BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT INTRODUCTION Investment in R&D creates intangible, firm-specific assets that can facilitate and drive firm competitive advantage (Branch, 1974, Chauvin and Hirshey, 1993). Yet, relationships with providers of capital to fund R&D investment are rife with transaction costs, which include ex post adaptation and enforcement costs due to uncertain revenue streams, low R&D collateral value, and information asymmetries and monitoring difficulties. Transaction costs theory prescribes the discriminating alignment of governance structures with transaction characteristics (Williamson, 1985). Though equity as a governance structure is typically considered more efficient than debt to govern asset-specific investments such as R&D (O’Brien, 2003; Vicente-Lorente, 2001, Williamson, 1988), debt is heterogeneous. Bank loans have been characterized as having firm-like (i.e., hierarchical) attributes and bonds have been characterized having market-like attributes (David, O’Brien, and Yoshikawa, 2008). The firm-like attributes of bank loan debt include adaptation through forbearance and enforcement through monitoring of managerial activity. Using transaction cost theory, we argue that although equity is best perceived as firm-like (i.e., hierarchical) and bonds are best perceived as market-like, bank loans can be viewed as hybrid-like. Equity, as a firm- or hierarchicallike governance mode, provides weaker incentives yet offers more adaptability and monitoring of managerial decision-making. Bonds provide high powered incentives for firm performance since (potential bankruptcy) yet do not provide on-going monitoring and adaptability to unforeseen circumstances. Bank loans, however, share some firm-like characteristics such as managerial monitoring and adaptation and some market-like incentive mechanisms. However evidence of the monitoring role of banks is mixed (David et al, 2008; An & Choi, 2009; Morck & Nakamura, 1999, Weinstein and Yafeh, 1998, Diamond 1991; Kang & Shivdasani, 1997). We argue that the extent to which bank loans act more firm-like or market-like stems from whether banks hold ownership positions in borrowing firms. Bank loan debt can facilitate adaptation through flexibility (forbearance) of initial loan agreements and enforcement benefits through more effective monitoring. However, the addition of equity stakes provides additional incentives to monitor risky investments such as R&D. In the absence of ownership, increased organizational costs of bank debt relative to bonds without the benefits of increased monitoring and adaptability make bank loans less efficient to govern R&D investment than bonds. We test this theoretical framework using a sample of Japanese firms from 1998-2007. We find that when banks hold substantial equity in the borrowing firm, there is a positive interaction between bank loan debt and R&D intensity on firm performance. In contrast, when banks do not hold substantial ownership positions in firms, there is a negative interaction between bank loan debt and R&D intensity on firm performance. Our results suggest that David et al.’s (2008) finding that bank debt relative to bond debt governance for R&D investment has performance enhancing effects may be influenced by the significant equity holdings of banks during their sample period. Our results suggest that it is only when banks hold borrowing firm ownership positions that bank loan debt exhibits firmlike characteristics, which include increased monitoring and adaptability. Strategy research on the governance of R&D often focuses on either equity characteristics (e.g., Graves, 1988; Kor, 2006; Lee and O’Neill, 2003) or capital structure (e.g., O’Brien, 2003; Long and Ravenscraft, 1993) or debt characteristics (e.g., David et al., 2008). Our paper provides one theoretical linkage between these two streams of research, that of bank ownership. Viewing bank loan debt as a hybrid governance mode sets the stage for new theoretical insights, some of which we develop and test in this paper and others about which we only conjecture. It also considers an important dimension of the institutional environment found in many countries, reliance on both bank ownership and bank lending. 1 BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT THEORY AND HYPOTHESES R&D activities are difficult to monitor, and the eventual success of R&D investments and the revenue stream generated are uncertain. R&D investment creates intangible, knowledge-based and firm-specific assets (Hillier et al., 2011), which are more valuable in complementarity with existing firm assets than alone. Thus, the collateral value of R&D-based assets is uncertain. While failure to meet covenants and other contractual obligations may trigger action by creditors, they provide little on-going monitoring or control. Equity financing provides on-going monitoring through the board of directors and incentives for managers to work to shareholder benefit. It therefore provides adaptive capabilities to unforeseen circumstances. Agency theory also suggests a positive association between equity and R&D due to the risk, uncertain outcomes and time horizons, and asset specificity of R&D investments (e.g., Graves, 1988; Hill and Snell, 1988). Shareholder involvement in corporate governance permits monitoring of risky investments