2013-TABS.Experts Groupmeeting.25.4.13.MINUTES

TABS ITO (Expert) Group meeting 21st January 2014 (2 – 4.30pm)
Apologies: Philippa Robb (Advance Cycle Training), Eric Chasserey (Kingston Council), Joe Finlay (DfT), Vicky
Spencer (British Cycling)
Attendees: Howard Bradbury (Cycle Confident), David Showell (Cycle Confident), Linda Hall (Durham County
Council), Jackie Bratley (Durham County Council), Paul Lowe (Cycle Instructor), G. Guercio (Cycle Instructor),
James Hancox (Cycle Training East), Jacqui Wilcox (Life Cycle UK), Nick Truran (East Region ITO), Jenny
Hotchkiss (British Cycling), Julie Fox (Cycle Experience), Julie Milne (Wiltshire Council), Judith Billingham
(Wiltshire Council), Greg Woodford (CTC), Francesca Flaxton (Haddenham Cycle Training), Isobel Stoddart
(TABS), Liz Clarke (Bike Right!), Paul Robison (Cycle Training Alliance), David Dansky (Cycle Training UK)
(Chair), Michael Frearson (Outspoken Training), Paul Lever (CTWM), Ken Woodhouse (Pedal Ready), Phillip
Darnton (TABS, Chair), Colin Savage (Devon County Council)
Item 1 – Welcome / introductions (Chair)
David thanked Bike Right! for hosting the meeting and welcomed Cycle Confident and Durham County
Council, as new ITOs to their first meeting.
David reported that Steve Garidis had passed on his thanks to TABS and all those who contributed to the
development of the Bikeability materials including ITOs. And in particular Michael Frearson.
Item 2 – Previous minutes/matters arising (Chair)
Item 7 – Re-circulate latest version of the Instructor Assessment Form (short version is preferred option) and
get SDG to confirm that it is the correct document
David D
Item 7 - Primary versus secondary position: DfT has indicated that they are not currently interested in
changes to national guidance. TfL are trialling new infrastructure (Dutch style roundabouts and low level
signals) which if approved would require guidance to be updated.
Item 7 – 80/20 rule: SDG won’t be changing guidance
Item 7 - 3 versus 4 day course: Francesca to email with all with final deadline for responses to the paper she
circulated. She will then produce a report to send to DfT with ITO recommendations.
Francesca F
Item 8 – Cycle training on the National Curriculum was raised in 2 recent papers submitted by TABS
Item 9 – Greg has received 1 comment on the alternative version of the CPP document. Noted that the
original version is available for download from Bikeability website. Agreed that would continue to refer to
The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)
the initial document.
Item 11 – Wiltshire Council reported back that their MP had posted a piece about his Bikeability training on
his website. Jacqui Wilcox reported that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bristol had both received
Bikeability training. IS to add note/link/images to February newsletter/TABS website
Isobel S
Item 3 – DfT update (written report by Joe Finlay)
DfT is working with TfL and other local authorities on possible changes to permitted highway design, as well
as infrastructure guidance related to TfL’s trials for Dutch-style roundabouts and low level signals. Changes
will be reviewed, following which any actions needed to be taken with the National Standards will be
considered. An important change will be the update to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions
rules which are due to be finalised in 2015.
Monitoring the impact of Bikeability is being considered as part of DfT’s wider data needs for cycling. We still
see the idea as potentially worth pursuing. Further updates to follow.
Michael Frearson reported that, in the absence of any definite commitment or funding for TABS monitoring
proposals from either TfL or DfT, members have now been invited to recruit schools on a voluntary basis. He
is preparing online forms at present and will get on collecting some initial data with willing schools
nationwide. It is hoped that the results this initial data present will encourage further paid evaluation by
TABS. All ITOs requested to recruit schools to take part.
Michael also reported that there was a draft report currently with TfL about the impact of Bikeability – the
product of a commission requested by Andrew Gilligan and delivered by a San Francisco based market
research company.
Government support for Bikeability has been extended to 2015/16 and will come out of the LSTF settlement
– exact figures not yet confirmed. Bikeability remains an important priority and DfT expect there will be at
least the same level of financial support awarded currently, subject to the bids made by grant recipients –
confirmation later this year. Beyond 2015/16 Bikeability will be considered along with almost all other spend
as part of the 2015 Spending Review. DfT will work with TABS and others to contribute appropriate
information about Bikeability to the SR process.
Paul Robison reminded ITOs that the funding available for Bikeability has not been set – it will depend on the
bids received by DfT.
Phillip Darnton reported that there was a commitment from DfT to produce a Cycling Delivery Plan (up to
2021) by next Spring – Bikeability would be specific element within it.
Before Christmas DfT announced that it was still considering its approach to young drivers. There is no
timetable for a green paper yet but TABS are included on the consultee list.
