Course: Grade 6 Social Studies 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Concept (Big Idea): Conflict and Change Enduring Understanding: Geographers use specific terms to describe absolute and relative location. Factors of location and space influence where and how people live. Societal, economic and environmental forces cause conflict and change. The geographic focus in the 6th six weeks is on Africa. Unit 1: Geographic Focus on Africa Vocabulary: Sub-Sahara Desert, Sahel, Nile River, Congo River, Lake Chad, desertification, drought Concept Pacing: 29 days Essential Questions: 1. How is Africa organized geographically? 2. How does conflict change the organization of the world? 3. How do forms of conflict appear in your life, your community and the world? 4. How can the outcome of conflict be positive or negative? 5. How do economic and environmental forces cause conflict? 6. How do changes in society lead to conflict? 7. How does conflict cause turmoil in people’s lives? 8. How does conflict affect my place in the world? Unit Pacing: 4 days Mandated by Texas Administrative Code (19 TAC §74.4), the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), present standards that outline the instruction school districts must provide to ELLs in order for them to have the full opportunity to learn English and to succeed academically. The rule also clarifies that the ELPS are to be implemented as an integral part of the instruction in each foundation and enrichment subject of the TEKS. Please review the standards at: Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 15, 16, and 17; atlas and maps Arc 1: Mapping Africa Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 15, 16, and 17; atlas and maps Matrix # 201 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.4 Geography. The student understands the concept of location. 227 231 234 © 2010 Austin Independent School District Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.4A locate major historical and contemporary societies on maps and globes 6.4B identify and explain the geographic al factors responsible for patterns of population in places and regions 6.4C explain ways in which human migration influences the character of places and regions 6.4D identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for the location of economic activities in places and regions Arc Pacing: 4 days Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. Key terms: Sub-Sahara Desert, Sahel, Nile River, Congo River, Lake Chad, desertification, drought How to locate political and physical features in Africa How the shrinking of Lake Chad has affected the area socially and economically Why people choose to settle in particular areas The economic factors responsible for the economic activities in regions Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 1 of 11 Identify major landforms and political entities in Africa. Explain why people choose to settle in particular places. Identify the ways that human migration causes physical, economic, social and political change. Describe the cause and effects of the shrinking of Lake Chad. Explain how the physical environment influences the economy of a region. updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # 807 801 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.21 Social studies skills. The student understands how to organize and interpret information. 6.22 Social studies skills. The student understands how to use social studies terminology. 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.21C organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps 6.22A use social studies terminology correctly Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Other Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, student work samples, observations, etc.) Performance Tasks Students will complete political and physical maps of Asia. Student Interactive Notebooks or learning logs. Students will create a poster showing the cause and effects of the shrinking of Lake Chad. Vocabulary activities, skilled based quizzes and/or short-cycle assessments Student work samples Written work demonstrates knowledge of vocabulary Lesson/Activity/Module Outline Map Activity Shrinking of Lake Chad Teacher Resource Lesson plan and handouts in PDF portfolio Lesson plan and handouts in PDF portfolio Learning Plan Student Resource Instructional handout in PDF portfolio Technology (Media, website, etc.) Handouts and reading in PDF portfolio Climate Change (pages 12-18 of the hyperlinked PDF) Unit 2: Conflict Unit Pacing: 25 days Unit Vocabulary: conflict, protest, verses, conquest, conquistadors, colony, colonization, imperialism, epidemic, viruses, indigenous, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, printing press, Protestant Reformation, Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, Eli Whitney, nonviolent, conflict resolution, passive resistance © 2010 Austin Independent School District Other Mandated by Texas Administrative Code (19 TAC §74.4), the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), present standards that outline the instruction school districts must provide to ELLs in order for them to have the full opportunity to learn English and to succeed academically. The rule also clarifies that the ELPS are to be implemented as an integral part of the instruction in each foundation and enrichment subject of the TEKS. Please review the standards at: Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 2 of 11 updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 1, 5, 9, 10,11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23 ; atlas and maps; Guns, Germs and Steel – Episode 2 and 3 (video found in campus library); Washington, D.C. Holocaust museum; video- Paper Clips Documentary(can be found in some campus libraries or at the video store); Atom Bomb Museum; BrainPop Arc 1: Ways to Describe Conflict Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 1, 15; atlas and maps Matrix # 126 608 609 629 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.2 History. The student understands the contributions of individuals and groups from various cultures to selected historical and contemporary societies. 6.15 Culture. The student understands the similarities and differences within and among cultures in different societies. 6.17 Culture. The student understands relationships that exist among world cultures. 