such as R&D. An agency perspective on financial governance also considers the adverse incentive effects that may hinder investment in potentially lucrative payoffs from R&D investments., for example incentives to fund high risk investments such as R&D whose benefits accrue primarily to shareholders. The potential for such ‘risk shifting’ (Myers, 1977; Smith and Warner, 1979) provides a further disincentive for extending credit to risky firms. Numerous empirical studies show a positive relationship between R&D and equity financing (e.g., Balakrishnan and Fox, 1993; Long and Ravenscraft, 1993; Titman and Wessels, 1988; Vicente-Lorente, 2001). The uncertainty of the degree and frequency of revenue generation associated with R&D investment increase the risk of R&D strategies and make it difficult for firms to service debt-induced scheduled principal and interest payments. Debt in the aggregate works primarily through ex-ante protections such as covenants, requirements for regular interest payments, and actions such as forced bankruptcy (Kochhar, 1996). Yet, debt is heterogeneous. Effective governance of bank loan debt for R&D investment depends on bank ownership There are two primary types of debt. Bonds are transactional in nature, and exhibit market-like characteristics. Bonds are of fixed term and often traded on the open market. Bond holders are protected by debt covenants and legal recourse, but have little ability for on-going monitoring. Given that there is no expectation of future transactions, creditors have more limited incentives for mutual forbearance and adaptation through debt renegotiation (David et al., 2008; Kochhar and David, 1996; Williamson, 1988). Bond holders do not provide a monitoring function (Diamond, 1991). At the same time, bonds have low organizational costs. The lack of flexibility for renegotiation, forbearance, and overall adaptation as a principal transaction cost concern means that bonds, relative to bank loans, may not be well-suited to govern R&D investment, where returns can be sporadic. Further, the enforcement mechanism for bond contracts is strict compliance with the terms of the bond contract, where failure by firms to meet principal and interest payment schedules can lead to costly court adjudication or bankruptcy. Thus, the financial contract of a bond is market-like whereby enforcement is costly and adaptation is lacking. At the same time, there are low administrative or organizational costs since negotiation ex post and ongoing management of the contractual relation is virtually absent. Finally, appropriation concerns, whereby a firm divulges proprietary knowledge regarding its R&D activities, are not a concern. Bank loans are private contracts between firm borrowers and lending institutions where the pricing and originating of loans confer proprietary information to lenders. Given that bank loans may involve on-going banking relationships, bank loan transactions can reduce information asymmetry between borrowers and lenders and provide a greater incentive and ability for banks to monitor firm-level activity (Boot, 2000; Datta, Iskandar-Datta, and Patel, 1999; Hadlock and James, 2002). Banks also have greater flexibility regarding contractual terms of debt obligations such as renegotiation if repayment becomes problematic or unlikely (Altman, Grande, and Sauders, 2010). These advantages may incur additional costs. For example, maintenance of banking relationships requires ongoing organizational costs. Banking relationships are characterized by strong ties, which means extensive communication between borrowers and banking lender and often input into decision making. These strong ties increase the ability to work things out, yet they come with organizational costs. Indeed, cost has been viewed as a major reason for the increase in bond financing (and decline in bank financing) in Japan (Arikawa & Miyajima, 2005; Weinstein and Yafeh, 1998; Miyajima, 2007). Further, bank involvement in firm decision making may constrain the firm’s strategic options (Weinstein & Yafeh, 1998). Further, several authors have questioned the bank’s incentive to 2 BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT monitor, particularly in Japan due to multiple business ties between banks and client firms (Weinstein & Yafeh, 1998), and managerial entrenchment and lack of transparency regarding the bank loan portfolio (Hanazaki, 2003; Fok, Chang, & Lee, 2004; Hiraki, Ito & Kuroki, 2004). When banks hold nontrivial ownership positions in firms, bank loan contracts are embedded in a relationship that provides for adaptation and enforcement, the two principal transaction cost concerns from a TCE perspective. Equity ownership provides additional monitoring incentives. Since equity positions allow banks to benefit from successful R&D as residual claimants, they have greater incentives to promote promising R&D projects. These incentives, combined with the flexibility inherent in bank lending (as compared to bonds) may encourage effective bank monitoring. The reinforcing role of equity and debt is supported by Miyajima (2007) found that Japanese banks tended to retain ownership in firms in which they had lending relationships, particularly long-term relationships. Prior research on the relationship between bank loans and R&D investment has not considered the role of bank