The Transport Select Committee (TSC) enquiry on cycle safety follows up on their larger safety inquiry in
2012. The committee has until recently been accepting written evidence and will consider any updates it
wants to make to the original 2012 recommendations. The timeline will depend on the amount of evidence
DfT ministers remain committed to supporting cycling including Bikeability. The minister responsible
The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)
specifically for cycling (including training) is Robert Goodwill – Parliamentary Under Secretary of State. His
responsibilities include: H2S phase 1, aviation, strategic roads and Highways Agency, road safety and
standards, traffic, local roads – including maintenance, cycling and walking, Europe. He recently reiterated
his commitment to making cycling safer and easier in evidence to the TSC and confirmed he is a regular cycle
commuter. He appears very positive about cycling issues.
Baroness Susan Kramer (Minister of State) is responsible for LSTF, which includes many projects that support
adult cycle training.
Phillip D added that Susan Kramer (Richmond-upon-Thames constituency) is a nervous cyclist herself. She is
responsible for ‘door-to-door’ journeys. He met with Robert Goodwill and Susan Kramer last week and
discussed the current antisocial behaviour bill that will be in the Lords this week. Paragraph 148 is proposing
giving on spot fines for cyclists without lighting that conforms to BS standards however these standards are
out of date/no longer apply. Strongly advised that they are updated first.
If anyone has any questions/comments for the DfT send them to David Dansky who has regular catch up
meetings with Joe Finlay
Item 4 – ITO /TABS joint working proposal (David Dansky)
Discussion about the relative pros and cons of the 3 different models presented in meeting paper. DD
reported that Directors, at the previous Board meeting had supported Option 1.
It was discussed that the current distinction between TABS Board and the ITO group was confusing and that
one unified body would be stronger/more practical, ie a new Bikeability Association with ‘expert’ task forces
as required to look at particular issues. ITOs are now all TABS members, with the exception of one due to
current budget reasons. Need to identify what expertise already lies within TABS and what needs to be
outsourced. The core remit of TABS is to bring together schemes and ITOs to improve the overall quality of
delivery for the end user. Everyone has a role to play, drawing on collective strengths. And it provides a onestop shop for all enquiries regarding Bikeability.
A paper outlining how a Bikeability Association would be structured and run to be produced and circulated
to existing ITO group for discussion at the next meeting.
TABS Board
There was a discussion around the requirement for instructors to do CPD, ITOs to provide CPD, and schemes
to demand levels of CPD from instructors. And the regional availability of instructor training impacting on
the level of support that schemes receive. The differences between instructors contracted to a scheme and
freelance instructors were raised.
Agreed that the ITO group would produce a paper with recommendations to present to DfT, defining what
CPD required for instructors, what the obligations of ITOs and schemes should be, what the risks are and
how to implement CPD programme, with an update to the TABS Code of Conduct accordingly to list these
DD to lead,
A working group to be set up including schemes and ITOs about CPD, skills training and sharing in order to
produce a TABS endorsed programme of CPD training with an appropriate syllabus for ITOs (ideally a core
minimum CPD for instructors with some flexibility for ITOS to deliver specific additional training as
David D
The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)
ITOS to send details of all their training courses /CPD offered to Isobel to add as standing item in future
newsletters / on website (replacement of the I-contract page via CTC)
Item 5 – TABS update (Isobel Stoddart / TABS directors)
Membership update:
 Current membership figures: 101 members/supporters
 Word of mouth recruitment successful – request for ITO’s to recruit new schemes.
 All local authority grant providers have received call or email encouraging them to join TABS
 YST have been working to recruit SGO’s.
 SDG will do a membership drive newsletter at end January.
 Request that all ITOs add TABS logo/information with link to TABS site
 Annual Report now available for ITOs to help promote TABS to schemes
 Newsletter – mailing list expanded so wider range of partners receive newsletter in 2014. ITOS
invited to send through any contacts (organisations, schemes) that would be interested in receiving
/ TABS to add a subscribe link to the bottom
 Code of Conduct – now on website & will be promoted as part of ‘package’ for members once
renewed/join for 2014
 Kite mark - TABS is working on production of ‘quality mark’ for TABS members to show their
commitment to quality training/Bikeability standards / to ‘stand out’
 Product discounts – TABS in process of talking to suppliers re. potential discounts for TABS
 On-line Forum:
Survey to collect details about members specific skills to be run / strategy to promote usage to be
undertaken post membership renewal/recruitment in Feb/March.
 Updates to Forum on-going – continuous development ACTION: add private members only section
to website in future plus ‘task groups’ as part of restructure of TABS / ITO group.
 Website activity:
Suggestion that need more specific calls for particular examples of activity / outcomes rather than
just ‘best practice’ case studies. Liz Clarke to send Isobel existing template for quality assessment to
adapt and use as basis for targeted requests to members.
Membership retention / recruitment 2014:
 Need to increase number of members from 101 existing to over 140 schemes to meet our 2014 targets.
Assumes retaining all existing members to ensure sustainable finances for 2014.
