Respiratory Fitness By All The Boys! Steve Collins Laurie Young Shaun O’Grady Mark Di Corleto TODAY • Today’s lab will include an - Information session - Pre-exercise test - Exercise - Post exercise test - Conclusion/Record data Spirometry • Spirometry is a method for measuring lung volumes during ventilation. It’s used to assess lung function and is particularly helpful for diagnosing obstructive lung diseases Lung Volumes • Is the volume of oxygen in the lungs, and also includes a series of capacities and flow rates. Some lung volumes include; vital capacity, breathing rate, tidal volume and forced expiratory volume. These volumes can be helpful in evaluating late phase obstructive lung diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis and asthma. • Vital capacity- the maximal volume of air expelled from the lungs after maximal inhalation (Spirometer, breath all in/all out three times and take the average) • Breathing rate-The number of unconscious breaths in one minute (with partner count breaths in 15sec and multiply by 4) • Tidal Volume- The amount of air inspired or expired during a normal breathing cycle (Using Spirometer, regular in then regular out) • Dynamic Lung Volume (FEV)- Maximal exhalation in the shortest period possible. (Using the Peak flow meter breath in deeply and then breath out as hard and fast as possible. • Residual Volume- The amount of oxygen left after forced expiration PIKO-6 • While standing up, hold the PIKO 6 with your your right hand, attach the mouth-piece and turn it on by pressing “operate” • Bring the PIKO-6 close to your mouth. When first beep is heard inhale as much as you can. • When the second beep is heard, insert the valve into your mouth and blow as hard as you can until the next beep.(approximately 6 seconds) • Keep the PIKO-6 horizontal throughout the test, and be sure not to cover any of the holes • The PIKO 6 may show a ‘!’ after breathing into the PIKO 6. this means there was an error in the testing E.g. The participant coughed or didnt breath long enough. Factors determining lung volumes in individuals • Age • Body composition/stature • Height • Gender Asthma Asthma is a lung disorder that occurs when the smooth muscles surrounding the small airways and bronchioles of the lungs, constrict and spasm, restricting the airflow to, and away from the lungs. Asthma is triggered by viruses, changes in temperature, exercise, emotional distress, pet fur, pollution, pollen and dust mites. Asthma creates, excess mucus on the bronchi and swelling of internal layers of the bronchi, which, in-turn leads to shortness of breath, wheezing, tightness of the chest and increased mucus production. Asthma Attacks • An asthma attack, also known as an asthma episode or flare, is any shortness of breath which interrupts the asthmatic's well-being and requires either medication or some other form of intervention for the asthmatic to breathe normally again. Asthma Treatment Plan Developed by national asthma council • • • • 1-Assess the severity of the asthma 2-Achieve best lung function 3-Identify and avoid trigger factors 4-Maintain best lung function with optimal medication 5-Know your action plan 6-Check your asthma regularly Asthma Attack Treatment 1. Sit the person upright, remain and keep them calm, and provide reassurance. Do not leave person alone. 2. Give 4 puffs of a blue reliever puffer (generally ventolin), one puff at a time preferably using a volumatic spacer device. Ask the person to take 4 breaths from the spacer after each puff. 3. Wait 4 minutes. 4. If there is little or no improvement and student is breathless or distressed call an ambulance immediately (Dial 000). Continue to repeat steps 2 and 3 while waiting for the ambulance. Exercise induced Asthma • Asthma is enhanced during exercise in dry cold environments. • During exercise there is increased need for oxygen, therefore breathing occurs at a faster rate. • The airways react to the cold dry air which causes the muscles around the airways to contract and harder to breath/perform. Exercise induced asthma cont. • The symptoms of this form of asthma include wheezing, coughing, tightness in chest and breathlessness • To prevent or if you feel it coming on cease exercise and don't begin again until you are free from symptoms. Considerations for classroom and coaching • Classroom: dust around the classroom and in the carpet should be cleaned; be aware of students with animal allergies; and chalk dust should be used as little as possible. • Coaching: Know which athletes have asthma; know their specific treatment plans, choose training areas carefully relating to grass types and potential risk to sparking allergies. COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung disease where the airways become narrowed. this leads to limited air-flow to and from the lungs creating shortness of breath. • COPD categories: • MILD COPD: 60-80% • MODERATE COPD: 40-59% • SEVERE COPD: below 40% Emphysema • Caused by smoking, emphysema is characterised by the destruction of lung tissue supporting the alveoli and capillaries feeding the alveoli. This causes shortness of breath due to an inability of the lungs to carry on the normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. • It can not be cured because lung tissue can not be regenerated, but its progression can be slowed or stopped, with reversal or ceasing of activities that encourage the disease. Results Each member of the group will now need to record their height, vital capacity, breathing rate and FEV/VC ratio; and then make their way out onto the basketball court. The four people participating in further research for the lab will need to come to us for a quick brief on the testing session.