FORT COLLINS HIGH SCHOOL Biology Instructor: Matt Foster M.Ed. 488-8225 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology, 6710 – This is an introductory course that is standards based, embedded in this course are Colorado Science Standard 2. It is designed to help students understand their living world. The class uses extensive laboratories to supplement lecture/reading activities. The class is a prerequisite to more advanced courses in biology. This course may be used to satisfy part of graduation requirements. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Instruction in this course will focus on the following teaching and learning objectives: 1. Introduction & Safety 2. Scientific Method 3. Chemistry of Life 4. Cells (structure, function, & reproduction) Colorado Science 5. Ecology / Classification Standard 2 6. Genetics Life Sciences 7. Evolution 8. Microbiology/Diseases 9. Botany 10. Zoology 11. Human Biology Prepared Graduates will: Explain and illustrate with examples how living systems interact with the biotic and abiotic environment Analyze the relationship between structure and function in living systems at a variety of organizational levels, and recognize living systems' dependence on natural selection Analyze how various organisms grow, develop, and differentiate during their lifetimes based on an interplay between genetics and their environment Explain how biological evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of living organisms COURSE LEVEL: This course is mainly offered to freshmen, but is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. This is a basic life science course and is a prerequisite for all other upper level biologic science classes. There are no prerequisites. COURSE CONTENT: This course will include both primary and secondary source material as well as audio-visual materials and laboratory exercises. The textbook is the foundation of the reading material for this course, but other reading sources, including the Internet will be assigned as deemed necessary. COURSE INSTRUCTION: Biology is primarily lecture and discussion, but other methods of instruction will be utilized. Those methods include, but are not limited to inquiry, independent research, group projects, audio-visual presentation, and computer-assisted instruction. GRADES: Letter grades are earned by the student based upon the following percentage of possible points: 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, >60% = Failure. Total points possible include numerical evaluations for homework, quizzes, labs, projects, research and essays, unit tests, and mid-term and comprehensive, final examinations. The points are not weighted. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES - STUDENTS WILL ADHERE TO ALL FCHS POLICIES AND THE POUDRE SCHOOL DISTRICT “CODE OF CONDUCT” AT ALL TIMES TO INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: 1. Attendance – Students must attend class to receive the greatest benefit from instruction and class interaction. Students who miss class are never able to completely make up missed work. Nevertheless, students with excused absences will be allowed to make up work according to Poudre School District policy. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor – outside of class – to complete missed assignments. Late work will receive reduced credit. 2. Participation – Each student is responsible for participating in class discussions, making presentations when assigned to do so, and contributing to the learning environment of the class. In order to fulfill his/her responsibility, it is necessary to be in class, on time with all materials, including paper and a writing instrument. 3. Assignments – Students are responsible for coming to class prepared. All assignments are due at the start of the class on the date the assignment is due. Please consult the class website or hard copy of assignments for due dates. 4. Food, Drink, Chewing Gum, Hats, and Things That Go Bump In The Night – Food and drink are not allowed in class, but water is permissible. If you find it necessary to chew gum, please keep it to yourself. Chewing gum should not be seen, heard, or smelled. Hats are to be removed when crossing the threshold of the classroom and are not to be worn at any time when you are in the classroom. The classroom is a formal setting and calls for a dignified presence, including adherence to the school dress code. 5. Electronic Devices – No electronic device of any kind may be used in class without permission. The presence of an electronic device during a test or quiz will be considered prima facie evidence of academic dishonesty. 6. Final Examination – Failure to take the final examination may result in a failing grade for this class. 7. Extra Credit (points given with assignment) Extra Credit is given in biology for various activities that go above and beyond the requirements for this course. If you have a project in mind let me know. Extra credit only counts if ALL your assignments have been turned in and all of your quizzes have been made up. If you have any “Z” scores in the grade-book at the end of the semester, your extra credit will be erased before the semester grade is calculated. No extra credit will be given the last two weeks of the semester, period. 8. Late Work/Missed Work Late work is defined as work that is not turned in at the beginning of the class in which it is due. Late work will be assigned a maximum of 50% credit. Students who are excused for being absent have two days to turn in work for every day they were absent for full credit. Students who are unexcused absent also have two days to turn in work for every day they were absent, but for 50% credit max. Students who are absent during a test or an exam may sometimes be given an alternate test upon returning to school (for test security purposes). ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Each student is required to do his/her own work. Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated, and if detected, will result in disciplinary referral and action. The Fort Collins Student Handbook outlines the consequences for cheating and plagiarism, and the instructor will, with the assistance of an administrator, implement the policy. A first incident of plagiarism and/or cheating will result in a zero. Additional incidents may result in expulsion from school. Please consult the Handbook for the full text of the consequences for academic dishonesty.