Can you see grains in the mineral? Yes No Do the grains look melted together or interlocked? Yes Are the grains in lines, layers, or rows? Yes Gneiss or Schist Is it soft or smooth with faint layers? Yes No Do the grains feel silty, sand, or pebbly? Yes No Granite No Siltstone, Sandstone or Conglomerate Shale Is it dark colored? Yes No No If it fizzes with acid, it’s Limestone or Marble If glassy, it’s Quartzite Is it hard? Yes No Does it break in thin sheets? STUDENT’S NAME PROBABLE ROCK TYPE _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ _______________ __________________________ Yes Coal No Slate Is it glassy? Yes Obsidian No Basalt or Pumice