ownership. We propose that the most efficient financial governance is a trade-off between the incentives for and benefits of adaptation and enforcement vs. the costs of organization. The greater access to information and multiplex ties between banks and firms available from banking relationships, reinforced with the ownership incentives to monitor risky investments as residual claimants, encourage effective R&D investment. Thus, when banks hold substantial ownership positions in firms, bank loan contracts appear to be a more appropriate mode of financial governance than bond contracts, which leads to the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 1. When banks hold substantial ownership positions in firms, there is a positive interaction between bank loan debt and R&D intensity on firm performance. Without ownership, weaker ties exist between banks and borrowing firms. These weaker ties do not facilitate information asymmetry reduction and monitoring of managerial decision-making, which are important to govern R&D investment. Without bank ownership, the enforcement mechanisms appropriate for R&D activity are also lacking, relative to when banks own firms. Unless banks are equity holders of borrowing firms, banks have less of a monitoring role and thus measurement and evaluation of borrowing employee inputs (R&D scientists and engineers) is tempered. The organizational costs of establishing and maintaining banking relationships may even be higher when banks do not hold substantial ownership stakes in borrowing firms. Further, the ability of borrowing firms to keep knowledge generated from R&D investment proprietary is likely more difficult when banks are not also owners. Thus, the combination of lower benefits of adaptation and enforcement combined with greater organizational costs of banking relationships when banks do not hold ownership stakes suggest that bank loans are less efficient to govern R&D investment for firms that do not have banks as substantial owners. Hypothesis 2. When banks do not hold substantial ownership positions in firms, there is a negative interaction between bank loan debt and R&D intensity on firm performance. METHODOLOGY Our preliminary methodology provides results consistent with our hypotheses. We empirically examine the firm performance effects of bank loan debt and R&D investment under conditions when firms are substantially owned by banks and when they are not. Our primary data source is the Bureau Van Dijk Osiris database, which provides balance sheet and income statement financials for our sample of Japanese firms. We eliminated all finance, insurance, real estate, and public administration firms. Industry dummy variables in the provided estimation results were based on three-digit SIC industry classification codes. Since market value was used for some measures, our sample includes only firms with public equity. Firms were deleted where just one year of data was available, since we used lagged variables in our estimations. Several year-specific macroeconomic variables were provided by The World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI, 2009). Our sample frame was 2001-2008. Our year dummy variables allow us to control for changes in regulatory context which may have occurred within our sample countries (Anderson and Makhija, 1999; Arikawa and Miyajima, 2005; Johnson, 1997). Our unbalanced, panel data sample represents 3874 firm-year observations. 3 BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT The dependent variable, Firm performance, was measured as the market value of equity divided by the sum of the book value of debt and the book value of equity, which is consistent with previous research (David et al., 2008). In our analysis, we estimate Firm performance at year t, while we include lagged independent variables (year t – 1). The explanatory independent variable, R&D intensity was measured as total research and development expenses divided by revenues. The explanatory independent variable, Bank loans, was calculated as bank debt divided by total debt. We measure substantial bank ownership as a binary variable, which equals 1 if a firm’s first or second major shareholder is a bank and equals 0 otherwise. We use this binary variable to split our sample into firms with and without substantial bank ownership. Our models also include several variables that have been shown to be linked to firm performance, R&D investment, and debt use in previous research. To control for the effects of firm reliance on debt or equity on R&D investment, all estimations include the variable Equity financing (or leverage), measured as total debt divided by total debt and the market value of equity. Our models include the variable Firm size, measured as total revenues. We also include the control Interest coverage, measured as income from operations minus depreciation and divided by interest and discount charges, as a measure of firm financial flexibility or slack resources. ROA (return on assets), was also included and measured as operating income divided by total assets. We also include several country-level variables that vary by year. Domestic credit, is measured as the amount of domestic credit provided to the private sector by domestic banking institutions as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) in current US$. To control for