613 610 823 6.21 Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources including electronic technology. © 2010 Austin Independent School District Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.2A explain the significance of individuals or groups from selected societies, past and present Arc Pacing: 2 days Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. 6.15D identify and explain examples of conflict and cooperation between and among cultures within selected societies such as Belgium, Canada, and Rwanda 6.17A explain aspects that link or separate cultures and societies 6.17B explain the impact of political boundaries that cut across culture regions 6.17C analyze how culture traits spread 6.17F evaluate the consequences of improved communication among cultures 6.21B analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions Key terms: conflict, protest, verses Why conflict and cooperation occur in various societies How to describe conflict in their lives, school, country, and world How to classify conflict into three broad categories What factors unify or divide cultures and societies How cultural traits spread How political boundaries that cut across culture regions impact a society How advancements in communication have changed cultures Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 3 of 11 Create a graphic organizer describing the levels of conflict in the world. Describe the categories and be prepared to classify conflict as it is discussed throughout the six weeks. Explain factors that unify or divide cultures and societies. Explain the effects of political boundaries that separate culture regions. Identify and explain examples of conflict and cooperation around the world. Identify groups of people who have come in conflict with each other and/or who have worked to resolve conflict. Explain how improvements in communication have changed cultures. updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # 811 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.22 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Students Will Know… Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.22D create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies Students will be able to…. Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Other Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, student work samples, observations, etc.) Performance Tasks Students will create a graphic organizer such as a webbing or concentric circles illustration of the levels of conflict in the world. Students will set a three column chart for ongoing use. Lesson/Activity/Module What is Conflict? Teacher Resource Student Interactive Notebooks or learning logs. Vocabulary activities, skilled based quizzes and/or short-cycle assessments Student work samples Written work demonstrates knowledge of vocabulary Learning Plan Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) Other Arc 2: Conquest Arc Pacing: 7 days Resources: Guns, Germs and Steel – Episode 2 and 3 (video can be found in campus library); Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 20, 21, 22, 23; atlas and maps Matrix # 111 205 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. 6.1 History. The student understands that historical events influence contemporary events. 6.1A describe characteristics of selected contemporary societies such as Bosnia and Northern Ireland that resulted from historical events or factors such as invasion, conquests, colonization, immigration, and trade 6.3A create thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases depicting various aspects of world regions and countries such as population, disease, and economic activities 6.3 Geography. The student uses maps, globes, graphs, charts, models, and databases to answer geographic questions. © 2010 Austin Independent School District Key terms: conquest, conquistadors, colony, colonization, imperialism, epidemic, viruses, indigenous How to recognize conquest in the movie Guns Germs and Steel - episode 2. The Columbian exchange is the interchange of goods and people in the old world and new world as seen in Guns Germs and Steel - episode 3. Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 4 of 11 Chart the advantages of the Spanish conquistadors and disadvantages of the Native Americans during the European conquest of Latin America. Diagram the Columbian exchange on a map. Trace the effects of the European scramble for Africa to the current country borders in existence today. updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # 311 321 603 811 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. 6.8 Economics. The student understands the various ways in which people organize economic systems. 6.9 Economics. The student understands the role factors of production play in a society’s economy. 6.15 Culture. The student understands the similarities and differences within and among cultures in different societies. 6.22 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. 6.8C explain the impact of scarcity on international trade and economic interdependence among societies 6.9B identify problems and issues that may arise when one or more of the factors of production is in relatively short supply 6.15C analyze the similarities and differences among selected world societies How Africa was conquered during the age of European imperialism. How scarcity impacts international trade and economic interdependence The ways selected world societies are similar and different Compare and contrast selected world societies. 6.22D create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Other Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, student work samples, observations, etc.) Performance Tasks Students will create a chart listing the advantages of the Spanish conquistadors and disadvantages of the Native America’s during the European conquest of Latin America. Student Interactive Notebooks or learning logs. Vocabulary activities, skilled based quizzes and/or short-cycle assessments Students will create a map foldable including a map and diagram showing the exchange from the Old World to the New World. Student work samples Students will analyze a map of colonial Africa and a map showing current borders with countries independence dates to determine the relationship between the two maps. Written work demonstrates knowledge of vocabulary Lesson/Activity/Module Columbian Exchange Imperialism in Africa Teacher Resource Learning Plan Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) Arc 3: Rise to Revolution Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 9 and 10; atlas and maps © 2010 Austin Independent School District Course Grade 6 Social Studies Other Arc Pacing: 2 days Page 5 of 11 updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # 126 127 412 413 410 415 406 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. 