, you are to stay on topic only. No surfing the internet, emailing,
etc. If this classroom behavior rule is broken, I may ask you to leave the classroom.
Your classroom participation will be graded and is worth 10% of your grade. You will be asked this semester
to hand in a copy of your preparation at the beginning of class. Failure to do so will result in a 5% (out of
100%) reduction in this grade.
Writing Assignments
What you say is as important as how you say it.
All submissions are to have your full name and section number. For example, Mary Jones. All submissions
are to have this information, if the information is missing, I might not accept your assignment.
All submissions are to have a completed Business Writing Checklist and/or a Format Outline must be stapled
to your assignment. Write comments to me as warranted. I may not accept the document without the staple.
Remember your audience. I have 30 papers to collect and they can get mixed up. (In business, as in life,
sometimes you must follow directions period.)
I give feedback. Learn to welcome the information. Take the feedback as a gift and improve. Grades ‘A’ &
‘F’/”D” get less feedback – you know the intention and you achieved it or you need to see me. Grades ‘B’ & ‘C’
get the most feedback. I do not bring attention to every single ‘error.’ You are to inspect your paper for
recurrences of the same mention.
All works are to be single-spaced. If you double-space, I may return your paper with an ‘F.’
The majority of the individual writings are case-based. These writings, as in business, are an exercise in the
balance of following directions, audience insight and innovation. You will be put in teams and each team is a
restaurant. Each team will develop it’s restaurant identity.
In your teams, you are encouraged to discuss strategy and be each other’s editor. Collaboration is business
behavior. However, I caution you – each individual write is to be an individual write. I also encourage you to
visit the Writing Center. Bring your assignment and any direction on format with you when you attend.
A requirement of this course is all work is to be in at least three paragraphs (intro, body & conclusion). (The
body information may be more than one paragraph.) If you submit a work outside of this requirement, you will
get an automatic ‘F.’
Submit your assignments as instructed. I require a hard copy at the beginning of class. Papers will be
collected after role is taken. Be sure you have proper file formatting and notations on the document. (exp.
Mary Jones) Only submit as instructed. Email submission is not acceptable, unless I give you special
“If you think a teacher is tough, try a boss.” Bill Gates
The Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics
The top writing assignments may be chosen from class and posted as models. This sharing of information
gives you an opportunity to learn from one another.
Once papers are returned, you are responsible to monitor your Blackboard grades. See me within a week for
any points of discussion.
All assignments are posted on BlackBoard. Some may have additional requirements. Please read it carefully.
Speaking Assignments
Each student will have three experiences in front of the classroom. Two are graded. You are graded on what you say
and how you say it.
 Impromptu and classroom contribution
 Individual Informative Speech (Graded)
 Group Persuasive Speech (Graded)
You are required to visit The Speaking Center for oral presentation practice on your individual information and group
persuasive speech assignment. Make your appointment two weeks prior to your desired appointment time, as the
Speaking Center requires a 2-day advance for your speech. Comp class time is given for Speaking Center visits. A
20 point penalty will be given for failure to attend the Speaking Center. They will provide proof of attendance.
Learning Teams
You are placed in learning teams. Each team has 3-5 participants. Your learning team is a learning community to
grow knowledge, grow in contribution, grow in diversity appreciation and grow in communication abilities.
All team members are expected to be:
1. Respectful at all times in your delivery of feedback and contribution. Respect confidentiality.
2. Active – Our success is dependent on each other.
3. In Integrity – Do what you say you will do. That is successful business behavior. Be sure you cite your
4. Courteous – Use business writing etiquette. No improper language. No ‘flaming.’ No all-capitals (shouting).
No emoticons.
Group Research Report
You are to research a public-traded company using the Harvard Business Review article “What Really Works” as your
research base assessing the company’s successfulness in the marketplace. Please be sure you completely
understand this important theory on management success. How do you rate them in each of the categories? How will
you apply these best practices to your restaurant?
