6th Grade Math - Wilson School District

Mr. Underwood – White team
◦ Wife – Kim (Southern’s PE teacher)
◦ Children – Jacob (7th grade at Southern); Bryn and
Reagan (5th grade at Cornwall Terrace)
◦ Undergraduate – Kent State University
◦ Graduate – Alvernia University
◦ Amanda Stoudt Elementary (Reading SD)
◦ Lincoln Park Elementary
◦ Southern Middle School
◦ Enjoy outdoor activities – exercising, camping, biking
◦ Coaching – Wilson HS baseball team; Southern MS
Envision – access entire curriculum online
◦ Textbook, workbook, and binder
 Binder – organized by tabs
 Vocabulary, Classwork, Spiral Reviews, Tests, Writing
◦ Spiral Reviews – in packet form for entire Topic – due
the day before the test
◦ Most topics of general math are covered
 Displaying data, fractions, decimals, geometry, simple
algebra, probability, rates and ratios
◦ Tests – 50%; Long-term assignments (Spiral Reviews
and Study Island) – 35%; Homework – 15%
Usually given each night
Homework is reviewed the next day in class
All homework has a point value
◦ Nightly – 1 point
◦ Graded – based upon the number of questions
 If incomplete – then 0 points are received
 May not turn in late homework for credit
Used toward the opportunity to retake a topic
Go to Wilson
Southern’s web
site to access
Hotline found on
right side menu
bar. Once on
the Hotline, click
on 6th grade and
then scroll down
to your child’s
math class to
see that night’s
Your child will be allowed a one-time retake test
within a two week cycle if his or her score is less
than a 93% on a unit test.
◦ Your child must complete all homework assignments
prior to Topic test retake.
A retake is required of any student scoring below
a 63%.
◦ Additional remediation time is required outside of class.
It is the responsibility of the student to contact
me to arrange a retake’s date and time.
Retakes are not offered during regular math
The higher score will count toward the quarter
grade, with a 93% maximum.
◦ Definition - The correction of something not right
◦ 3 activity periods in a 6 day cycle
 Based upon 5th grade PSSA scores and Study Island
benchmark test, students are placed into one of those
classes for PSSA prep
 Extra review of new concepts, math facts, PSSA prep
Additional Help
◦ Students can ask me for additional help outside of
class time when my schedule allows it.
◦ Academic tutoring is available in library after school
until 4:00.
allows you to
keep an up
to date
account on
how your
child(ren) are
in school.
You will be
given a
Study Island is an internetbased remediation and
enrichment program for all
ages. Each child has a SI
account with which to
utilize. We use SI to assist
with the Everyday Math
curriculum, assess learning
through benchmark testing,
and practice 6th grade math
topic assignments. If
students fail to complete
assignment by due date, an
afterschool “Academic
Success” time will be
The Khan Academy is another internet-based program for learning.
This is a 21st Century self-learning environment where students pick
and learn topics at their own pace. I use videos from this site during
my instruction. You must have a Google account in order to access the
site, fortunately, each of your children have one through Wilson.
Google account (ex.): 2012jonjamd@share.wilsonsd.org