Day Title Activities >Watch a video Slavery in 1 America about slave ship (Part 1) conditions >Analyze pictures of slave ship conditions >Read about conditions about life on a slave ship >Writing a journal entry type slave entry 2 Slavery in America (Part 2) >It depends on Your Point of View Activity. The students will receive a strip of paper describing either a slave or slave owner and reflect on whomever they have. Objectives Content: TSW be able to students will be able to identify what life was like aboard of slave ship. TSW will be able to identify the geographic history of slavery in the US. Process: TSW be able to show an understanding of life aboard a slave ship by writing a slave narrative of how they would have felt being ripped away from the only home they knew and forced to travel to an unknown place in terrible conditions. Value: TSW be able to appreciate their freedom as American citizens. Content: TSW be able to explore the life of an African American slave and a slave owner in the 19th Century. Process: TSW discuss how they would react to life as a slave in America. Value: TSW be able to differentiate between good leaders and bad leaders. TEKS Resources 4E; >Images of life aboard a slave 13A; ship 24C, D, E >Video Segment-"Slave Ship Captains and the Zong Atrocity", Slave Narrative >A historian that knows a lot about Black history would be nice to bring in. 4E; 24D; 25D Cut out strips from: /teachers/p_lesson1_org1.html, Box to put the strips in, scissors to cut them out, Video Segment: "Life of a Plantation Slave" Info on slave codes and plantation life: asp >*”History Alive! America’s Past” Chapter 8 *This resource would have to be purchased online. Alief ISD uses the CD copy of this book. >What if, and vocabulary worksheets 3 4 Civil War (Part 1) >Map Activity Civil War (Part 2) >BrainPop Video about the Civil War > Name that amendment worksheet >Jim Crow Photo Response 5 Jim Crow Laws >Jim Crow Law reading >Jim Crow Law Making Content: TSW identify the division of the US at the outbreak of the civil war. Process: TSW investigate slavery the U.S. territories through creating a map and color coding slave/free states. Value: TSW be able to recognize that the failure of compromise may make conflict necessary through learning more about the conflicts leading up to the Civil War. Content: TSW be able to identify the effects of the civil war. Process: TSW be able to explain how the civil rights amendments (13, 14, and 15) came about and what they mean. TSW show their understanding of the amendments through completing worksheets with 90% accuracy or better. Value: TSW appreciate the freedoms and rights we now all have as American Citizens and realize that not everyone in America have had those freedoms forever. Content: TSW be able to identify the ways state and local governments restricted the freedoms and rights of African Americans and explain the effect of Jim Crow laws post-civil war. Process: TSW use primary documents and images to discover the ways state and local governments restricted the newly gained freedoms of African Americans after the civil war through analyzing court decisions. 4E; 5C; 24B, E 4E 20B; 24A, E Worksheets and reading handouts from: > lt/files/uploads/Civil%20War%2 0and%20Reconstruction_1.pdf > /g5/u7/index.html >Map of 19th century America. >Colored pencils Worksheets and reading handouts from: > lt/files/uploads/Civil%20War%2 0and%20Reconstruction_1.pdf >*History Alive! America’s Past” Chapter 19 Worksheets and readings from: /files/uploads/Jim%20Crow_1.pd f *This resource would have to be purchased online. Alief ISD uses the CD copy of this book. 6 On the Move For Freedom (Martin Luther King, Jr.) >Cold Read of Historical Fiction Play: "I Have A Dream" (Questions to follow) >Copy the vocabulary from the BrainPop Video of MLK > Debate about Dr. King’s vision accomplished in today’s society >Follow the Leader Activity 7 On the Move For Freedom (Rosa Parks) >Rosa Parks Bio Value: TSW be able to see how people were treated because of the color of their skin before the movement and decide whether or not they thought the treatment was ok. Content: TSW be able to explain what caused Dr. King to take a big part in the civil rights movement. Process: TSW read and discuss a play, imagining Dr. King's childhood and imagining how it might have started him on his lifelong crusade to end racism. Value: TSW appreciate the high decrease of blatant racism in America and appreciate fairness and equality for all. Content: TSW review the heroic philanthropic actions of Rosa Parks in the Civil Rights movement. Process: TSW discuss Rosa Park's actions and how she was acting on her own best interests, as well as doing something for the good of the country and discuss the traits of a good leader though making a poster. Value: TSW identify the relationship of individual rights, justice, equality and community responsibility. 5A; 5C >The play: ers/sites/default/files/asset/file/ki ng_repro.pdf >Picture: 20 >PowerPoint >Computer >BrainPop Video: tudies/freemovies/martinlutherki ngjr/ 5A, 5C lstudies/biographies/rosaparks/gr ownups.weml *This resource would have to be purchased online. Alief ISD uses the CD copy of this book. >Time Travel Activity 8 Our Friend, Martin 9 Review Day 10 Test Day Content: TSW be able to students will be able to give reasons why people supported the civil rights movement, led by Dr. >Viewing of the King. movie, “Our Friend, Process: TSW pretend to the main Martin” character of the movie, Miles and write a 1-2 page paper discussing what they think Miles learned from his trip through time. TSW be able to explain how Miles changed from the beginning to the end in 1-2 paragraphs. Value: TSW be able to appreciate living in the era post the civil rights movement and see what kindness can lead to. >Various review Content: TSW review key concepts about games, quizzes, flash slavery, the civil war, and the civil rights cards movement. Process: TSW review key concepts though online games, quizzes, and videos. Value: TSW recognize familiar traits of a good leader and a good citizen while reviewing. >The students will take a test that encompasses all of what they learned during this unit. n/a 5C; 25D >DVD of Our Friend, Martin >Computer >Projector 4E; 5C; 6A; 20B; 24D; 25D >Quizzes from Chapter 8, 18, & 19 at >Flashcards -rights-movement-5th-gradeflash-cards/ >Review Videos and Civil Rights Timelines and Vocabulary Games: >Test >Pencils >Paper >Scantrons n/a *This resource would have to be purchased online. Alief ISD uses the CD copy of this book.