“If you think a teacher is tough, try a boss.” Bill Gates
The Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics
Grading & Grading Appeal
As I lecture on material you are held responsible to perform at that level - that grading gets harder as we move
through the course.
The course learnings are built on one another, you missed understanding one principle then you miss understanding
future performance measures.
Feedback is on the writing document; grades are posted to Blackboard. You are responsible to monitor your grades as
they are posted in Blackboard. If you have questions regarding an assignment, ask within one week of the return of
the grade, NOT at the end of the course. Any grading appeals are to be a well-crafted writing with supporting evidence.
The requested review must come within one week of the grade return. Appeals will result in one of three outcomes:
your grade will be increased, stay the same or be reduced.
Final grades are rounded up to the next point at ‘.5’ and more only. For example, a 74.5 is rounded to a 75.
Much of the learning in this course will occur in class. Attendance is worth 10% of your grade.Note, I am not giving
any tests. Your presence is expected. I will take roll at the beginning of class (3:30PM). Once roll is taken, it is final!
You will receive two free passes. After that, you will receive a 5% (out of 100%) attendance grade reduction. Excused
absences will be rare (see Grading & Grading Appeal).
97 - 100
97 – 94
93 - 90
89 - 87
86 - 84
83 - 80
79 - 78
77 - 74
73 - 70
69 - 68
67 – 64
63 - 60
A=Exceptionally high achievement
D=Passing but unsatisfactory
F =Failure
“If you think a teacher is tough, try a boss.” Bill Gates
The Joseph M. Bryan School of Business and Economics
Speaking Rubric
A -Exceptional
Understood the
assignment – Great
Content rich
B –Superior
Understood – good
C – Satisfactory
Okay product
D - Poor
Didn’t understand the
Content acceptable
Content weak
Free of grammatical
At least 3 paragraphs
Strong thesis & set up
Great organization/flow
grammatical errors
At least 3 paragraphs
Good thesis
Good organization/flow
Content fair (too much,
too little)
A few errors that
impact message
At least 3 paragraphs
Somewhat vague thesis
Fair organization/flow
Speaking Rubric
A - Exceptional
Content rich
B - Superior
Content acceptable
C - Satisfatory
Content fair
D - Poor
Content weak
Organized interesting
Energetic delivery with
appropriate voice &
Complete engaging
Good introduction miss
one tactic
Good delivery
Fair introduction –
missing 2 tactics
Fair delivery
Weak introduction
Good conclusion –
missing one tactic
Weak conclusion
Poised, excellent eye
contact,rare use of
Good eye contact and
poise,appropriate use
of notes
Fair conclusion –
missing more than one
Lack of poise or eye
contact. Overuse of
Errors & repeated
At least 3 paragraphs
F – Unacceptable
Not acceptable
Less than 3 paragraphs
F – Unacceptable
Didn’t do the work or
little shown effort
Weak delivery
Frequent reference to
notes. Lack of
poise.lack of prep
Read speech. No
Religious Observance:
1. The University allows for a limited number of excused absences each academic year for religious
observances required by the faith of the student.
2. Students must notify instructors of absences in advance of the date of the religious observance.
Instructors have authority to specify, via written notice to students, the amount of lead time
required and may require that the nature of the religious observance be specified and the
student's participation be confirmed in writing by an official of the religious organization.
3. When appropriate notice is provided by a student, the student must be granted at least two
excused absences under this policy and must be allowed to make up or waive work and tests
missed due to these particular absences. With regard to any test or other assignment that a
student would miss due to notice of a required religious observance, faculty members may
require the student to complete the test or assignment in advance of the originally scheduled
date of the test or assignment. Beyond the minimum terms and limits of this policy, instructors
maintain authority to establish and enforce the attendance policy for the courses they are
4. The requirement for students to make such requests for excused absences applies only to days
when the University is holding class.
“If you think a teacher is tough, try a boss.” Bill Gates