Grain Products

Benefits of Grains
 Grains are universal and versatile
 They are nutritious, flavorful, and can be
included in any meal
Which part of the grain kernel will
grow into a new plant?
 The germ
Nutrients in Whole Grains
 The endosperm contains complex
carbohydrates and proteins
 The bran is rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins,
and minerals
 The germ provides protein, unsaturated fats,
B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, and zinc, as well
as other minerals and phytochemicals
Forms of Grains
 Whole grains or berries
 Pearled grains
 Grits, cracked grains, or steel-cut grains
 Flakes or rolled grains
 Meal
 Bran
 Germ
 Flour
Processed Foods are Less Nutritious
than Whole-Grain Products
 Processing removes the bran and germ and
the vitamins and minerals in them
 Although some nutrients are restored through
enriching and fortifying, many are lost
Types of Rice
 Long grain – fluffy when cooked, stays
 Medium-grain- shorter, becoming plump,
tender, moist, and slightly sticky when cooked
 Short-grain – round and has the highest
starch content. Very moist and sticky when
cooked and is popular in Asian and Italian
 (Basmati – long-grain with a fragrant, nutlike
aroma & taste)
Varieties of Rice based upon
Processing Methods
 Enriched or white rice
 Brown rice
 Converted rice (beige color- more nutrients
than white rice, but shorter cooking time than
brown rice)
 Instant rice
 Wild rice
Grains Used in Breakfast Cereals
 Wheat
 Oats
 Corn
 Used in ready to eat cereals and those that
need cooking
Whole grain Bread
 If the label says whole wheat, the product is
made from the whole grain
 Unless the label lists whole wheat as the first
ingredient, the product is made mostly from
white flour
Grain Products that should be
 Fresh pasta
 Whole grains
 Whole grain products
 Because whole grain products contain oil,
they can spoil at room temperature if not
used quickly
Bread storage in Refrigerator in
Humid Weather
 In humid weather, bread can become moldy
Cooking Grains in the Microwave is
Not Recommended
 Grains need time to absorb liquid and soften
 Microwaving does not save time
Steps to cook pasta
 1. boil water in a big pot and add the pasta
slowly so the water continues to boil
2. stir the pasta occasionally as it cooks to
prevent sticking
3. cook it until it is al dente, or firm to the bite
4. drain it in a colander
Ways to Serve Pasta
 Long, flat pasta is served with tomato or
cream sauce
 Large, hollow shapes are stuffed and baked
in a sauce
Steps to Cook Rice
 1. bring water or broth to a boil
 2. add rice, cover, and bring to a boil again
 3. reduce heat and simmer, stirring as little as
possible, until the rice is moist and tender but
firm, with no liquid left in the pot
Over-stirring Grains while cooking
 Rice and other grains become sticky, gummy,
or pasty when over-stirred
 Bulgar is cooked by pouring boiling water on
it and letting it stand for 30 minutes