6.2 History. The student understands the contributions of individuals and groups from various cultures to selected historical and contemporary societies. 6.2A explain the significance of individuals or groups from selected societies, past and present 6.2B describe the influence of individual and group achievement on selected historical or contemporary societies 6.11A describe characteristics of limited and unlimited governments 6.11B identify examples of limited and unlimited governments 6.11C identify reasons for limiting the power of government 6.11D compare limited and unlimited governments 6.12A identify alternative ways of organizing governments such as rule by one, few, or many 6.12B identify examples of governments with rule by one, few, or many 6.12D compare how governments function in selected world societies such as China, Germany, India, and Russia 6.20A give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of society and have shaped the world 6.20B explain how resources, belief systems, economic factors, and political decisions have affected the use of technology from place to place, culture to culture, and society to society 6.11 Government. The student understands the concepts of limited governments, such as constitutional and democratic governments, and unlimited government, such as totalitarian and nondemocratic governments. 6.12 Government. The student understands alternative ways of organizing governments. 414 416 705 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) 6.20 Science, technology, and society. The student understands the relationships among science and technology and political, economic, and social issues and events. 711 © 2010 Austin Independent School District Key terms: Renaissance, Industrial, Revolution, printing press, Protestant Reformation, Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, Eli Whitney How the present relates to the past through the European progression from the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution The characteristics of limited and unlimited governments Why governmental power is limited The similarities and differences between limited and unlimited governments The various ways in which governments are structured How governments function in selected countries around the world The point of view of participants in historical events from the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 6 of 11 Profile three significant individuals whose contributions represent the main ideas of the Renaissance (da Vinci), Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther) and the Industrial Revolution (Eli Whitney). Compare and contrast limited and unlimited governments. Provide examples of different types of governments. Compare and contrast how governments function in countries around the world. Explain why the power of the government is limited. List the characteristics of limited and unlimited governments. Identify various points of view on historical events from the Renaissance to the Age of Revolution. updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # 823 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.21 Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources including electronic technology. 818 819 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.21B analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions 6.21D identify different points of view about an issue or topic 6.21E identify the elements of frame of reference that influenced participants in an event Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Other Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, student work samples, observations, etc.) Performance Tasks Students will gather facts and information to create a flip book detailing the main ideas of movements and the individual’s contributions. Lesson/Activity/Module Renaissance to Revolution Teacher Resource © 2010 Austin Independent School District Student Interactive Notebooks or learning logs. Vocabulary activities, skilled based quizzes and/or short-cycle assessments Student work samples Written work demonstrates knowledge of vocabulary Learning Plan Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 7 of 11 Other updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Arc 4: War Arc Pacing: 8 days Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 10, 11, 12, 14; Washington, D.C. Holocaust museum; video- Paper Clips Documentary (check in campus library or at the video store); Atom Bomb Museum Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. 112 6.1 History. The student understands that historical events influence contemporary events. 235 6.5 Geography. The student understands how geographic factors influence the economic development, political relationships, and policies of societies. 6.1 B analyze the historical background of selected contemporary societies to evaluate relationships between past conflicts and current conditions 6.5A explain factors such as location, physical features, transportation corridors and barriers, and distribution of natural resources that influence the economic development and foreign policies of societies 6.5B identify geographic factors that influence a society's ability to control territory and that shape the domestic and foreign policies of the society 6.12D compare how governments function in selected world societies such as China, Germany, India, and Russia 6.20A give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of society and have shaped the world 6.20B explain how resources, belief systems, economic factors, and political decisions have affected the use of technology from place to place, culture to culture, and society to society Matrix # 233 416 6.12 Government. The student understands alternative ways of organizing governments. 705 6.20 Science, technology, and society. The student understands the relationships among science and technology and political, economic, and social issues and events. 