 Feb / March - direct contact with warm leads (prioritised by size – large key / contacts)
 March – all membership renewals/invites
 March – membership pack circulated for all members (inc code of conduct, TABS logos, kitemark etc)
ALL / Isobel
Liz Clarke /
Conference 2014 – Thursday 15th May
ACTION: ITOs to send through suggestions for workshops to Isobel by end January.
The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)
ACTION: ITOS to send through any warm, media contacts to add to TABS contact list. TABS will be sending
journalists/all local authority press officers a media pack with contact details for expert advice on Bikeability.
Suggestion that TABS should contact all the press officers for MP’s and offer them a photo opportunity to
have a picture taken with a group of school children doing Bikeability training (no need for MP to cycle) &
also keep feeding Bike Biz stories via Carlton Reid. Isobel to follow up
Item 6 – Post Course Assessements (Liz Clarke)
It was agreed that, in general, an instructor should have a PCA preferably within 6 months but otherwise
within 12 months, rather than the 21 months, as has been suggested in some places. Clearly it will depend
on a number of different factors including how active the instructor was, how much adult/child training
done, how schemes undertake on-going communication/training etc. A 1-day course was felt to be a good
way to ‘refresh’ a trainer if over a year.
Action: Liz Clarke to produce a ‘process map’ and circulate it for comments.
Liz Clarke
Item 7 – ITO Training Course (David Dansky)
David Dansky explained that it was similar to the other courses that have been run for schemes ie.
addressing consistency in the sector. He recommended that it would be most useful for NSITs and requested
that the ITO’s let SDG know if/who would be attending.
He noted that the consistency courses that have been run so far have trained 70 individuals from
approximately the same number of schemes. Notes from these courses, plus the best-practice guidance
notes produced by SDG are available for download from the Bikeability website.
Action: Isobel to add the documents to the TABS website too
Item 8 – ITO Audit (David Dansky)
David updated the group that these were starting to take place in London, using NSIQs from the panel to
audit ITOs. There is a training meeting w/c 27th January for assurers.
Action: TABS to ask SDG to produce best-practice notes post audits, TABS to collate a response with
feedback about the audit process, circulate draft to ITO group for comments then send final version to
David D
Item 9 – Travel to School Census / Training courses for ITOS to deliver (Colin Savage)
In the January TABS newsletter there was a call for TABS members to encourage schools, by whatever
channels available, to complete the census as follows:
The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)
Devon County Council is carrying out research on the health of children, comparing Bikeability students
against non Bikeability students. The Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) which
is supported by the Office for National Statistics are going to make their 2013/14 (inter)national
questionnaire focussed on this topic http://www.censusatschool.org.uk/ Previous questionnaires have been
completed by up to 20,000 children so it provides a great opportunity to get some robust data. TABS would
encourage our members to pass this information onto your schools and local authorities and ask them to
complete and promote the survey.
ACTION: ITOs to promote to their school contacts. TABS to add news article / link on website.
Colin / Francesca expressed concern regarding the current wording in point 3 of the SDG Instructor Training
Organisation roles and responsibilities as follows: There are no limits on the number of courses that an ITO
may run, or the number of instructors that it must train. However, it is considered unlikely that an ITO
delivering fewer than three courses a year will be able to maintain the standard required.
It was felt that suggesting a minimum of 3 courses / year did not take into account potential to hold less than
three well-attended, well run courses / year due to demand/requirements for instructors.
Post meeting comment (James Hancox): is offering a shorter course up-front for a limited number of trainees
could actually prove easier to fill, as trainees know it will only take up three days of their time? I certainly
think that the option to offer a shorter course would be of benefit to many ITOs like ourselves. We support
the idea and would like to see it developed further.
Proposed alternative text (provided by Colin Savage post meeting): There are no limits on the number of
courses that an ITO may run, or the number of instructors that it must train. An ITO should ensure they are
delivering sufficient training so they are able to maintain the standard required.
ACTION: TABS to suggest to SDG that they consider updating the document with revised text and in
meantime give assurance that the guidance will only be a recommendation, never a requirement.
David D
Item 10 – AOB (Chair)
Contact details for the head of Bikeability at SDG were requested.
David D
A query re. where NSIT sits within qualification – Action: TABS to follow up with Steve Garidis and circulate
his response
David D
Item 1 – Dates of next meetings (Chair)
The next meeting date scheduled for Thursday 1st May, 2014 – at Islington offices, Upper Street, London
(11am – 2pm) clashes with Cycle City Expo. Alternative dates, taking into account Easter will be circulated as
a Doodle poll by Isobel shortly – probably either 14th or 15th April
Other meeting in September still stands provisionally at:
Tuesday 16th Sept, 2014 – at British Cycling offices, Manchester (2 – 4.30pm) (lunch from 1pm)
The Association of Bikeability Schemes CIC Co. no: 07903754 (Cycle Hub, Ouseburn, East Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1BU)