Criminal Justice Syllabus

Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:
Welcome to Criminal Justice! I am looking forward to working with Criminal Justice students this year.
Since I know you are interested in the course procedures and expectations, I hope you will read the
following information regarding my classroom expectations, attendance/tardy polices, and material
requirements. To avoid any misunderstanding in the future, I have also included a few words about
Plagiarism and my Honor Code. A full copy of my syllabus that has additional information will be
available online in my virtual classroom. Parents can access my classroom by first going to and in the “quick links” drop-down window on the right side of the screen, select
“virtual classroom.” Then, select “high school” on the right side, then “Campo Verde High School,” and
then find Social Studies. Then find CVHS: Mr. Freeman’s World Studies Virtual Classroom.” The
enrollment code is coyotes.
I encourage you to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions regarding your student’s work
in my class. The school phone number is (480) 545-3100 ext 2509. My email addresses is: I am available after school by appointment. Please let me know when
I can help.
Ryan Freeman
Respect your fellow students. Do not talk when someone else has permission to address the class.
No question asked sincerely is ever a dumb question.
Have notebook, paper, and pen ready to write while seated at assigned seat when the bell rings.
Check the board for the day’s activities.
Upcoming quiz/test dates and assignment due dates are also posted on the board, on your
assignment overview and on my virtual classroom. Check every day for assignments.
Bring supplies to class EVERY day.
Written homework assignments are due at the beginning of the assigned class.
The grade you earn is the grade you will receive. Do not ask me to give you points or “extra
credit” at the end of the grading period.
Please attend to personal needs before you come to class. This includes restroom visits, locker
visits, grooming, and food/water needs.
No food, beverages (except bottled water), cellular phones, sunglasses or other distracting items
in class.
Dress code is in effect at all times, this includes hats. Hats are not allowed in the class at any
time, please take your hat off before entering the classroom. All campus expectations are
followed by the classroom teacher.
World Studies class time is not available for homework completion or studying of other subjects.
I will not tolerate off-color, lewd, or insensitive remarks—orally or in writing. Profanity in any
work submitted will result in a zero on that assignment.
The district policy against harassment and bullying is a major component of the classroom
environment. All students have the right to feel safe and secure in the classroom.
Technology is allowed and encouraged in the classroom, my expectation is that you follow the
policies in the student handbook. Texting and social media are not allowed at any time.
Honor my right to teach and your fellow student’s right to learn. RESPECT one another and any
teacher who may be in the classroom.
The attendance policy established by Campo Verde High School is strictly followed. Please check your
student handbook. If a student is at school, he/she is expected to be in my class. Class begins with the
ringing of the bell. You will be marked tardy if you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. A
third tardy results in a 15 minute detention served during lunch. Unexcused and excessive absences
and/or tardiness will result in a referral to the appropriate administrator and a phone call home.
Bathroom visits are allowed only on an emergency basis. Students will be allowed one emergency
bathroom pass per quarter for a total of two bathroom passes per semester. Parents please notify me via
e-mail or on the last page of this syllabus any extenuating circumstances regarding this particular policy
I utilize the Gilbert Unified School District grading scale. Assignments are each worth a specified
number of points. Your average, at any point in time, is based on the total number of points your have
earned divided by the total number of points available.
Not every homework assignment is graded. Some assignments receive “completion” points, while others
are graded according to a specific rubric. It is expected that students will do the homework whenever it is
assigned and realize the importance of doing homework as an aid to independent study as well as
outstanding performance on quizzes and tests.
Quarter and semester grades are determined by dividing the number of points earned by the student by the
total points possible. The semester grade is an accumulation of all points possible for the entire semester
divided into the points earned by the students. Tests are worth 35% of the overall grade, Classwork and
Homework is worth 45%. The final exam will be worth 20% of the final grade. The grading scale is
below and snap grades is automatically set up to round grades .5 or higher to the next percentage.
A+ 98-100%
A 93- 96%
A- 90- 92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
F Less than 60
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 63-66%
D- 60-62%
Make up work is YOUR responsibility. Please check with instructor after class or during tutoring time
for work missed due to an excused absence. Also utilize the virtual classroom for a list of homework and
daily class activities as well as the side counter of my classroom. (1) Homework/class work: Make up
work accrued because of excused absences have due date(s) equal to days absent. For example, if a
student is absent one day, make up work is due in one day; absent two days, due in two days; etc. Late
assignments will be accepted one day after original due date and automatically receives half credit if
completely done. Students can still turn in homework up to a week after the due date for 10% of the
value of the assignment. (2) Tests/quizzes: Students are expected to be in school on days of announced
tests. If a student is absent on any such date AND the absence is excused, the student may make up the
test. Tests and quizzes may be made up by appointment during tutoring time—never during class.
Unless otherwise arranged with instructor, the following guide is to be used for making up tests: Absent
one day==one day for make up opportunity; absent two days==two days. Upon returning from an
excused absence, students have a maximum of two days to make up test for credit. No credit will be
earned for any test or made up more than two days after returning from an absence(s). REMEMBER:
All make up work must be made up on the student’s personal time—not—class time!
Tutoring Time
I will be available for tutoring every Monday from 11:30 to 12:00 and Wednesday from 11:25 to 11:45
for tutoring in my classroom and after school by appointment.
Please bring or have access to the following materials:
Black or blue pen
Pencils (sharpened)
One folder
Clean loose-leaf paper
Markers and Colored Pencils
Plagiarism, the use of another’s ideas or words without properly crediting your source is unethical,
academically dishonest, and illegal. Be certain that you know what constitutes plagiarism. It will not be
tolerated in this class and will result in an automatic zero (0) on the applicable assignment. Further
consequences may include detentions and/or referrals.
In addition to a “zero tolerance” policy on plagiarism, I would like to make it clear that the following
policies will prevail in my class:
Students are expected to do their own work. Any evidence of copied work or cheating
in any way will result in a grade of zero (0) on the assignment, quiz, or test for all parties
involved. This includes any phones or IPODs seen on desk or out where students have
It is impossible for the teacher to know the subject of a conversation that occurs during a
quiz or test; therefore, any talking during a quiz or test, whether related to the subject
matter or not, will result a grade of zero (0) for all parties involved.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
As members of the Coyote family, we pride ourselves on our dedication to Community, Values, Honor and
Scholarship. Students are expected to meet specific positive behavioral standards both in and out of the
classroom. These behaviors, such as being respectful and practicing academic honesty, are what make
Campo Verde such an amazing place to learn. During this school year, students will participate in a schoolwide initiative focused on the promotion and reinforcement of the expected standards of behavior.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Name (Print Legibly)
(The instructor reserves the right to amend these policies during the course of the semester.)
I find that e-mail is a very effective means of communication with parents. If you have e-mail
and would like to be contacted that way, please list that address here. Please write clearly.
Do you have any comments or anything you would like me to know?
I have read and understood the policies and procedures outlined in the
course information sheet above and agree to comply with the expectations