711 © 2010 Austin Independent School District Key terms: propaganda, Holocaust, regime, Mein Kampf, swastika, Axis and Allies, nuclear weapon, Hiroshima, Nagasaki The who, what, where, when and why of World War I and World War II and their outcomes Propaganda techniques by groups to gain support for their movements. The history of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany The causes and effects of the Holocaust Examine the relationship between Pearl Harbor and the atomic bombing of Japan Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 8 of 11 Read and analyze written text to determine the causes, events and outcomes of the World Wars. Identify examples of propaganda techniques used during World War I and World War II. Answer the question, how Hitler rose to absolute power in World War II. Engage in discussion of the Holocaust. Express their opinions on the use of nuclear weapons to end World War II. updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 703 815 6.21 Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources including electronic technology. 807 819 825 6.23 Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Students Will Know… Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 2010 – 2011 Students will be able to…. 6.20C make predictions about future social, economic, and environmental consequences that may result from future scientific discoveries and technological innovations 6.21A differentiate between, locate, and use primary and secondary sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual material; and artifacts to acquire information about selected world cultures 6.21C organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps 6.21E identify the elements of frame of reference that influenced participants in an event 6.23A use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks Students will read written text to fill in a who, what, where, when and why graphic organizer. Students will use notes to summarize Hitler’s rise to power and discuss the probability of a similar situation in the future. Students will express their opinion of the use of nuclear weapons in a format such as a speech, political cartoon, debate, or letter. © 2010 Austin Independent School District Other Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, student work samples, observations, etc.) Student Interactive Notebooks or learning logs. Vocabulary activities, skilled based quizzes and/or short-cycle assessments Student work samples Written work demonstrates knowledge of vocabulary Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 9 of 11 updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Lesson/Activity/Module World War I and II 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Teacher Resource Learning Plan Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) Other Arc 5: Peace and Conflict Resolution Arc Pacing: 2 days Resources: Brainpop- (on Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez); Glencoe, Our World Today, Chapters 5, 17; atlas and maps Matrix # 112 126 115 508 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.1 History. The student understands that historical events influence contemporary events. 6.2 History. The student understands the contributions of individuals and groups from various cultures to selected historical and contemporary societies. 6.13 Citizenship. The student understands that the nature of citizenship varies among societies. 523 524 801 6.22 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. © 2010 Austin Independent School District Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.1B analyze the historical background of selected contemporary societies to evaluate relationships between past conflicts and current conditions 6.2A explain the significance of individuals or groups from selected societies, past and present 6.2B describe the influence of individual and group achievement on selected historical or contemporary societies 6.13A describe roles and responsibilities of citizens in selected world societies including the United States 6.13B explain how opportunities for citizens to participate in and influence the political process vary among selected contemporary societies 6.13C compare the role of citizens in the United States with the role of citizens from selected democratic and nondemocratic contemporary societies 6.22A use social studies terminology correctly Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. Key terms: nonviolent conflict resolution, passive resistance Significant individuals: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez The notable accomplishments of Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez in fostering world peace The ways citizens can participate in and influence the political process in contemporary society . Course Grade 6 Social Studies Page 10 of 11 Understand significant excerpts from Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez, and rewrite the excerpt in student-friendly language. Explain how Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez influenced past and present historical events. Identify opportunities for civic participation in contemporary world societies. updated 11/19/10 Course: Grade 6 Social Studies Matrix # 827 Established Goals TEKS Knowledge & Skill 6.23 The student uses poblemsolving and decision-making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. 2010 – 2011 Austin ISD Curriculum Road Map 6th 6 Weeks –April 18, 2011 – June 1, 2011 (32 days) Established Goals TEKS Student Expectation 6.23B use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a decision Students Will Know… Students will be able to…. Student Work Products/Assessment Evidence Other Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, student work samples, observations, etc.) Performance Tasks Students will read quotes from Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez. Student will select one quote from each to rewrite in student language. Lesson/Activity/Module Creating a Peace Chain Teacher Resource © 2010 Austin Independent School District Student Interactive Notebooks or learning logs. Vocabulary activities, skilled based quizzes and/or short-cycle assessments Student work samples Written work demonstrates knowledge of vocabulary Learning Plan Student Resource Course Grade 6 Social Studies Technology (Media, website, etc.) Page 11 of 11 Other updated 11/19/10