access to market capital, we controlled for market capitalization of all firms in a particular country as a percentage of GDP (Market cap/GDP). We controlled for GDP per capita, measured as GDP per capita in current US$ as well as GDP growth, measured as the annual percentage growth of GDP. Finally, our estimations include year and industry fixed effects. PRELIMINARY RESULTS AND THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL ANALYSES TO BE ADDED Table 1 reports preliminary results of several regression estimations. This preliminary analysis uses robust regression, which uses weighting techniques to address outlier observations. Model 1 is a control model using the full sample where the coefficient is that of R&D intensity X Equity, which is positive, consistent with existing research that equity is an effective governance mechanism for R&D investment. Models 2 and 3 are also control models for subsamples that include firms with (Model 2) and without (Model 3) bank ownership. In Model 4, which is the subsample of firms with bank ownership, the estimated coefficient of R&D intensity X Bank loan debt is positive and statistically significant, consistent with Hypothesis 1. In Model 5, which is the subsample of firms without bank ownership, the estimated coefficient is negative and statistically significant, supporting Hypothesis 2. Thus, bank loan debt acts more firm-like when firms are owned substantially by banks and bank loan debt acts more market-like when firms are not substantially owned by banks. The hybrid nature of bank loan debt is variable, depending on bank ownership, and this variation directly affects whether bank loans are good to govern R&D investment (i.e., whether bank loan debt is performance enhancing). Our preliminary results suggest that the monitoring, enforcement, and adaptation mechanisms of bank loan debt are worth the added organizational costs of banking relationships when banks substantially own firms. However, when banks do not have substantial ownership positions in firms, the added organizational costs of banking relationships mean that bank loan debt is actually worse (i.e., performance decreasing) than bond debt to govern R&D investment. We will further develop our preliminary analysis in several ways. For a more robust test of our existing set of hypotheses, collection of additional bank ownership data will allow us to use dynamic panel data estimation techniques to control for potential endogeneity concerns. For subsequent and additional hypotheses development, we will also consider other ownership-related factors that may be important to understanding the linkage between equity and debt characteristics on effective R&D governance. We will also examine the role of additional categories of owners (e.g., foreign investors) which may mitigate the reinforcing role of bank ownership. Also, there may be counter-veiling forces with respect to effective R&D governance related to the identity of blockholders and to the dispersion of ownership more generally. For example, Hoskisson et al. (2002) found that different types of institutional owners affected the extent of internal innovation, and Lee and O’Neill (2003) examined the relationship between ownership concentration and R&D investment. These additional and related theoretical considerations should enhance the value-added of our paper. 4 BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT Table 1. Robust regression results for Firm performance a (1) Full Sample (2) With Bank Ownership (3) No Bank Ownership (4) With Bank Ownership (5) No Bank Ownership Firm performance (lagged) 0.485*** (0.003) 0.473*** (0.004) 0.460*** (0.005) 0.474*** (0.004) 0.463*** (0.005) R&D intensity -1.156*** (0.308) -1.031** (0.417) -0.995** (0.500) -1.598*** (0.439) -0.732 (0.537) Bank loan debt 0.014 -0.004 (0.009) 0.033** (0.013) -0.024 (0.014) 0.046*** (0.015) (0.016) Equity Financing 0.283*** (0.012) 0.263*** (0.019) 0.323*** (0.017) 0.259*** (0.019) 0.326*** (0.018) Firm size 0.001*** (0.000) 0.001*** (0.000) 0.001** (0.000) 0.001*** (0.000) 0.001** (0.000) Interest coverage -0.000 (0.000) -0.000*** (0.000) -0.000 (0.000) -0.000*** (0.000) -0.000 (0.000) ROA 0.002*** (0.000) 0.006*** (0.000) 0.001*** (0.000) 0.006*** (0.000) 0.001*** (0.000) R&D Intensity X Equity Financing 1.878*** (0.336) 2.024*** (0.518) 1.613*** (0.526) 2.288*** (0.517) 1.350** (0.558) 1.289*** (0.376) -0.618* (0.362) R&D intensity X Bank loan debt Domestic credit Observations 0.004*** (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000*** (0.000) 0.046*** (0.007) -1.745*** (0.216) 3874 0.004*** (0.001) -0.000 (0.001) 0.000* (0.000) 0.054*** (0.013) -1.706*** (0.353) 2094 0.004*** (0.001) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000*** (0.000) 0.042*** (0.009) -1.765*** (0.260) 1772 0.004*** (0.001) -0.000 (0.001) 0.000* (0.000) 0.054*** (0.013) -1.738*** (0.352) 2093 0.004*** (0.001) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000*** (0.000) 0.041*** (0.009) -1.795*** (0.261) 1772 Year fixed effects Industry fixed effects Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Market cap/GDP GDP per capita GDP growth Constant a Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 5 BANK LOAN DEBT AS A HYBRID GOVERNANCE MODE FOR R&D INVESTMENT REFERENCES Ahn S, Choi W. 2009. 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