Part 1 Tokugawa 2011


Unit 2 - East meets West:


Part one: Tokugawa era


Today we’re going to discover how the

Japanese Tokugawa clan created a system that maintained peace for over

250 years – the “Greater Peace”

The period is also called the Edo Period

Civil war

“Warring states”

1603 Ieyasu Tokugawa took power

Power shifted to Edo (Tokyo), the home of the Tokugawa family

Tokugawa leader is the


Shogun is supreme warlord

Sakoku (locked or chained country) 1633-


Japanese forbidden to leave: death penalty!

Foreigners banned

Dutch and Chinese traded at Nagasaki

Christianity banned

Long term impact – only 1% Christians in

Japan today

Compared with…Korea 50%, Philippines 90%

The Emperor

- figurehead ruler

- safely hidden in Kyoto

The bakufu = Japan’s system of government during the Tokugawa period,

- based on a military leader, the Shogun

- controlled foreign policy

Tokugawa leader is the Shogun

- this clan owned 20% of Japan

- lived in Edo

- had the power to reassign Daimyo

Baku-Han = the division of power between the Shogun and the Daimyo

Daimyo = feudal lord. He ruled an region or han of


Daimyo lords ruled over 250 regions


They had great autonomy; however…

Alternate attendance: the system of compulsory residence by the Daimyo in Edo during alternate years.

Personal loyalty to emperor, daimyo, family

Four class system – samurai, farmers, craftsmen, merchants

1.9 million Samurai

Strict rules for each class

Define Feudalism :

Color in the Samurai and higher tiers in one color , and lower tiers than Samurai in another color

Who was based in Kyoto?

Who was based in Edo (Tokyo)?

The ruling class

What do they look like?

How do they dress?

What are their jobs?

What power do they have?

Duty to one’s Daimyo

Virtue: reckless bravery

 fierce clan pride

 looked forward to a glorious death

“There is no nation in the world which fears death less." – Francis Xavier

"The pen and the sword in accord."

(harmony of fighting and learning)

 a period of peace

 became administrators and bureaucrats

 still had right to cut down any commoner for offending their honour

 unemployed ronin – a social problem

 bushido- culturally important

Baku-han- shogun has national authority, daimyo have regional authority

Four class system

Samurai loyalty to Daimyo

Seclusion Policy

Go to the ‘T’ Chart document:

Similarities and Differences between

Japan and China

– and make notes for yourself…
