ENGLISH 2 & ENGL 2 AP: PROCEDURES & EXPECTATIONS Coach Jordan Welcome to the English adventure! This class will demand much from you, and will give you much in return. Our class will be a constant pursuit to learn more about life and literature. “Don’t just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.” - George Carlin Writing and reading remind you… “you are helpful, and you are loved, and you are forgiven, and you are not alone.” – John Green What do I need to bring to class every day? Any novel or book we are currently reading (very important!) *Kindles, Nooks, ipads welcome (for designated class use ONLY) 3-Ring Binder (2 inch) – or a section in a larger composite binder *Spiral Notebook to leave in class (Journal all year…so at least 3 subject) Notebook Paper, Pen (blue or black)/ #2 pencil / highlighter Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level E (must purchase on TWHS webstore) * Do not come to class – EVER – without your materials. I will not loan paper, pens, or anything of that nature. As a high school student, you are responsible for coming to class prepared every day. How will I be graded on all the great things I do? Your grade each six weeks will be a combination of daily and major grades. English 2 Level will be 60% major, 25% quizzes, and 15% daily. Pre- AP will be 60% major, 30% quizzes, 10% daily. Major 4-5 major grades per 9 weeks, including tests, writing assignments, research, projects Quizzes 7-9 per 9 weeks over vocabulary, independent reading, various assessment (NO surprise celebrations) Daily 5-6 per 9 weeks includes homework assignments, short daily work, etc What happens that ONE time that I don’t turn something in the exact day it’s due? Late work or failure to turn in work will quite possibly be the only way to fail my class. Stay on top of your work at all times via my website or communicating with me via email when you are absent. In PreAP, the pace is very fast, and it is imperative that you do not fall behind. Daily work – NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON. If you don’t have it when it is called for, it will become a zero. Major grades – You will lose 20% of your grade per 24 hours it is late. Even if you are absent on the day a major grade is due (a paper, project, etc that you have known the due date of beforehand) IT IS STILL DUE regardless of whether you are physically present in class. You may send it with a friend or have it dropped off at the front office and put in my box. Please know that essays cannot be emailed to me as I am unable to print them out to grade them. You MUST turn in a hard copy of your paper the day it is due. Late work is not the same as make-up work. When you are absent, if you miss an assignment that was assigned when you were present, it is due the day you come back. (This means if you knew a quiz was coming on Monday, and you are absent on Monday, you will take the quiz as soon as you return) If there is an assignment made the day you are absent, you have the same number of class days that you were absent to make it up. BE READY to do all assignments that you knew were due as soon as you return. Come in the morning, if possible, as soon as you return so I can update you. If you are absent and would like a class update of things to work on, email me and I will send you anything crucial. It is critical to stay on top of ALL assignments . What do you, the teacher, want from me, the student? My expectations for our classroom are simple: Nothing interferes with your learning, and nothing interferes with my teaching. Understand what that statement means, and you will understand everything that is necessary for success in this class. For matters such as student dress code, food and drink in the classroom, and consequences for misbehaviors and tardies, school policy as exists in the student handbook will be followed. Know what is in your handbook and what is expected of you! Class begins as soon as the tardy bell rings. One foot in the door does not count as being present and ready to work. Students are to be seated, with materials ready to begin work when the bell rings. Cell phones….I know you have it, but don’t let me hear it or see it. Period. Not working independently will not be tolerated for any reason. Please refer to your handbook for the severe consequences of cheating and plagiarism. ALL parties involved with face dire consequences. Plagiarism Rationale: Plagiarism and cheating demonstrate a lack of integrity and character that are inconsistent with the goals and values of our class. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: • Taking someone else’s assignments or portion of an assignment and submitting it as your own • Submitting material written by someone else or rephrasing the ideas of another without giving the author’s name or source • Presenting the work of tutors, parents, siblings, or friends as your own Cheating includes, but is not limited to: • Copying, text messaging, faxing, e-mailing, or in any way duplicating assignments that are turned in wholly or in part, as original work • Giving or receiving answers during tests or quizzes • Taking credit for group work when you have not contributed an equal or appropriate share toward the final result • Accessing a test or quiz for the purpose of determining the questions in advance of its administration Respect for one self, other students, and the teacher is necessary to ensure a positive learning environment – something every one of you deserves and will have. Inappropriate behavior by any student in our classroom will result in consequences that could include, but are not limited to, immediate one-on-one conversations with me, parent phone calls, student/teacher/parent conferences, detentions, and referrals to administrators. What can I, the student, expect from you, the teacher? As I have high expectations of you, you may have high expectations of me. I am committed to you as my student, and to doing everything I can to help you succeed. I will, however, strive always to instill in you the importance of personal responsibility, scholastic honesty, integrity, and kindness. I will teach you everything I can about literature, writing, and life, and I will have a great time doing it. That’s a promise! And if you need help, ask! That is why I’m here. Alicia K. Jordan English 2 PreAP & English 2 Level Conference: 1st on Red, 3rd on Green Email: akjordan@conroeisd.net Phone: 936.709.1200