Name: Period: The Epic Poem: Beowulf Themes to consider: Family and tribe, Good vs. evil, identity, strength and skill, wealth, religion, violence, courage, mortality, the supernatural and tradition and customs What is a scop? The Wrath of Grendel pps. 41-43 1. What does the bard sing about inside the hall that angers Grendel? 2. According to the epic, from what famous person (think Bible) does Grendel trace his monstrous lineage? 3. How many warriors does Grendel eat on the first night that he attacks Herot? 4. What actions did the survivors of Grendel’s attacks take which kept them alive? 5. How long does Grendel haunt Herot until Beowulf comes to help the Danes? 6. What is the one thing in the mead-hall Grendel is unable to touch or ruin? 7. Grendel was never able to know whose love? The Coming of Beowulf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. What king does Beowulf serve? Describe the men Beowulf chose to go with him. How many men did Beowulf take? Describe the scene witnessed by Beowulf and his men as they reach the Danish shore. What does the watchman do when he first spots Beowulf approaching Hrothgar’s kingdom with armed companions? For what reason has the watchman been standing guard? What information does the watchman want from Beowulf? Who was Beowulf’s father? What do we know about his father? Beowulf explains that he has sailed to Denmark for what reason? Give three examples of light/bright imagery from lines 198 – 227. Write the images as they appear in the text, and cite the line number. Describe Beowulf’s legendary heroism. What one favor does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar? What weapons does Beowulf plan to use in his fight against Grendel? Describe Beowulf’s attitude towards death. The Battle with Grendel 1. 2. 3. 4. pps. 48 – 51 In your opinion, why does Beowulf wait, allowing Grendel to kill one of the Geats, before he attacks? Describe the battle between Grendel and Beowulf. Why can’t the warriors come to Beowulf’s aid? How does Beowulf wound Grendel? The Monster’s Lair 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. pps. 43 – 48 pps. 51 What act of revenge does Grendel’s mother take to avenge her son’s death? Who is Grendel’s father? How deep is the lake that the monsters call home? Give three pieces of evidence that the monster’s lake is “supernatural” or evil. If Beowulf defeats Grendel’s mother, what can he expect as a reward? The Battle with Grendel’s Mother pps. 52 – 55 1. Who is Edgetho’s brave son? 2. Who is Unferth? 3. How long has Grendel’s mother ruled the waters of the lake? 4. Who comes to see the “greedy sea wolf” take Beowulf to her home? 5. Beowulf tries to chop off her head. Why does he fail at first? 6. What is a woven mail shirt? 7. From where does Beowulf get the sword with which he kills Grendel’s mother? 8. “Heaven’s own candle” is a what? What is being compared? 9. What does Beowulf finally do to Grendel? 10. How many men does it take to carry Grendel’s skull? 11. How many men come back to Herot with Beowulf in victory? The Last Battle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. pps. 56 – 59 What happens to Beowulf when he returns home to Geatland after defeating the monsters? How long does Beowulf rule? His “last battle” will be against a __________________________. What is meant by Beowulf’s description of the dragon’s “hot, poison” (line 634)? How will Beowulf arm himself for this battle? What does Beowulf describe as the dragon’s treasure? Using lines 650 – 652, list three adjectives that describe Beowulf’s attitude as he enters battle. What happens to Beowulf’s shield? What happens to Beowulf’s sword? Who is the only soldier who came to Beowulf’s defense? Summarize Wiglaf’s speech in lines 745-772. (Three sentence minimum) The Spoils and The Farewell pps. 60-62 It’s your turn! Create your own questions for both reading sections! Multiple Choice Questions: Ask question Include three possible answers labeled A, B, and C Circle the correct answer True/False Questions Make a statement. Write the correct answer. The Spoils – pps. 60-61 2 multiple choice and 1 true/false The Farewell 1 multiple choice and 1 true/false